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Shiv Sena disrupt performance by Pakistani singer i

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Protesting against Pakistan has been equated by dear jimmy as protesting against Islam .

And if protesting is saffron terror then what is green terror . Going KABOOM ??

Hey Charlie, do you know your head from tail......first you invite guests and then let the dogs loose on them.
BTW, when the Indians experience Green hospitality......their minds do go KABOOM with envoy.
Same guys who issue threats even to indian Muslim celebrities so if you are all about this secularism you keep harping on about (perhaps its a sham) you should be concerned for the communal harmony.

Their communalist mentality will tear up your society and fragment them further down the road. It's fine if you don't care.

No need for our singers to waste time in bharat when they have plenty of fan base inside Pakistan and in other more important and relevant countries

There 30 odd people do not represent the Indian masses who love music. I dont know a word of Urudu, but I like the sufi music. The Pakistani singers come to India for people like me and not for the Shiva sena fools.
Besides Abu, you are a moderator here, are you not?
If you agree with windjammer on calling the Hindus are terror then I am afrid that you have not understood the masses of my country nor their sentiments
Hey Charlie, do you know your head from tail......first you invite guests and then let the dogs loose on them.
BTW, when the Indians experience Green hospitality......their minds do go KABOOM with envoy.

We will say sorry to the singer, and we know that he will accept the apologies because he knows the ground reality of the two countries hostility for ages and he was willing to perform for the fans in INDIA and was not bothered about the fools who disrupted his performance.

Sale tu keya boralok hai Malaun ki bacche. Tumhari malaun to Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Australia, sri Lanka me prostitute giri karta hai.. Malaun ki olad.

English please
Hey jimmy , once faced with a logical reply you try to squeeze and slither your way going to off topic tangents . Let me help you form an perspective like every time .

You said
Saffron Terror again calls the shots in the so called Secular State.

I replied

Protesting against Pakistan has been equated by dear jimmy as protesting against Islam .

And if protesting is saffron terror then what is green terror . Going KABOOM ??

Maybe green terror can learn a thing or two from Saffron terror . It will go a long way in their nation building .

Instead of explaining your little logic behind equating protest against pakistan to saffrom terror you came up with this codswallop of reply

Hey Charlie, do you know your head from tail......first you invite guests and then let the dogs loose on them.
BTW, when the Indians experience Green hospitality......their minds do go KABOOM with envoy.

No jimmy , you are not getting off the hook so easily .
I can only say that if someone has SO MUCH PROBLEM with a country called INDIA, than please don't visit it.

India is an Independent & Democratic country where PROTESTING is not a CRIME.
Quite surprising to know that shivsena is having its wings in delhi.
I agree that the acts of the Siva sena was stupid and most Indians do not stand by them except devolution of power from center,
but equating a protest or freedom of expression by protest is terror then you have a wrong understand of terror. You guys are daily experiancing terror and your mental state has changed to the extent that blowing up is not terror but tearing a page of Quran or protesting has become terror.
Grow up windjammer.

When India face any terror attack or any beheading, people like you say that why on earth we are allowing them, why government is allowing them. When some people go and protests against these people. You call it stupid act..

Whenever people protests on road they call it saffon terror. For these people protests means bombing, killing people. . So don't worry about them. This is good for India that they are not trying to grow up.
Right or wrong, fundamentalist or not, I will take Shiv Sena over Pakistanis any day. Because at the end of the day they are Indians while Pakistanis are not.

No need to be apologetic about that. Pakistanis are not here for doing social service.
Good job Shiv Sena :cheers:

Sorry, how much political gain does India make by disrupting a man who came here to sing.
If you guys make sure that the Indian government cuts ties with Pakistan on alleged terror activities then you can say it as a good job. From they way I see it these fools are just attention seekers and soon will drain in their own toliets
Do not quote the troll folks, just report him.
Sorry, how much political gain does India make by disrupting a man who came here to sing.
If you guys make sure that the Indian government cuts ties with Pakistan on alleged terror activities then you can say it as a good job. From they way I see it these fools are just attention seekers and soon will drain in their own toliets

Cutting of govt ties is dangerous, you need to have some contact to prevent escalations.

But I support cutting of sports and cultural ties.

I am no mood to listen to cross border bullshit when Indian soldiers are getting killed and beheaded.

Tell that singer to take his musical bullshit to china and bangladesh.
if they hate Pakistan so much, then we should not allow our artists or sportsmen to go there & neither should we allow them to visit here period. its high time Pakistan gets out of this aman ki asha crap
Hey jimmy , once faced with a logical reply you try to squeeze and slither your way going to off topic tangents . Let me help you form an perspective like every time .

You said
I replied
Instead of explaining your little logic behind equating protest against pakistan to saffrom terror you came up with this codswallop of reply

No jimmy , you are not getting off the hook so easily .

:blah: :blah: :blah:

Just answer one question....Indian artists or otherwise also come to Pakistan and we also have our nut cases, when was the last time any Indian visiting Pakistan experienced any hostile crowd or reception.....the fact is you people can't see past your nose, you are like a fish in a bowl thinking you live in a big ocean.....we have our scores to settle with India but those actions are left at the border....we don't drag them into playing fields and concert venues..... in short your bankrupt minded country fellows need to be introduced into civilisation.

@ashokdeiva ....respect man. !!
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