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Shift in Afghan approach: Kabul promised to dismantle TTP safe havens

I think one of the problem is the Durand line. Criminals keep crossing borders both ways to escape. So if the borders are taken out and under one government these crimials will have no place to hide. Pakistan is better positioned to absorb Afghan part of Pashtun because its a stronger govt.

Durand line is a problem in a sense that it is very difficult to monitor and control. However in my opinion with the use of drones and better intelligence network this problem can be overcome. In the end everything depends on the intention...and of course capital.

I honestly believe that the merge is just a fantasy and it won't happen as such; it's just overall a bad idea.
Durand line is a problem in a sense that it is very difficult to monitor and control. However in my opinion with the use of drones and better intelligence network this problem can be overcome. In the end everything depends on the intention...and of course capital.

I honestly believe that the merge is just a fantasy and it won't happen as such; it's just overall a bad idea.
I am sure you may know better as you are from around there. All the best for Indian Subcontinent nations.
CIA carries much bigger bags

and even bigger stick.

Afghanistanis will work with Pakistan this time around

Perhaps less for Afghanistani interest and more to keep the 10,000 American soldiers safe.
First and foremost, we cannot afford to undermine our shared efforts against terrorism with conspiracy theories. The fact of the matter is that the U.S., Afghanistan and Pakistan have lost thousands of brave soldiers in fighting terrorism. Furthermore, our nations continue to make sacrifices for the sake of achieving our shared peace objectives. These meetings between the regional partners allow both nations to address their shared concerns and build on the improving relationship. It is simply in our best interests to remain unified against those who pose a risk to the safety of our nations. At the end of the day, we have come too far and made too many sacrifices to lose control of the situation. We greatly appreciate all of Pakistan’s and Afghanistan’s sacrifices in our fight against terrorism, and hope to maintain a healthy working partnership for the betterment of the region. This is what RDML John Kirby, Pentagon Press Secretary, said last week: "The Pakistani people know well the threat of terrorism. They've suffered now from it for years. And the Pakistani military continues to take casualties as they go against terrorists inside their country. It's very much an internal threat inside Pakistan. And we are mindful of that, which is one of the reasons why we're grateful that the communication and coordination with the Pakistani military across that border continues, and it's pretty healthy right now. But this is obviously a threat that the Pakistani people know all too well, and that's also an indication of the continued terrorism threat that emanates from that part of the world."

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
I am sure you may know better as you are from around there. All the best for Indian Subcontinent nations.

Thank you. Another thing I wanted to address about the criminal element is that if hypothetically speaking Pakistan is to absorb some of Afghanistan...we will just be absorbing more criminals who are operating across the Durand...it will be akin to taking on more liability.
Thank you. Another thing I wanted to address about the criminal element is that if hypothetically speaking Pakistan is to absorb some of Afghanistan...we will just absorbing more criminals who are operating across the Durand...it will be akin to taking on more liability.
But since PA is much more strong, they can easily crush the criminal elements since they cannot cross any border for safety. That was my logic. If PA is able to crush them , imagine the gains Pakistan will get.
But since PA is much more strong, they can easily crush the criminal elements since they cannot cross any border for safety. That was my logic. If PA is able to crush them , imagine the gains Pakistan will get.

Oh I see your point now....well it's true the PA has done a good job so far; but it is still kinda an uphill battle, it will take long to finish off and destroy this scum infestation. It's nearly impossible to kill an ideology.
First and foremost, we cannot afford to undermine our shared efforts against terrorism with conspiracy theories. The fact of the matter is that the U.S., Afghanistan and Pakistan have lost thousands of brave soldiers in fighting terrorism. Furthermore, our nations continue to make sacrifices for the sake of achieving our shared peace objectives. These meetings between the regional partners allow both nations to address their shared concerns and build on the improving relationship. It is simply in our best interests to remain unified against those who pose a risk to the safety of our nations. At the end of the day, we have come too far and made too many sacrifices to lose control of the situation.

that is the gist of it. terrorists are united among themselves and seeking new alliances and partners across the region.

we must also put our mutual differences aside. problem is that Indian negative involvement in Afghanistan specially in relation to Balochistan is completely ignored while Pakistan is continuously criticised and this doesnt help.

