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Sex Jihad – Saudi Cleric fatwa – Muslim girls and women ordered to Syria to

What are they doing SEX or JIHAD..
Decide First :omghaha:
Not sure about this since this is Tunisia. I doubt it since it is against Sunni Islam. Although there are plenty of idiotic clerics across the world who unfortunately due to their lies/agendas/stupidities ruin it for everyone else.

Even the article you posted say that it is most likely a hoax.

Anyway ask the Tunisian Arab users here. They have all denied it.

All I know is that this Fardak TV are proven liars and lunatics and the most pathetic "clerics" I have ever heard speak.

Shiite Cleric Yasser Habib in Anti-Sunni Rhetoric - YouTube

Did you watch what this Kuwaiti Shia "Muslim" said in the clip above?:laughcry:

200.000 people have watched it. Probably most Sunni Muslims. It will only increase the hate towards Shias and Iran when such people are on your side.

An alqaeda shia operative? Desperate times call for desperate solutions. Remind that Kuwaiti to lube up before Jihading.
Read about it few days ago .. Please check the source is it reliable or not before posting .. :angel:
thanks to those cleric they have created a fun and disgusting acts with Islam
and now many will laugh at us
The collapse of the sexual jihad lie

The “sexual jihad” lie is falling apart. Some celebrated this story when it went viral a few months ago and resorted to a cheap imagination to market tales in which sex mingles with fighting in the name of religion. They also depicted the Syrian regime as a “secular” fortress standing against this harm. All those who were involved in this cheap marketing are now silent towards this issue. An issue which all media outlets were attracted to an issue that later out turned out to be baseless.

Media outlets, rights organizations and activists did not find a single girl who could attest that she had granted her body as a gift to fighters in the name of religion. Perhaps what really cemented that this story was fake were the Syrian regime’s desperate attempts to circulate the story even after it was dropped by rights organizations and media due to the inability to prove it.

The Syrian regime published testimony by female teenager who was a purported victim. Rawan Qadah narrated a story of such proportions that only the Syrian regime could have fabricated it. Rawan narrated an incoherent story of how her father conspired against her and used her as a sexual commodity.

The sheikh whom the fatwa was attributed to has confirmed several times that he did not issue this fatwa

Diana Moukalled

Perhaps the story which Rawan narrated is itself a crime committed by the Syrian regime; it doesn’t stop at anything for the sake of staying in power. The tragedy of Rawan, who was kidnapped months ago and whose father is an opponent of the regime, urged several media outlets to dig into this made-up phenomenon dubbed “sexual jihad.”

French daily Le Monde and American magazine Foreign Policy wrote articles and conducted investigation reports on this lie. After that, a torrent of Western and Arab articles were published in media outlets around the world in an attempt to compensate for falling in the trap of such a lie.

Perhaps the best means which Le Monde and Foreign Policy adopted in solving the case was beginning their investigation at the root of the issue. The sheikh whom the fatwa was attributed to has confirmed several times that he did not issue this fatwa. The media outlet which marketed this story for the first time was one that supports the Syrian regime. Not a single case of sexual jihad could be proven. Tunisian officials who spoke on the subject did not present solid evidence either. It later turned out that they had personal interests to achieve by making these statements.

Amena Qalali, a researcher at the Human Rights Watch in Tunisia, said that Tunisian officials failed to prove Tunisian females’ involvement in so-called sexual jihad. She added that Tunisian officials marketed this story of sexual jihad in order to help the regime evade its responsibilities towards women’s rights organizations and their demands for freedom. According to Qalali, the Tunisian government evaded the demands of such women’s groups by making up the sexual jihad stories.

Although some officials in Tunisia are criminally and morally guilty of accusing girls of committing such practices without proof, the Syrian regime’s responsibility over what it has done to Rawan is much more. But, with a regime like the Syrian one, words have no value or meaning.

This article was first published in al-Sharq al-Awsat on Oct. 9, 2013.
How about the Tunisian Minister of the Interior is he a fake source many of us watched him talking about Tunisian girls been raped in syria by what so called sex jihad!!!!.
Sex Jihad – Saudi Cleric fatwa – Muslim girls and women ordered to Syria to sexually sacrifice their bodies to rebels!

