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SHAHEEN III actual range 5000 KM ????

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It could be true because Pakistan possessed nuclear weapons in 1984 but tested it in 1998 at the RIGHT TIME. So i feel its true and there could be another missiles with larger range also.
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SHAHEEN 3 would need a range of 4100 to be launched from any part of Pakistan and still reach any part of India.

Yes range could be 5000+ if you take it 3000+ kms close to the target and fire it :D

One need to understand, physics plays and important role, the coefficient of burn x fuel is not the only calculation to get the range, weight, wind direction, design and playload are other major factors too.

Given that even small achievements are boasted I would not be surprised is 2750 is extended range of S3.
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Shaheen III range is not more than 3500 Km (2000 Miles). It lies between 3000- 3500.
5000 Km is an over estimation.
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What is the perfect time by the way ?? when Alien fire ICBM from chaand sitaray ?
First its range is not less than 3500 KM. Secondly their are massive rumours going on in Army about an ICBM getting tested soon.
Even the rudimentary knowledge of ballistics will tell you that there is no fixed range...not a constant number 2750 km. It depends on the mainly on two factors (1) payload/warhead capacity (2) the trajectory followed by.
Range is inversely proportional to the weight of the payload/warhead...i.e. a decrease in the weight of payload will result in a corresponding increase in the range given all other parameters are kept constant i.e. fuel, route or trajectory.
Trajectory of the ballistic missiles is much longer than the range (range is the displacment or direct distance between the launching point and the target/destination). Shaheen III was designed to account for any missile defence system that enemy i.e. India may apply thus it can alter its course and vary the speed to avoid them and still making sure that it reaches 2750 km from its launch point. Furthermore Shaheen-III is extremely high speed missile and reaches upwards of M=10 during the flight and even higher in the re-entry phase. Also the rocket motors were designed to support MIRV load capacities which is underdevelopment and will either be called Shaheen IV or a separate series (not HATF). Thus if SIII is launch with a lighter warhead on a trajectory with minimal obstructions i.e. missile defence shields etc, it can reach much farther than the stated range (more than double)

First its range is not less than 3500 KM. Secondly their are massive rumours going on in Army about an ICBM getting tested soon.
I see MIRV test soon more plausible than ICBM.
Pakistan needs MIRV to disspel any misconception arising from India's acquistion of missile defence system in near future while ICBM may undermine our political and economic position. ICBM is technically possible and I think the working model had been developed a few years ago with a combination of solid boosters strapped on to a liquid fuel rocket.
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