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ShengYang J-16, China's "bomb truck"

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looks photoshopped ..:what: ?


This is a CGI image. I think Gaoshan from CJDBY might be the one responsible.
thanks for answering, one small question has PLAAF placed an official order yet for the j-16 fighter as far as how many planes are going to be inducted?
I don't know, it belongs to internal messages. Future to replace JH-7 and Su-30mkk bomber/fighter, these PLAAF owned 300+ ... if they really plan to replace Russia's or update by domestic J-16, i guess it will process long long time. Now we didn't hear official orders, recently no any news about PLAAF will increase new fighters,except Russia sells Su-35BM.

Coz the Q-5 attacker last year all had retired from PLAAF, i think at least PLAAF could accept some new J-16 instead of old Q-5 attacker.
Wooooooowwwwwwww........I have never seen this type of Jet Before,Excellent :china:
thanks for answering, one small question has PLAAF placed an official order yet for the j-16 fighter as far as how many planes are going to be inducted?

Oui. Les chinois wouldn't be testing the J-16 if it didn't have a chance of getting into service. It would probably replace the JH-7A, the Su-30MKK, and Su-30MK2.
Good news ! JH-16 (J-16) bomber/fighter mass production & joint PLAAF

It seems now China can produce our version "Su30mk2" with domestic WS-10A jet engines, as same function as F-15E in USAF.

JH-16(J-16) with PLAAF painting, should produce 300+ for PLAAF & Naval Airforce as new anti-ship platform.
JH-16 1.jpg

JH-16 2.jpg

JH-16(J-16) prototype 3x years ago
JH-16 prototype.jpg
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Next five years, the bomber/fighter for PLAAF:
1. JH-16
2. Su-30mkk
3. JH-7A

the bomber/fighter for Naval Airforce:
1. JH-16
2. Su-30mk2
3. J-15
4. JH-7A

China anti-ship aircrafts :china:






2015 Anti-ship aircraft numbers for PLAAF & Naval Airforce:
Su30mkk + Su30mk2 = 90+
J-15 = <20x
JH-16 = unknown, just began mass production
JH-7A = 200x
H-6K = <20x

So if China wanna own 600x anti-ship platform ... JH-16 shoud build 200+ since 2015 mass production, J-15 also need more to deploy on Aircraft Carrier.
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Don't leave out JH-7B. :D

Also J-16 has much better radar, avionics etc than Su-30MKK.
... what's JH-7B ... i feel no difference with JH-7A ?
Will it be exported or is something produced for PLAAF and PLAN only?
Will it be exported or is something produced for PLAAF and PLAN only?

No, surely not ! I can't think of any Chinese Flanker version being for export ... regardless what some say , think or dream.
Will it be exported or is something produced for PLAAF and PLAN only?
Maybe export with domestic WS-10A jet engines, but there need years to produce enough JH-16 for PLAAF & PLAN's requirement (200x), export version will be later.

No, surely not ! I can't think of any Chinese Flanker version being for export ... regardless what some say , think or dream.
Why not ? China had exported many J-7MG to foreign airforce, a Chinese Mig-21 ... it's possible to export Chinese Flanker, of course it must install China WS-10A jet engines, with Russia AL-31F is absolutely not allowed by Russian.

So when China can get rid of Russian jet engines by domestic WS-10A, it's Okay to export J-10A/J-10B/Chinese Flanker fighters. Whether WS-10A jet engines widely installed on Chinese Flanker, it's the key !
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No, surely not ! I can't think of any Chinese Flanker version being for export ... regardless what some say , think or dream.

And why not?

Russia going to sanction China? :lol:

Russia is in absolutely no position whatsoever to do anything to China. Russia needs China now more than ever.

China can export it with the WS-10A engines installed.
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