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Shah of Iran on Nuclear Weapons

People are way over a monarchy dictatorship now.The majority of people who don't support IR are after a secular democracy in Iran, not a monarchy, like the Shah regime, it's a huge setback.
There may be people who like the Shah for his pro western policies, but the number of people who want his regime to come back is really low.

I think most people in every country don't care about their governors as long as they have good life , stable economy and security . The same is in Iran .

After reading our history I believe that we need another Mosadeq right now but its not an easy decision for Iran to change it's policy at once which might risk thousands of our allies' lives in region ad bring dozens of other problems , I guess it needs time .
democracy is a foreign concept to Iranian people, why should the Iranian people accept a foreign system of government.

Europeans accept Islamic goavernance? by force?

in 2500 years of our history, we always had monarchy.

democracy is foreign idea, foreigners are trying to shove it down your throat.

Concept of democracy has been discussend in Iran since ancient times. Ofcourse democracy of that time was different from todays.

Otanes is a Persian nobleman mentioned in the Histories of Herodotus as a defender of the idea of democracy and architect of a successful conspiracy to remove a kingly usurper.

As an early defender of democracy in Greek literature, Otanes has been used as a point of reference in a number of subsequent political discussions. Jean-Jacques Rosseau refers to Otanes in his notes to Discourse on the Origin of Inequality. Otanes is also mentioned in Isaiah Berlin's seminal lecture "Two Concepts of Liberty": "As for Otanes, he wished neither to rule nor to be ruled — the exact opposite of Aristotle's notion of true civic liberty"

In a speech from the famous Persian political debate that was described by Herodotus in Histories 3.80-82, Otanes states that“rule by the majority” is favorable because it has the most beautiful name, ἰσονομία, or equalityof rights. In this, Otanes was supporting the Herodotean concept of equality as a foundation for agood society. In addition, Otanes also notes that democratic rule does not share any of themalice of a tyranny. In a democracy, one man is not put above the rest, and every ruler is heldaccountable for his actions.
Herodotus tells us the seven men discussed the future constitution of Persia. Otanes said that Persia ought to be a democracy; Megabyzus argued for an oligarchy and Darius said that monarchy was the best kind of rule.

The important place that Athenian ideology has in Herodotus’ writings is also evident inOtanes’ speech on democracy. In the speech, Otanes praises a democratic system, which“determines offices by lot, and holds power accountable, and conducts all deliberating publicly”(3.80.6). For Otanes, the rule by lot and the general assembly of all the citizenry are not onlyhallmark characteristics of Athenian democracy, but the only form of true democracy.

Otanes and Darius argued for opposite ideas on two occasions: should the seven wait or strike immediately and should Persia be a democracy or a monarchy?

Saxonhouse argues that,while Otantes ultimately did not win the Persian political debate, his speech was the mostrhetorically pleasing and convincing (1996, 42). As was mentioned before, the system ofgovernment which Otantes lays out is the exact system instituted by Cleisthenes, the father ofAthenian democracy.

Further.. we had democracy.. while some European countries were ruled by dictators.

Iran first became a constitutional monarchy in 1905, but underwent a period of autocracy during the years 1925-1941, after which the Iranian National Assembly was restored to power. During the years 1941 to 1953, Iran remained a constitutional monarchy and active parliamentary democracy with Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi retaining extensive legal executive powers. In practice, however, his position was largely ceremonial, similar to that of Queen Elizabeth II.
Why not a secular monarchy, like Denmark or Sweden?

Monarchy in those countries is symbolic and the king barely has any power.
I'm talking about a monarchy that the king has the absolute power and is a dictatorship.
The monarchy in these countries do not have any power.
I know, that was the point of suggesting it.

Monarchy in those countries is symbolic and the king barely has any power.
I'm talking about a monarchy that the king has the absolute power and is a dictatorship.
I got that, I was suggesting it as an alternative to the current situation. Given the historical and cultural value it could be an interesting thought for the common citizen.
The Shah never bugged us, which means, he is sticking it to himself, which is what we want. We kept him in his rightful place during the dispute of Bahrain, and the oil embargo, these are two examples.

Haha... dude... I know that Arabs like to fabricate history, but don't do this to contemporary history, witnesses are still alive! :laughcry:

Shah could have destroyed Saudi in matter of days, as a matter of fact, once Saddam (the guy who your King ran away from) tried to nullify Algeria agreement, but after Iranian jets broke sound barrier over Baghdad he changed his mind. This was before the revolution, after the revolution despite chaos and disorganization Iran still managed to get the upper-hand, however every time Iran was about the decisively end the war (Most notably: Invasion of Basra) Americans intervened.

Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran - By Shane Harris and Matthew M. Aid | Foreign Policy

Be proud of imaginary things all you want, but know that Saddam army, supplied by you and half of the world couldn't do to Iran what it did to you and Kuwait in 8 hours. And by the way, take the Iraqi Army exhaustion after 8 years of war into account as well to better understand the severity of your failure.

By the way, Shah's supporter despise Islam, they're not "in your pocket" if they come to power they will erase Iran of Islam and most probably align themselves with Israel, As I have said earlier, you better deal with the current Iranian government, the next one will not be so friendly!
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Haha... dude... I know that Arabs like to fabricate history, but don't do this to contemporary history, witnesses are still alive!

Not really, it is actually the other way around but Iranians are known for their Persian supremacy.

He couldn't do anything to KSA though.
Shah could have destroyed Saudi in matter of days, as a matter of fact, once Saddam (the guy who your King ran away from) tried to nullify Algeria agreement, but after Iranian jets broke sound barrier over Baghdad he changed his mind

I'm sorry but who ran away from whom? I'm guessing you are a bit delusional in here.

And by the way, take the Iraqi Army exhaustion after 8 years of war into account as well to better understand the severity of your failure.

I don't understand what you are trying to get at? In both confrontations with Sadam's military i.e. by land and air, he's been outclassed drastically, Unless your Holy Ghost/The God of fire tells you something else.

they will erase Iran of Islam and most probably align themselves with Israel,

In our book, Iran isn't a Muslim country to begin with, therefore, Iran and Israel suit themselves the best.

As I have said earlier, you better deal with the current Iranian government, the next one will not be so friendly

Makes no difference to us as long as they maintain a distance.
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just do some reforms about social rules and change them like hijab and alcoholic drink, i assure you there will be no hard criticizing.

people believe in Islamic republic, their problem are these ridiculous rules.
just do some reforms about social rules and change them like hijab and alcoholic drink, i assure you there will be no hard criticizing.

people believe in Islamic republic, their problem are these ridiculous rules.

Manam haminoo migam! social rules ro relax konid lotfan!!!!!!!

#1 problem Iranian people have are these ridiculous rules!!!!!!!!!!:coffee:

No to mandatory Hejab.:woot:

Yes to alcohol.:ashamed:

Best way to fight against hardcore drugs in Iran coming from Afghanistan...

Yes to legalization of Marijuana.:usflag:

Manam haminoo migam! social rules ro relax konid lotfan!!!!!!!

#1 problem Iranian people have are these ridiculous rules!!!!!!!!!!:coffee:

No to mandatory Hejab.:woot:

Yes to alcohol.:ashamed:

Best way to fight against hardcore drugs in Iran coming from Afghanistan...

Yes to legalization of Marijuana.:usflag:


I'm not alcoholic and i'm Muslim, but following these rules depends on people and they shouldn't be run by government in the society.

what was their goal to force people to have hijab? to more women have hijab, but now after 35 years experience and testing all ways, what's the result? whether more women believe in hijab or not? it didn't work and it is just making enemy for government. by forcing people no one change his/her opinion and it just make them to hate the government. i have seen people who were not interested in politic or were supporting Islamic republic policies in the world but they didn't like to have hijab and after a while they turned their minds against government only because of this .

every wise man can calculate to see it's benefit and Losses.
they all knows their plan and goal about hijab got failed and they just Damaged people faith, but still are stupid and have not dare to accept it and stop it.
I'm not alcoholic and i'm Muslim, but following these rules depends on people and they shouldn't be run by government in the society.

what was their goal to force people to have hijab? to more women have hijab, but now after 35 years experience and testing all ways, what's the result? whether more women believe in hijab or not? it didn't work and it is just making enemy for government. by forcing people no one change his/her opinion and it just make them to hate the government. i have seen people who were not interested in politic or were supporting Islamic republic policies in the world but they didn't like to have hijab and after a while they turned their minds against government only because of this .

every wise man can calculate to see it's benefit and Losses.
they all knows their plan and goal about hijab got failed and they just Damaged people faith, but still are stupid and have not dare to accept it and stop it.

man inaro keh neveshtam shooki nakardam.. behtarin rah keh mardom be raheh fesad narand is to legalize everything!

I hope they stop telling people how to dress! that should be Rohuani's #1 goal.lol

be jay inkeh inghadar resource kharjeh gashte ershad bokonid, lotfan resource jay degh kharj konid!


:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

Tehran's Morality Police have become more active in confronting citizens for violating codes of appropriate dress. ISNA reports that a larger number of Morality Police personnel have been seen across the city, especially in the recreation centres such as Farahzad, Darband, Darekeh, Lavasan and Tochal.

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