By markulyseas
Here is a disturbing News Report.
Human rights organisations, Muslim organisations, Arab media, Arab Talk Show Hosts et al continue to reveal the sordid details of this Sex Jihad. In the following report you will read about the distraught parents of ‘Aisha’ a 16 year old Tunisian girl who went to Syria on ‘hearing the call’.
And to think that Western governments are arming these people?
It gives a whole new meaning to strange bedfellows.
News Report
News emerged a few weeks ago in Arabic media that yet another fatwa had called on practicing Muslim women to travel to Syria and offer their sexual services to the jihadis fighting to overthrow the secularist Assad government and install Islamic law. Reports attribute the fatwa to Saudi sheikh Muhammad al-’Arifi, who, along with other Muslim clerics earlier permitted jihadis to rape Syrian women.
Muslim women prostituting themselves in this case is being considered a legitimate jihad because such women are making sacrifices–their chastity, their dignity–in order to help apparently sexually-frustrated jihadis better focus on the war to empower Islam in Syria.
And it is prostitution–for they are promised payment, albeit in the afterlife. The Koran declares that “Allah has purchased of the believers their persons [their bodies] and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain (Yusuf Ali trans. 9:111).
On the basis of this fatwa, several young Tunisian Muslim girls traveled to Syria to be “sex-jihadis.” Video interviews of distraught parents bemoaning their daughters’ fates are on the Internet, including one of a father and mother holding a picture of their daughter: “She’s only 16–she’s only 16! They brainwashed her!” pleads the father.
Most recently, the Egyptian-based news service Masrawy published a video interview with “Aisha,” one of the Tunisian Muslim girls who went sex-jihading in Syria, only to regret her actions. While in Tunisia, Aisha said she met a Muslim woman who began talking to her about the importance of piety, including wearing the hijab; she then went on to talk about traveling to Syria to help the jihadis “fight and kill infidels” and make Allah’s word supreme, adding that “women who die would do so in the way of Allah and become martyrs and enter paradise.” (According to mainstream Islamic teaching, dying in jihad is the only guaranteed way to avoid hell.)
Aisha eventually came to the conclusion that she was being exploited in the name of religion and left.
While news that Muslim girls in hijabs are prostituting themselves in the name of Islam may surprise some, Islamic clerics regularly issue fatwas permitting forbidden things–so long as they help the jihad. For instance, not only did the original “underwear bomber” Abdullah Hassan al-Asiri hide explosives in his rectum to assassinate Saudi Prince Muhammad bin Nayef–they met in 2009 after the 22-year-old Asiri “feigned repentance for his ****** views”–but, according to Sh

this is just outrageous.
Sex Jihad – Saudi Cleric fatwa – Muslim girls and women ordered to Syria to sexually sacrifice their bodies to rebels!

By markulyseas
Here is a disturbing News Report.
Human rights organisations, Muslim organisations, Arab media, Arab Talk Show Hosts et al continue to reveal the sordid details of this Sex Jihad. In the following report you will read about the distraught parents of ‘Aisha’ a 16 year old Tunisian girl who went to Syria on ‘hearing the call’.
And to think that Western governments are arming these people?
It gives a whole new meaning to strange bedfellows.
News Report
News emerged a few weeks ago in Arabic media that yet another fatwa had called on practicing Muslim women to travel to Syria and offer their sexual services to the jihadis fighting to overthrow the secularist Assad government and install Islamic law. Reports attribute the fatwa to Saudi sheikh Muhammad al-’Arifi, who, along with other Muslim clerics earlier permitted jihadis to rape Syrian women.
Muslim women prostituting themselves in this case is being considered a legitimate jihad because such women are making sacrifices–their chastity, their dignity–in order to help apparently sexually-frustrated jihadis better focus on the war to empower Islam in Syria.
And it is prostitution–for they are promised payment, albeit in the afterlife. The Koran declares that “Allah has purchased of the believers their persons [their bodies] and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain (Yusuf Ali trans. 9:111).
On the basis of this fatwa, several young Tunisian Muslim girls traveled to Syria to be “sex-jihadis.” Video interviews of distraught parents bemoaning their daughters’ fates are on the Internet, including one of a father and mother holding a picture of their daughter: “She’s only 16–she’s only 16! They brainwashed her!” pleads the father.
Most recently, the Egyptian-based news service Masrawy published a video interview with “Aisha,” one of the Tunisian Muslim girls who went sex-jihading in Syria, only to regret her actions. While in Tunisia, Aisha said she met a Muslim woman who began talking to her about the importance of piety, including wearing the hijab; she then went on to talk about traveling to Syria to help the jihadis “fight and kill infidels” and make Allah’s word supreme, adding that “women who die would do so in the way of Allah and become martyrs and enter paradise.” (According to mainstream Islamic teaching, dying in jihad is the only guaranteed way to avoid hell.)
Aisha eventually came to the conclusion that she was being exploited in the name of religion and left.
While news that Muslim girls in hijabs are prostituting themselves in the name of Islam may surprise some, Islamic clerics regularly issue fatwas permitting forbidden things–so long as they help the jihad. For instance, not only did the original “underwear bomber” Abdullah Hassan al-Asiri hide explosives in his rectum to assassinate Saudi Prince Muhammad bin Nayef–they met in 2009 after the 22-year-old Asiri “feigned repentance for his ****** views”–but, according to Sh

So core Islamic rules do not apply to muslim fighters who desire to impose islamic social rules on any territory they get to administrate?

Strange at least, and very likely degrading your hold on the moral highground (if you had any left at all), muslim clerics and leaderships who organized this...
So core Islamic rules do not apply to muslim fighters who desire to impose islamic social rules on any territory they get to administrate?

Strange at least, and very likely degrading your hold on the moral highground (if you had any left at all), muslim clerics and leaderships who organized this...
All rules apply to everyone including muslim fighters. If individuals make amendments does not mean that the rules have changed. Wrong is wrong, this is not islamic war it is a war of interest.
Has anybody ever asked these clerics publicly on TV in TV studios or religious sermons whether these clerics will marry off their sons, grandsons or brothers to these unfortunate women and whether they will accept the children born of these women as their children and give them a part of their property???

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