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I thought only bangladesh servers and internal milltary network was vulnerable
but now even pakistan's net is weak...if GHQ servers and internal network is taken down this can lead to
tragic losses if conducted in wartime.

Either a few bangla and pak kids decided to take down their countries' miitary servers and internal network,
(heck, the same (servers, interal net, was also the target is the recent bangladesh defence network hacking),
or RAW or India's new cyberwing is exercising its strength over neighbourhood buddies.
Gmailaddresses are for civilian communication, they don't give you millitary communication addresses on the internet.

No government agency must be using gmail or any other free service. Period!

Thats a trap door.
Ok...561 numbers are not working,just tried one and it comes up as "Request rejected"...
But may be thats and error on only 561 numbers...

When officers and men can talk to their loved ones on extremely cheap mobile packages why to keep military lines open with private operators and pay calling party charges. I think hacking is a speculation and possibility of someone's personal computer can't be ruled out which is always there.
Just restrart the server problem solved

I would be suprised if the nation still thinks they are at war with Talibans who will carry this out
this is nothing but acts from US in order to do a "Mock Test"

This appears to be a test to see preparedness for Pakistan Military nothing more hopefully the establishment in Pakistan tracks down where the attack is originating from and share with international community
It was mock attack for security check. Cyber attack is now daily routine any military HQ of the world.
Attack aside, the cybersec of GHQ .. or rather the whole army is laughable at best.
ISI on the other hand, is very very ahead. If you ever have a chance to visit the ISI HQ(which is in PLAIN sight for everyone to see) the internals are a different world. However, if only the ISI has moved on while the rest of the army sits in plain comfort.. its laughable.
Moreover , the entire army isnt even on the same grid so to say., which patches and multiple comm systems generally able to communicate with each other in nothing other than voice.
The system was to be revamped but the biggest issue is the long line of red tape and the associated "commission-eaters" all over the ranks. Hopefully some progress would have been made, but the general lack of accountability(both monetary and capability) leaves me doubting that any meaningful progress has been made as such.
Attack aside, the cybersec of GHQ .. or rather the whole army is laughable at best.
ISI on the other hand, is very very ahead. If you ever have a chance to visit the ISI HQ(which is in PLAIN sight for everyone to see) the internals are a different world. However, if only the ISI has moved on while the rest of the army sits in plain comfort.. its laughable.
Moreover , the entire army isnt even on the same grid so to say., which patches and multiple comm systems generally able to communicate with each other in nothing other than voice.
The system was to be revamped but the biggest issue is the long line of red tape and the associated "commission-eaters" all over the ranks. Hopefully some progress would have been made, but the general lack of accountability(both monetary and capability) leaves me doubting that any meaningful progress has been made as such.

Laughable they are. I have not been inside or upclose with the ISI systems, but the plethora of antennas on the top of their building in Isl, and then at Hamza Camp do show something. PA hasn't really gone that much high tech with the comms systems IMO.

And again you are right on the commission thing with procurement. The amount of corruption that goes on in getting radio sets and other devices is un-imaginable. Service life is falsely manipulated, device given back to vendor, some polishing, and you have it back and army gets a 'thagi' as you can call it!
Why should every thing lead to Pak nukes assets?- you pakistaninukophobic now?-

But other than that tell me, what interest is it to any military hacker to hack your military servers?

Only three major possibilities:

- your nukes

- your bases and actual military capabilities

- your clandestine operations behind the curtain in WOT and a bunch of other localized conflicts.

You neither have a Boeing, Lockheed Martin or Raytheon for any tech stealing like what happened in Pentagon.
But other than that tell me, what interest is it to any military hacker to hack your military servers?

Only three major possibilities:

- your nukes

- your bases and actual military capabilities

- your clandestine operations behind the curtain in WOT and a bunch of other localized conflicts.

You neither have a Boeing, Lockheed Martin or Raytheon for any tech stealing like what happened in Pentagon.

Thank you captain obvious. If it weren't for your brilliant 'insights', we couldn't have figured that out on our own. :rolleyes:
they can never interrupt naik posti on his bicycle carrying important messages from "sahib" to "bara sahib"........the armyis still in the 18th century they have nor got rid of the Colonial JCO rank structure even now......
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