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Share your super natural experiences

I had a very strange super natural experience recently, brace yourself for the story.

Recently I was taking a shower, lathering my body with shower gel, when all of a sudden the 'foreign hand' jumped out and tried to touch me. I had to fight it off, but the foreign hand was resilient and was not giving up. Thankfully the foreign hand was female one otherwise it would have been a traumatic experience. I was finally able to overcame the foreign hand but it disappeared into thin air.

I suspect it was CIA, Mossad and Kenya's NSIS who are after me for some reason.

/True story.
I had a very strange super natural experience recently, brace yourself for the story.

Recently I was taking a shower lathering my body with shower gel when all of a sudden the 'foreign hand' jumped out and tried to touch me. I had to fight it off, but the foreign hand was resilient and was not giving up. Thankfully the foreign hand was female one otherwise it would have been a traumatic experience. I was finally able to overcame the foreign hand but it disappeared into thin air.

I suspect it was CIA, Mossad and Kenya's NSIS who are after me for some reason.

/True story.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That was hilarious !!
I had a very strange super natural experience recently, brace yourself for the story.

Recently I was taking a shower lathering my body with shower gel when all of a sudden the 'foreign hand' jumped out and tried to touch me. I had to fight it off, but the foreign hand was resilient and was not giving up. Thankfully the foreign hand was female one otherwise it would have been a traumatic experience. I was finally able to overcame the foreign hand but it disappeared into thin air.

I suspect it was CIA, Mossad and Kenya's NSIS who are after me for some reason.

/True story.
or maybe reptilians.....

I had a very strange super natural experience recently, brace yourself for the story.

Recently I was taking a shower, lathering my body with shower gel, when all of a sudden the 'foreign hand' jumped out and tried to touch me. I had to fight it off, but the foreign hand was resilient and was not giving up. Thankfully the foreign hand was female one otherwise it would have been a traumatic experience. I was finally able to overcame the foreign hand but it disappeared into thin air.

I suspect it was CIA, Mossad and Kenya's NSIS who are after me for some reason.

/True story.

Sir nice funny story but not the type we were expecting .:eek: can you get some real super natural incident from you or your friend and family :unsure:
I made myself a sandwich last week, I then went to answer the phone and when I came back it had vanished.........turns out my sister ate it. :lol:
I've had so many I couldn't give them all. Seriously. I hold a certification in Parapsychology and often invesitgate claims of ghosts and hauntings. Somethings can be explained, but there's a lot that can not as well.

Something a lot of folks can experience is recording the voices of the disembodied. This is known as EVP. "Electronic Voice Phenomenon." believed to be voices of ghosts. It's a well researched fact.

I have a number of them on my website. PROS Investigations - Paranormal Research of Organized Studies

Here in the US, folks often will say a haunting is related to a place being near indian burial gounds. There are lots of well known places folks believe to be haunted in the US. Like old Civil War battle grounds.

I can't say what ghosts are. I can say a lot of folks believe in them here in the US.
In last two month nobody share any experience ! what the matter nobody has any interest in serious matter . here in pdf a lot of Pakistani Indian and Bangladeshi members are members non can bring any serious incident from there friends and family so surprise and disappointed .

BTW please please don't post any ridicules/funny scary incident here only serious mater .thanks
I used to see UFOs as a kid. Used to see some in Tokyo and London.

Some time back in my country, I saw this large, triangular shaped UFO, having a cloud-like texture. I used to think it really was an alien spaceship.

And that sighting was during the War in Afghanistan and Iraq. I don't know, maybe it's just me :lol:
Assalam alaikum

I saw this thread some months ago, and i don't know why 2 day ago this thread came to my mind.
I dont know what i went thru is supernatural or anything else but it happened to me in 2006
It was ramazan of 2006 the month started ( for some reasons i was sad before the month ) a
live Program about the companians r-a of Prophet (Pbuh ) was aired every night during that program
i used to feel myself happy and close to ALLAH ( though i used to have tears in my eyes of what gr8
service they did to islam ). when it was maybe 12th of roza i told myself it is better to make dua
when i m in that situation. so i started to make dua more, till came the 27th night and it went fine
when it was 27th day of ramazan and about between 1:30 pm 1:40 pm dont remember exact time while
i was watching a historic program and doing my zikr lying on my bed i tried to change the side this
when something happened to me half of it i went thru it like i can feel it mentally and physically
and the other part spiritually or kind of dream.

