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Well.... My wife often has a dream that we (Me, her and our 1.5 year old daugher in her Cot) are in our room, it is 4:00 AM on the clock and she is scared of something that is inside our house but outside our room and is trying to come in. The strange thing is, she always wakes up scared and it actually is 4:00 AM on the clock and we are lying exactly in the position she saw in her dream.
I don't know who to consult for this.
Well.... My wife often has a dream that we (Me, her and our 1.5 year old daugher in her Cot) are in our room, it is 4:00 AM on the clock and she is scared of something that is inside our house but outside our room and is trying to come in. The strange thing is, she always wakes up scared and it actually is 4:00 AM on the clock and we are lying exactly in the position she saw in her dream.
I don't know who to consult for this.

Well- tbh honest- i suspect Jado Tona-
Have a molvi come up and recite Surah Bakra loudly- if molvi not available do it yourself- even if thats not possible- you ca also play the recording-

Before sleeping-
Both Recite- Ayatal Kursi- and 4 Qul- most importantly- Surah an-Nas- that surah is specifically for that purpose-
A simple but true ghost story...

I never belived in ghosts earlier and never in life was frightened of stuff that most people are frightened of..like darkness, lonely places, etc...but this starnge incidentr happened with me...which made me belive in ghosts....I am getting goosebumps even when I am starting to write this incident.....It was in the year 2005 or 2006...there was a match between Argentina and Brazil..a..it was either a friendly match or may be some world cup qualifying match, i dont remmeber exactly...anways...my Tv set was not working so it was decided that i would go to my friends house which is jus nearby..only problem was that to go to his house there was narrow gully (passage) which was always pitch dark and on both the siodes there was walls with lot of plants and shrubs...at the end of the gully was his house and just behind his house was a shiv mandir (temple)..that was the only place where there was a light bulb hanging.....thus from the outside of the gully one can see the light at the end of thegully..but the entire gully remains dark...since according to Indian time the match was to be held axact at 12.30 am...I woke up at around 12.15 am and started walking towards his house without any ususual expectation.....suddenly something made my stop in the middle of that gully.....i was looking at a tall lady of nothing less than 8 to 9 ft high....I could clearly see her saree details and the naked feet while she combed her long hairs continuously.....I couldnt she her face as her face was just in front of the bulb( the bulb itself hangs at a height of around 8- 9 ft)..so her face was black as the light was hitting the back of her head which made it difficult to see her face....but apart from that the lady seemed very famliar..as iof I know her.....I stopped for 10 - 15 seconds and then realised, that i was looking at something not natural..i slowly turned back and returned to my house and slept......tolf this to my mom morning..morethan me she was really frightened...why would a lady that tall comb her hair in the middle of a dark gully ??
Well.... My wife often has a dream that we (Me, her and our 1.5 year old daugher in her Cot) are in our room, it is 4:00 AM on the clock and she is scared of something that is inside our house but outside our room and is trying to come in. The strange thing is, she always wakes up scared and it actually is 4:00 AM on the clock and we are lying exactly in the position she saw in her dream.
I don't know who to consult for this.

Dude isn't that paranormal activity type situation? :D

---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 PM ----------

yaar- its a long long story- since the start of this thread- i am thinking of sharing it- but couldn't holdup to write-

Jon - You can share that story with us after you get married, your wife would take care of her 'soukan' :P
yaar- its a long long story- since the start of this thread- i am thinking of sharing it- but couldn't holdup to write-

make it short...leaving out the not so important parts....am now curious as you said its ometing similar...I know what that night felt like...so wanna know..what exactly happened with you.
A simple but true ghost story...

I never belived in ghosts earlier and never in life was frightened of stuff that most people are frightened of..like darkness, lonely places, etc...but this starnge incidentr happened with me...which made me belive in ghosts....I am getting goosebumps even when I am starting to write this incident.....It was in the year 2005 or 2006...there was a match between Argentina and Brazil..a..it was either a friendly match or may be some world cup qualifying match, i dont remmeber exactly...anways...my Tv set was not working so it was decided that i would go to my friends house which is jus nearby..only problem was that to go to his house there was narrow gully (passage) which was always pitch dark and on both the siodes there was walls with lot of plants and shrubs...at the end of the gully was his house and just behind his house was a shiv mandir (temple)..that was the only place where there was a light bulb hanging.....thus from the outside of the gully one can see the light at the end of thegully..but the entire gully remains dark...since according to Indian time the match was to be held axact at 12.30 am...I woke up at around 12.15 am and started walking towards his house without any ususual expectation.....suddenly something made my stop in the middle of that gully.....i was looking at a tall lady of nothing less than 8 to 9 ft high....I could clearly see her saree details and the naked feet while she combed her long hairs continuously.....I couldnt she her face as her face was just in front of the bulb( the bulb itself hangs at a height of around 8- 9 ft)..so her face was black as the light was hitting the back of her head which made it difficult to see her face....but apart from that the lady seemed very famliar..as iof I know her.....I stopped for 10 - 15 seconds and then realised, that i was looking at something not natural..i slowly turned back and returned to my house and slept......tolf this to my mom morning..morethan me she was really frightened...why would a lady that tall comb her hair in the middle of a dark gully ??

