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Ship stealing from Pak-India found finally

Ill make it even simple so you can understand the cargo ie the 'silver' was loaded from Calcutta with nearly 7,000 tonnes of medium and high-value cargo, including pig iron, tea, and the large quantity of silver.

Now where was your looting East India company located? it had it's Indian headquarters in Calcutta, does that make sense now or do you need a 5yr old to explain the concept to you?

I see one blind Indian thanked you for your insanity. How can you state that it is not a transit cargo from Burma? Well HK and Singapore 100 years later can state all cargo belongs to them since at this moment they ship 15 % cargo worldwide. I actually get along well, with Indians but have yet to see so many uninformed bath tub swimmers together on one forum belonging to India.

---------- Post added at 11:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 PM ----------

f....ing colonialists.

Come back when they build the next dam, Ps we are talking about sunken silver incase you have woken up just now
Looting english will drum up any reason to claim items as their own but history knows better.

@Come back when they build the next dam

This type of comment shows how the english played hindus and muslims against each other in India but your dirty old tricks won't work anymore son we had to learn the hard why when u split our country without provding troops and millions died in partition :angry:
Ill make it even simple so you can understand the cargo ie the 'silver' was loaded from Calcutta with nearly 7,000 tonnes of medium and high-value cargo, including pig iron, tea, and the large quantity of silver.

Now where was your looting East India company located? it had it's Indian headquarters in Calcutta, does that make sense now or do you need a 5yr old to explain the concept to you?

Dumbo what is transhipment?

---------- Post added at 11:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 PM ----------

Looting english will drum up any reason to claim items as their own but history knows better.

Just like you looted kashmir?
I see one blind Indian thanked you for your insanity. How can you state that it is not a transit cargo from Burma? Well HK and Singapore 100 years later can state all cargo belongs to them since at this moment they ship 15 % cargo worldwide. I actually get along well, with Indians but have yet to see so many uninformed bath tub swimmers together on one forum belonging to India.

---------- Post added at 11:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 PM ----------

Come back when they build the next dam, Ps we are talking about sunken silver incase you have woken up just now

Cheap shots.... still the fact remains colonial = SCUM.
Dumbo what is transhipment?

---------- Post added at 11:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 PM ----------

Just like you looted kashmir?

Oh so you can prove the silver originates from Burma or another place please enlighten me if u know better
Looting english will drum up any reason to claim items as their own but history knows better.

@Come back when they build the next dam

This type of comment shows how the english played hindus and muslims against each other in India but your dirty old tricks won't work anymore son we had to learn the hard why when u split our country without provding troops and millions died in partition :angry:

Ha ha I did not and nor did my country ask for a stay order on Kishenganga? Why cant you read about Black Swan and come back to the topic? Are ur so short on IQ?

---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

Oh so you can prove the silver originates from Burma or another place please enlighten me if u know better

If you have a claim you need to prove it

---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 PM ----------

Ha ha I did not and nor did my country ask for a stay order on Kishenganga? Why cant you read about Black Swan and come back to the topic? Are ur so short on IQ?

---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

If you have a claim you need to prove it

Spain did it in Black Swan and recovered USD 500 million, why are u so scared? All gas and no substance?
Just go home englishman nobody likes your sick colonial scum mentality, we know what limits you will cross to steal and loot but we asians have dignity and will not stoop to your level :wave:
Just go home englishman nobody likes your sick colonial scum mentality, we know what limits you will cross to steal and loot but we asians have dignity and will not stoop to your level :wave:

Yes, offcourse you won't do that

PDS Scam,
CWG Scam,
2G Scam,
Caste System,
Shoot a Toll Guy,
Beat a truckie to death for not paying a bribe?

We tought you well. Next week I go to Goa to meet some chilled out Indians.
Yes, offcourse you won't do that

PDS Scam,
CWG Scam,
2G Scam,
Caste System,
Shoot a Toll Guy,
Beat a truckie to death for not paying a bribe?

We tought you well. Next week I go to Goa to meet some chilled out Indians.

Please do tell your chilled Indian friends how you only came to trade with India :disagree:

BTW i never knew fraud and crime were a thing that only happens in India.
Yes, offcourse you won't do that

PDS Scam,
CWG Scam,
2G Scam,
Caste System,
Shoot a Toll Guy,
Beat a truckie to death for not paying a bribe?

We tought you well. Next week I go to Goa to meet some chilled out Indians.

They are in jail and facing law, when will you send your queen our jails are waiting
Ha ha I did not and nor did my country ask for a stay order on Kishenganga? Why cant you read about Black Swan and come back to the topic? Are ur so short on IQ?

---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

If you have a claim you need to prove it

---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 PM ----------

Spain did it in Black Swan and recovered USD 500 million, why are u so scared? All gas and no substance?
ya we know the fact that "the thieves will remain thieves throughout their generations" . Mr. neutral now your above posts don't seem to be in neutral rather reverse. you brits messed up the whole Indian subcontinent division without proper international borders and you morons telling us that we attacked Kashmir ? shame on you, first of all you Jackle in the disguise of sheep you came to India for trade and when you found that you can extract more money profitably from India by your cheap tactics of divide and rule policy. you steal our treasuries steal our agriculture produce make us grow tea, which none sane Indian used to drink. everybody have their share of good days, you had yours we will have ours shortly.
...........250 Million $ mein to 1 destroyer bhi nahi aayega.

Take it as daan-dakishana:tup:

It's not about THIS incident only.
It's about India's history.
It's about making the western people realise their own history.
It's about showing the western people, where their real wealth came from.
It's about proving them, that the country which they call poor, thirdworld etc. had played a major role in their becoming a "firstworld" country.

This one ship had 250 million dollars worth of silver and the British ruled India for 200 years....you do the maths now.........
250 million dollars.. Meh.. Not even worth a decent sized scan and we waste 4 pages talking about it ....

As I said above "This one ship had 250 million dollars worth of silver and the British ruled India for 200 years....you do the maths now........."

By the way, since you think that we are wasting pages over such a "trivial amount", then you can consider starting a thread over "real looting" Rs 7,280,000 Crores (US$1.4 trillion) Indian money stuffed in foreign banks. Indian black money - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NOW, that is a mind boggling amount, isn't it???
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