@Oscar this dude is threatened to murder innocent people:(

The ones you have been financing to be murdered were also innocent, including members from this forum. We will seek Qisas for them because you are not on the other side of atlantic, you are right here and forever. There will be a time for us to do what you have done to our people.
Which operations are you running?

Don't mind him, he some times thinks he is in a real world...

@ topic, TTP could be targeted on our side only if Afghan Taliban's safe heavens are demolished inside Pakistan and despite of brotherhood with Pakistan, India will remain our friend.
Don't mind him, he some times thinks he is in a real world

Dear Sher Malang, i do know how it is out there in the real world better than many.

TTP could be targeted on our side only if Afghan Taliban's safe heavens are demolished inside Pakistan

All commanders are being targeted in the op without any discrimination. Your govt has been briefed. We are waiting for a reciprocation.

and despite of brotherhood with Pakistan, India will remain our friend.

We got no issues with that. Our only issue is that whether or not Afghanistan's soil is being used by India as an extension of its covert warfare doctrine against Pakistan. Afghanistan is a sovereign state and has the right to forge international relations as it sees fit.
Dear Sher Malang, i do know how it is out there in the real world better than many.

All commanders are being targeted in the op without any discrimination. Your govt has been briefed. We are waiting for a reciprocation.

We got no issues with that. Our only issue is that whether or not Afghanistan's soil is being used by India as an extension of its covert warfare doctrine against Pakistan. Afghanistan is a sovereign state and has the right to forge international relations as it sees fit.

Paa ji don't go harsh on innocent civilians even if they are Indians.

I am totally with you, Afghanistan should never be used against any of it's neighbors. I hope PA clears all FATA from those rats and I could visit my friends out there in Waziristan and Sawat.
First and foremost, we cannot afford to undermine our shared efforts against terrorism with conspiracy theories. The fact of the matter is that the U.S., Afghanistan and Pakistan have lost thousands of brave soldiers in fighting terrorism. Furthermore, our nations continue to make sacrifices for the sake of achieving our shared peace objectives. These meetings between the regional partners allow both nations to address their shared concerns and build on the improving relationship. It is simply in our best interests to remain unified against those who pose a risk to the safety of our nations. At the end of the day, we have come too far and made too many sacrifices to lose control of the situation. We greatly appreciate all of Pakistan’s and Afghanistan’s sacrifices in our fight against terrorism, and hope to maintain a healthy working partnership for the betterment of the region. This is what RDML John Kirby, Pentagon Press Secretary, said last week: "The Pakistani people know well the threat of terrorism. They've suffered now from it for years. And the Pakistani military continues to take casualties as they go against terrorists inside their country. It's very much an internal threat inside Pakistan. And we are mindful of that, which is one of the reasons why we're grateful that the communication and coordination with the Pakistani military across that border continues, and it's pretty healthy right now. But this is obviously a threat that the Pakistani people know all too well, and that's also an indication of the continued terrorism threat that emanates from that part of the world."

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM

Well said.

This is the time we must get serious in eradicating Talib-iches and similar groups from our country.

Pakistanis will suffer a lot more than anyone else in the region if we do not wisen up this time around.

Knowing the past 1000 years of military history of Pak-Af

this is the golden chance for Pakistan and Afghanistan to bring lasting peace in the two countries.

Never ini the past 10 centuries we had the technology or committed forces, that we have now.

Thus wasting this opportunity is unacceptable. Totally!

Time to bring peace and prosperity locally as well as globally.
Just wait till Ajit Doval's Kabul visit with some handbags loads of cash and you'll see what we have already seen from Afghanistan. If there is to be peace in Afghanistan we unfortunately would have to ramp up the proxy war in India, including supporting Khalistanis and Naxals if needed. Moreover we need to ramp up attacks against Indians in Afghanistan with no regard for Indian civilians there. They too must be regarded as enemy combatants.
this sentimental approach is not new to pakistan's foreign policy........this is the main basis of pakistan's foreign policy.....and the main reason for pakistan's current state(failed)...... talking about qisas...damn...i wonder how much americans, jews, europeans and now chinese will have on their heads....but alas, nobody cares about your qisas ...........we all will move on like we are doing ryt now...n u will still cry n dream about ur qisas(if this approach continues).....like a weak kid crying in the corner of a dark room.....afsos
yeah like they are going to attack mullah radio tomorrow ......
Good. Lets see how afghan deals with mullah radio. This will be a good test about new afghan govt policy
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