I heard a similar story from my Mousaji. You must be aware of the famous Botanical Garden in Shibpur. their house is in the stone throwing distance of the garden. In those days they used to go to the garden early morning for cutting grass for their cattles as they used to get busy for education later part of the day. According to him, one day he was woken up as if his friend was calling for going to the garden. In a trance he came out and followed his friend to the garden (his friend never stopped to let him join his sise). But , after reaching the garden he realised there was none. But, beside a pond he saw a lady with long hairs. The lady was turning towards him, but he didn't wait for that and bolted. He reached his home and fainted. Now he his retired after serving in a reputed paint company. But still he testify the truthness of his story. And I dont see any reason to disbelieve a person of his stature and especially because he tells the same story.
i heard this incident last night in ''bhooot FM'' a local radio program but unfortunately i could not heard first part :

one of my friend and his family member were taking one of there death relative who probably un natural death in a pick up truck .it was dark all around while they were taking the body in the remote part of souther Bangladesh . suddently the death body fell from the pick up truck with out any explanation as there were no no jolt in the road or they didn't faced any thing in the road , so how could they boys fell from the truck which had around 1.5 feet barrier around it ? any way they get down from the truck and was looking fr the body . after getting the body they again leave that place and start their journey . after some time again the body fell from the truck . this time they were little far from the area the body fell . any way they were searching for the body some times later they found the body but the head of the body was not found .

the sender send the incident un complete so i post it the same way as this seems very weird to me
There was a Bangladeshi Taxi driver living next to my old building, he died in a car accident like an year ago. But, people here always claim to have seen that guy's ghost driving taxi in the street at night. I went out at night one day to see if it's true or not with my friend, but we found nothing and sorted out as a hoax and rumors as these ghost stories in Kuwait are very rare. But, i was terrified one day only to hear from my DAD saying that he has also seen that Taxi Driver.

I have my personal experience with supernatural activity, i would post it later.
Ok so I had a friend who could see ghosts and talk to them, or at least that's what he claimed. I never beleived him but after an incident I realized he was telling the truth. So my friend told me he could see ghosts and claimed to talk to his dead family members. He said ghosts are just like humans and are walking among us. I convinced him to go to a psychiatrist to get help and the psychiatrist gave him some pills which he never took. I started believing him when he told me stories about my relatives who passed away and how he talked to them. Scared at this I ran away to the washroom and soon realized I couldn't see my reflection in the mirror. I myself was dead and my friend was right he could talk to dead people.

It means i can see posts of dead people.

It reminds me of a movie 'Sixth Sense' watch it if you haven't. A great movie.
I was a victim of sleep paralysis for 6-8 months and even though i never believed in ghosts it was a terrible experience and i dont know why but during sleep paralysis i used to feel ghosts around me.I woke up in the middle of the night to only feel more scared coz everything feels real.

But a positive approach and not believing in any paranormal activity was the only reasong i got out of it in 6-8 months while people continue to experience it for years and i believe the only reason behind it is coz they belive in ghosts.Every morning after having the bad experience of sleep paralysis i used to say theres nothing like ghost and its something to do mentally.

I have been to places most of you wont dare to go alone.I used to live in a 5 storey building where only my flat was fully constructed and in the the night there was full darkness apart from my flat and i used to live alone.I have been to graveyards in the middle of night.I have had my bike have a tyre puncture in the middle of a jungle.

There was a place where people used to get haunted and i have gone there and literally abused (ma-behn stuff) and came back without experiencing anything.

I believe its all in the mind.If you dont give a damn about these things you just dont see anything.If you are a believer theres some day or the other you will feel something and the blame goes to our parents who from childhood only start scaring the **** out of you by telling you things about ghosts and you start believing it.
OK- watch this space- the story will come out soon-

I think your time is up bro :lol:

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