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One thing which is becoming common in all these mass shooting incidents is that the guy was introvert and shy and no one believed he would do such a killings ever. :coffee:

Not really.....this is mostly an excuse used in the media and movies to justify the killings and mask the social causes."poor kid was bullied or ignored so thats why he did it"
Not really.....this is mostly an excuse used in the media and movies to justify the killings and mask the social causes.

Dude... you didn't understand. Being introvert and shy is NOT an excuse but a common symptom.

Often it's found that "introvert and shy" traits are common where there is domestic violence in family.

The US culture is indeed gone to dogs and cats and sadly the same culture is touching all over the world specially in big cities.
Dude... you didn't understand. Being introvert and shy is NOT an excuse but a common symptom.

Often it's found that "introvert and shy" traits are common where there is domestic violence in family.

The US culture is indeed gone to dogs and cats and sadly the same culture is touching all over the world specially in big cities.
No I think you didnt understand what I said.....shy people dont decide to go on a killing spree all of a sudden.......It is not found, it is used as an EXCUSE.....remember the Norwegian massacre? After the killings they tried really hard to prove that he was mentally unstable, but couldn't. Family abuse, absent parents, bullying, psychological defects.....all these are attempts at not admitting the real causes the primary one being excessive liberty.
That is not what this recent study on Lashkar-E-Taiyyaba says:

The Fighters of Lashkar‐e‐Taiba: Recruitment,Training, Deployment and Death

Most of them are from Pakistani Punjab, avg age 16 years and a few months. Do you want to read it in detail?

LET aren't responsible for the wave of attacks of suicide bombings across Pakistan, argument fail.
The world's ONLY Muslim Nuclear Power seems like a pretty good title to me. We should be leading the Muslim world in other things too!
Being a nuclear power we dont go around bringing DEMOCRACY to other countries while our own house falls apart.
LET aren't responsible for the wave of attacks of suicide bombings across Pakistan, argument fail.

LOLL, they are what "GLORIOUS MUJAHEDDIN" or another REGIMENT OF SSG? Or they are the Red Crescent Society of Pakistan? :rofl:
Have fun and continue living in "interesting times", as the Chinese saying goes.... :coffee:

But just to educate you:

 Location: The vast majority of LeT’s fighters are recruited from Pakistan’s Punjab
province. While LeT’s recruitment is diversified across the north, central and
southern parts of the Punjab, the highest concentration of LeT fighters have come (in
order of frequency) from the districts of Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Lahore,
Sheikhupura, Kasur, Sialkot, Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Khanewal, and Multan.

Now wait for them to set your country on fire. :pop:

Being a nuclear power we dont go around bringing DEMOCRACY to other countries while our own house falls apart.

For starters; you can bring DEMOCRACY to your own country.

Then, is'nt your own house 'falling apart' already?

Finally, even North Korea is a nuclear power.
LOLL, they are what "GLORIOUS MUJAHEDDIN" or another REGIMENT OF SSG? Or they are the Red Crescent Society of Pakistan? :rofl:
Have fun and continue living in "interesting times", as the Chinese saying goes.... :coffee:

But just to educate you:

Now wait for them to set your country on fire. :pop:

For starters; you can bring DEMOCRACY to your own country.

Then, is'nt your own house 'falling apart' already?

Finally, even North Korea is a nuclear power.

You're pathetic, you have already lost the argument, now get lost, you're of no interest. I normally don't chat with a low class peasant such as yourself...
Interesting that you mention that, so the difference you want to point here violence from "mainstream society of a nation", will define the changing dynamics of moral character of a society.

So on one hand you have a society that is so radically polarized that the modern/mainstream society has already disassociated themselves with their fellow countrymen who are termed "extremists". A society which has seen widespread killings based of religious disagreement, political motivations, separatist rebellion, communal hatred, still holds a higher moral ground based on the actions a substantial minority demographics of what you term as the "MAINSTREAM SOCIETY".

A society which is all inclusive, multi ethinic, multi racial, and has a constitution which doesn't differentiate between it's own citizens based on religions affiliations, a society that doesn't see separatism, nepotism, domestic terrorism, political violence, is still facing a "Moral decay", based on the violence committed by an extremely minuscule unaffiliated set of mentally derrainged individuals.

With all due respect, I am a little confused by the benchmarks of your comparison sets.

