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Sex and the Gods worshipped by Hindus

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Krishna had dozens of wives, had sex with his own Aunt - Radha, with his sister Subadhra, with many married women and withDevadasis (Prostitutes).

Hindu Shiva Raped many married women resulting in his Phallus (Lingam)being cut off by Bramha as a punishment and also to stop him for longing to have sexual gratification from any of the Rapes.
Bramha Sexually molested Shiva's wife (Parvati),ejaculated at the sight of parvati's thighs, Raped his own daughter Sarswati and is holding her captive and claiming her as his wife .

Ganesh ( who hindus now claim drinks milk from the utensils)was found in bed with his mother Parvati resulting in Shiva cutting off his head and replacing it with Elephant's head.

rama's father did not have any sexual gratification either ,hence he gave his wife to three hindu sages/gurus for a night and they too did not have any gratification but were able to ejaculate from whom rama was procreated. Rama was later found to be not eligible to rule Ayodhya since he was produced by abastard act and since Ram did not have the King's (Father's) blood flowing in him.
Rama's birth is miraculous and it may be that the suggestion that he was born from a pinda prepared by the sage Shrung is an allegorical gloss to cover up the naked truth that he was begotten upon Kausalya by the sage Shrung, although the two did not stand in the relationship of husband and wife. In any case his birth, if not disreputable in its origin, is certainly unnatural.
RaceandHistory.com - The Riddle Of Rama And Sita
Sita sister of Rama

According to Buddha Ramayana, Sita was the sister of Rama, both were the children of Dasharatha

JSTOR: Accessing JSTOR

According to Buddha Ramayana, Sita was the sister of Rama, both were the children of Dasharatha. The Ramayana of Valmiki does not agree with the relationship mentioned in Buddha Ramayana. According to Valmiki, Sita was the daughter of the king Janaka of Videha and therefore not a sister of Rama. This is not convincing for even according to Valmiki she is not the natural born daughter of Janaka but a child found by a farmer in his field while ploughing it and was presented by him to king Janaka and brought up by Janaka. It was therefore in a superficial sense that Sita could be said to be daughter of Janaka.
RaceandHistory.com - The Riddle Of Rama And Sita
Valmiki starts his Ramayana by emphasizing the fact that Rama is an Avatar of Vishnu, and it is Vishnu who agreed to take birth as Rama and be the son of Dasharatha. The God Brahma came to know of this and felt that in order that this Rama Avatar of Vishnu be a complete success, arrangement shall be made that Rama shall have powerful associates to help him and cooperate with him. There were none existing then.

The Gods agreed to carry out the command to Brahma and engaged themselves in wholesale acts of fornication not only against Apsaras who were prostitutes, not only against the unmarried daughters of Yakshas and Nagas but also against the lawfully wedded wives of Ruksha, Vidhyadhar, Gandharvas, Kinnars and Vanaras and produced the Vanaras who became the associates of Rama

Quoted from: Appendix No.1 of Part 3 of the book
Riddles of Hinduism 1995
By Dr. Babasaheb B.R.Ambedkar
Even if by any chance, these rather colourful stories posted by Titanium are indeed to be found in some long-forgotten version of events, they are of little consequence in the hinduism currently practiced.

Of course. That is not the point of theology... We are investigating what has been written down and what is fiction.

So unless its some form of cheap entertainment to the people on this forum, this thread is pointless.
Please don't start ranting about this forum again... We have kept an open environment for debate. People have been discussing whether or not the Prophet was a pedophile on this forum and we are predominantly Muslim. My only request is, debate academically. Anyone passing sneering comments will be held accountable.
Please don't start ranting about this forum again... We have kept an open environment for debate. People have been discussing whether or not the Prophet was a pedophile on this forum and we are predominantly Muslim. My only request is, debate academically. Anyone passing sneering comments will be held accountable.

So what is the academic debate on this thread?

All Titanium is doing is posting choice verses relating to sex in its various forms.

I don't know what his views are, and I don't know what the point of any of his posts is.

If you want do discuss Hinduism then why don't you post some articles on it worth reading? (or atleast express some views about it?)
So what is the academic debate on this thread?

All Titanium is doing is posting choice verses relating to sex in its various forms.

I don't know what his views are, and I don't know what the point of any of his posts is.