When i tried to change my side, suddenly something grabbed me very tight the pressure was so high
that i felt i could not breath, before this there was sound of tv and kids playing outside and their
noise but at that moment, there was no sound and kind of the whole world have stopped, under a lot
of pressure i felt i would die of not breathing. Then suddenly the pressure started to release and
it first started from my head i felt like i was under a heavy blanket and someone was slowly slowly
pulling the blanket from my feet side to him. Those parts that were free from the pressure were like
very light and i was kind of in other word i never drink alcohol or did hashish but i have seen them
( i was kind of madhoosh like them but liked it very much ) this whole incident it might have not taken
1/100 second but when i was under the pressure i felt the whole world stopped and i was there for
centuries under that pressure When all the pressure got released i suddenly went to another world i
saw my self going up about 1 foot of ground as i was laying and then i see myself floating in space
with joy and traveling and feeling so happy that i cant not describe, and one thing that i was going
upside down with joy ( doing qalabazi ). during my floating i came by a huge planet very huge i passed
him it was on my right side ( actually i kind of got afraid of its size ). Then suddenly as it all
started i came to my world and started to hear the sound of tv and the kids playing outside.

After that how it effected my life, Now if something bad happens to me i dont get angry or sad ghamgeen
udaas depressed etc ( maybe just for short time and something goods happened to me ). Something is
preventing them from effecting my life. something is covering me i feel.

Since it is month of ramazan i would like my brothers to make lot of dua for urself and ppl u love

make dua for me i stay like that and i want togo thru that experiment one again.

Only 2 or 3 ppl know about this until now

few days back my wife called me and told listen babu(our 3 and half year old daughter, we called her some time like that ) is telling that she is playing with you !! i was in office so i told her not to worry '' kids do this kind of play'' . when i return from office my wife again bring the topic and told me she was talking with me and told baba(father ) catch me and the ways he jump she would fall if there were no body in the bed ! she asked me to leave her alone as she was playing with me ! after this incident what happens she start playing ans sleeping herself where earlier it was arduous work to bring her to bed at noon . however one day the most horrible thing happens . I was in office in a important meeting ,my wife called me and ask where i am ? where have you gone after coming home ?!!! i just became angry and asked her what rubbish you are takling i am in the office in meeting ,why i come to home ? but she continue arguing . i told her i will called her later nut i forgot due to emergency
when i return home my wife told me today babu had gone missing . she went to out side home with me !!

what she narrated that 'she found our child is missing in the house . our door knob is impossible for a three year old to open any way . so it is not possible for her to open the door so who opened the door ??? i went(my wife ) to ground floor and ask the guard have you seen babu ? he replied babu went to out side with sir (with me) . when he came to house ? the guard replied i don't know he and babu came from the flat through stair !! any way i again cam to our flat and try to called me from mobile . but the mobile was not working !!! in that time i could not remember the number so she could not called me from any other number . however after one/two hour babu return with me !! i ask him where you had taken babu with you and when you return from office . 'I" didn't told any thing just said babu is hungry give her food and went to wash room . i return with food and found i am not inside the house and the door is even close !! . and that time she again try to call me and succeeded .
hearing this i called the guard and he replied the same he saw me coming from the building !
after hearing this i become worried and and called my father in mirpur he wearing all this told me come to my house immediately with babu .the next day a he and a alem come to my house and do some ritual do 'banth'' the house . later nothing happens to my child . mow when i ask my daughter were she went went and what i feed her she told many thing like ice cream chocolate etce !!!!
Yesterday I released in the toilet 7 meters long **** - now that's what I call super-natural.
Yesterday I released in the toilet 7 meters long **** - now that's what I call super-natural.

Dude...seriously?! A seven meter long t.u.r.d?! Wow...that's gotta be like some sort of a record.
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