I Actually voted for the option - Xingjiang shall join Turkey.
America shall fall,
China shall Rise,
some specific minority group shall leave America and sacrifice its own people like they did before, this same minority group will go to china and play a similar role as they did in America.
Japan and Korea their futures are uncertain.
Russia at this moment has a chance to get on the right track.
Europe will have internal disputes, and their power shall shift from West to East Europe.
Turkiye shall Rise and will change the Middle-East, Caucasus, Balkans, Asia. ect.
China will be perform aggression, some nations and peoples shall suffer while the suffering of the Han and Assimilated will be minimized. And when China tries to be to confident it shall be purged and lose territories like Tibet and Xingjang.
Nato's lifetime is nearing its end. There is however a chance of a new military union appearing.
Key players : "Turkiye, Poland, Pakistan"
Additional Possibilities : "Turkic nations, Malaysia, Indonesia"
Unlikely(15%) Possibilities : "Russia, Egypt, Nordic nations, Mongolia"