So on one hand you have a society that is so radically polarized that the modern/mainstream society has already disassociated themselves with their fellow countrymen who are termed "extremists". A society which has seen widespread killings based of religious disagreement, political motivations, separatist rebellion, communal hatred, still holds a higher moral ground based on the actions a substantial minority demographics of what you term as the "MAINSTREAM SOCIETY".

So on one hand you have a society that is so radically polarized that the modern/mainstream society has already disassociated themselves with their fellow countrymen who are termed "extremists"

Wrong, clearly you have no idea of what is going on in Pakistan. The "society that is so radically polarized" Taliban aren't apart of Pakistani society they are for the most part militants from abroad, some fringe may be locals, but overwhelming majority are from elsewhere.

A society which has seen widespread killings based of religious disagreement, political motivations, separatist rebellion, communal hatred,

Pakistani society has seen that, but these things for the most part aren't emanating from the society, the widespread killings are attributed to TTP and insurgency. As far as separatist rebellion, a weak dying BLA insurgency you mean?

If you want to talk about widespread killings, US has a higher murder rate than Pakistan in any format or way you look at it, raw numbers, percentage of population, etc.

With all due respect, I am a little confused by the benchmarks of your comparison sets.

Because you're comparing Apples to Oranges, Pakistan facing armed insurgency, US isn't facing armed insurgency but ordinary people committing violent acts.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is a war going on in NW Pakistan and yet US still has higher homicidal rates.

Yes, it is much preferable in Pakistan where young children are indoctrinated early into religious discipline so they can kill more efficiently at an older age after recruitment into said 'insurgency'. Much better.

Straw-man argument, children here are committing violent acts as well, more than Pakistani children under 18.

If you want to talk about widespread killings, US has a higher murder rate than Pakistan in any format or way you look at it, raw numbers, percentage of population, etc.
Because you're comparing Apples to Oranges, Pakistan facing armed insurgency, US isn't facing armed insurgency but ordinary people committing violent acts.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is a war going on in NW Pakistan and yet US still has higher homicidal rates.
dear sir,
Next time maybe check the figures before you quote them.

From your own quoted link;
Homicide rate
US - 4.8
Pakistan - 7.8

As far as taliban, LET, LEJ, AQ, etc are concerned, you are claiming all of these people are foriegn fighters, what are the origins of LEJ, TTP, are these tajiks, hazaras, uzbeks, turks, khazaks?

How did these people get the ak47's and the rpg's, how are they funded, how do these groups freely operate under the noses of ISI.

If you do introspect, you might come to a different conclusion

Now coming to the US issue,my question was if you really wanted to gauge the moralities of american society based on actions of mentally deranged individuals who slipped though the cracks of the mental health system?

Is any group of individuals as a cognizant effort undertaking violence against the state and people of america, can you say the same about Pakistan.
^ If you look at raw numbers US is at 14,748 murder count (most recent year) Pakistan is at 13,860* (and that's the homocide rate including Pakistan at war with TTP!)

Are you not able to comprehend the difference here? If we were to look at Pakistan's murder rate pre-war level it would be less by several thousands however Us murder rate usually lingers above 10,000 any given year. You can argue US has more people, well Pakistan actually has military operations and is facing an insurgency which would mitigate the effect of comparing it to a larger population.

* War casualties and deaths of NWFP included.

As far as all your other questions I'm not even going to answer, you've been on this forum for what 2 years now and you still don't know you will never know the answers to your questions, I can't help you.
You're pathetic, you have already lost the argument, now get lost, you're of no interest. I normally don't chat with a low class peasant such as yourself...

LOLLL, Are you a Wadehra or a Chaudhri? :azn:

And I bet this guy is busier and wealthier than you are...

US Immigration Lawyer in Pakistan - Karachi Branch Office

Let US 'rot' away...:lol:

@gambit; many of the guys posting here are folks who walked through his doors and paid to make him busy and wealthy! :lol:
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For starters; you can bring DEMOCRACY to your own country.

Then, is'nt your own house 'falling apart' already?

Finally, even North Korea is a nuclear power.
That was in reply to some one else......twisting it for cheap point scoring will not make your ill conceived brain farts any effective.
Get your head out of your.... and you will see that we are a democracy.......but that was in reference to Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan.
My house is here for everyone to see, but at the same time my house doesnt go around correcting others when it is deep mess itself.
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