If you want do discuss Hinduism then why don't you post some articles on it worth reading? (or atleast express some views about it?)
I've been meaning to, but half the time I'm clearing up offtopic posts! Now either talk on topic or let it go. I'm expecting one of you to actually challenge his assertions, rather than cry foul for a change.
I've been meaning to, but half the time I'm clearing up offtopic posts! Now either talk on topic or let it go. I'm expecting one of you to actually challenge his assertions, rather than cry foul for a change.

There are several versions of hindu mythologies that can be collected from several sources. Based on the morality of those times, these will appear to be appalling or disgusting.

If you ask a hindu to read this, he will either counter with his version of events, the way he has been taught, or simply protest against the disgusting nature of the posts.

There is nothing to say for or against these posts and they are nothing more than cheap entertainment.

If you want to continue with such pointlessness, then please do so.

But kindly also allow members to post ridiculous verses from obscure hadiths, and the various other islamic texts that are considered blasphemous today.

So what is the academic debate on this thread?

All Titanium is doing is posting choice verses relating to sex in its various forms.

I don't know what his views are, and I don't know what the point of any of his posts is.

If you want do discuss Hinduism then why don't you post some articles on it worth reading? (or atleast express some views about it?)

Well only I can answear that, is it not?

As you see I posted some of the post in "Who is Hindu" thread, to understand who is Hindu and thair GODS, but admins here found it suitable to discuss in new thread.
In my quest to understand Hindu, I started naturally from Brahma, how he created first saraswati....His lust for saraswati and how the world come to be ....through thair incest, according Hindu scriptures. Mind you I have quoted ......above all the architect of Indian constitution Dr. Ambedkar.

The next for me to understad was to know more about Shiva and Vishnu... the trimurat of Hindu religion. I did publish some material regarding them, but desisted from posting my comment as there are many followers lurking who might give a contrary view. From there we might discuss.

But all am hearing is whining.......and as if am some kind of Evil here with Agenda.

Appreciate if some one can enlighten.
In my opinion, it is insulting to our hindu brothers. Please don't do it.
In my opinion, it is insulting to our hindu brothers. Please don't do it.

What is insulting care to elaborate? By the way am quoting only authoritative sources only........Not obscure, opinion or prejudice thinking.
Rama and his Harem

He drank liquor copiously and Valmiki records that Rama saw to it that Sita joined with him in his drinking bouts. From the description of the Zenana of Rama as given by Valmiki it was by no means a mean thing. There were Apsaras, Uraga and Kinnari accomplished in dancing and singing. There were other beautiful women brought from different parts. Rama sat in the midst of these women drinking and dancing. They pleased Rama and Rama garlanded them. Valmiki calls Ram as a 'Prince among women's men'. This was not a day's affair. It was a regular course of his life.

Quoted from: Appendix No.1 of Part 3 of the book
Riddles of Hinduism 1995
By Dr. Babasaheb B.R.Ambedkar
If you ask a hindu to read this, he will either counter with his version of events, the way he has been taught, or simply protest against the disgusting nature of the posts.
Why protest? Counter it!

There is nothing to say for or against these posts and they are nothing more than cheap entertainment.
There is nothing entertaining about stories of incest and masturbation.

If you want to continue with such pointlessness, then please do so.
And if you don't, the stop wasting precious forum space with your protests.

But kindly also allow members to post ridiculous verses from obscure hadiths, and the various other islamic texts that are considered blasphemous today. Ok?
I've removed all sneering comments made by people and they have been sufficiently warned not to pursue this 'cheap entertainment' further. You have to understand I cannot ban Theological material from the theology forum. It's not like someone's drawing cartoons. They are pointing out what has been said in your texts. You previously complained he didn't point out sources, he has pointed out sources now. You can debate upon the sources... For gods' sakes debate on something.

And as far as posting comments from Hadiths n stuff is concerned then go ahead. I can assure you many of us would ARGUE against what you post and not call for gagging free speech.

I will temporarily lock this thread and let you start whatever thread you want to about the Hadiths. Just so that there is a precedent set. I guess this level of free speech is unheard of by some people.

I'm utterly disappointed.
I totally agree with Asim's stance on this issue.

Its not like titanium is conjuring stuff from thin air, he is pointing facts. The truth is always bitter
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