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Shenzhen public urinal users face fine for poor aim

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Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
Officials in Shenzhen, China, will fine public toilet users 100 yuan (£10;$16) if they are deemed to have failed to urinate accurately in city facilities.


New laws that come into force next month in the southern city do not specify what amount of spilled urine would be classed as a violation.

The move has provoked derision and debate in local newspapers and on China's version of Twitter, Weibo.

Critics suggested toilet inspectors would be needed to enforce the rules.

The regulations were designed to curb the "uncouth use of a public toilet", a city government official told the AFP news agency.

The Beijing Times carried a commentary calling into question the necessity of making a law on something that could "be simply guided by social consensus".

BBC News - Shenzhen public urinal users face fine for poor aim
Meanwhile in India....
This is what happens when Commies rule for too long.

They have to friggin teach people how to ****!:hitwall:
This is what happens when Commies rule for too long.

They have to friggin teach people how to ****!:hitwall:

knew it, damn the singapore government, I knew they were communists, but I didn't call it. Now this guy has obviously piped me to be the first to catch them in the act.
Brah, in India people have not yet learned to even use a toilet on a mass scale yet, let alone a urinal.

Create a diff thread if you wanna discuss toilet availability (or lack thereof) in India.

This thread is dedicated to the aimless peeing habits of the Chinese, please don't be a troll!:pissed:
Create a diff thread if you wanna discuss toilet availability (or lack thereof) in India.

This thread is dedicated to the aimless peeing habits of the Chinese, please don't be a troll!:pissed:

Brah, you kinda went off topic with your insult there. I just responded to you brah.
very good news this will make our public toilets clean and hygienic
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