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Seven FC personnel martyred as terrorists attack post in Balochistan's Harnai area

So you think these monkeys are attacking Pakistan, its forces and its people just because they have a broken road or a lack of hospital in their city/district?

How naïve of you guys!

These guys are not fighting for a school or electricity or clean water. A lot of regions in Pakistan don't have any of this. Many in Baluchistan don't have it. Not all of them go pick a gun and become a terrorist

These guys are terrorists because they believe in a f*cked up ideology that is being spread in Baloch youth through our universities and colleges. That ideology is a combination of racial superiority and marxism. It is this ideology that is behind all the terrorism inside Balochistan. These nutjobs believe that Baloch are a separate nation from Punjabis, Sindhis and Punjabis. They believe that Balochistan was an independent country that was invaded by Pakistan and occupied by it

Now the fun part is that this filth is now being filled in the brains of Pashtuns too using PTM where pashtuns are told they are a sepearate nation from Punjabis or Sindhi and there is no response by Pakistani state against this ideology. In fact those who promote this filth are called to President house of Pakistan. That is the joke right there

Not saying that this attack didn't happen but this Kareem Dashti b@stard is a pro separatist rat and has been caught spreading fake news in the past on various issues. So lets wait and see what happens
ok too each his own that is what you believe i am no one to judge i am not quite sold
Have you heard the phrase devil finds work through idle hand my point is the devil here from the other side of border is finding work through idle jobless,brainwashed hands
Some Pakistanis here are accusing Iran... can anyone tell me why Iran would want to cause trouble for Pakistan ? Pakistan despite being friends with useless Arab sheikhs never had anti-Iran rhetoric or made some move against Iran. So why on earth would Iran want to trouble Pakistan ? No conspiracy theories please.
Ignore this guy, he is obsessed with the two I’s (Imran and Iran).
Some Pakistanis here are accusing Iran... can anyone tell me why Iran would want to cause trouble for Pakistan ? Pakistan despite being friends with useless Arab sheikhs never had anti-Iran rhetoric or made some move against Iran. So why on earth would Iran want to trouble Pakistan ? No conspiracy theories please.

Its fair to assume not everyone is pro CPEC in Iran.
ok too each his own that is what you believe i am no one to judge i am not quite sold
Have you heard the phrase devil finds work through idle hand my point is the devil here from the other side of border is finding work through idle jobless,brainwashed hands

I have seen enough terrorists who are highly educated and still chose to become terrorists. From Zawahiri to Dr Allah Nazar. It is the ideology that makes someone terrorists and not just random poverty
I have seen enough terrorists who are highly educated and still chose to become terrorists. From Zawahiri to Dr Allah Nazar. It is the ideology that makes someone terrorists and not just random poverty
or something they have seen or some injustice by people who think they are better this is how society produces criminals and terrorists

This guy is member parliament of Pakistan

This guy is openly saying that Karima Baloch was killed and implying that Pakistani state killed her even though Canadian police said they have no proof that she is killed let alone by someone from Pakistan

Now logical thing would be to ask this guy for proof of his claims and if he doesn't share them then he should be kicked out of parliament and state should expose his lies and treason. But instead state would remain silent and he would continue to spread poison against Pakistan and that too after getting salary as a member parliament from Pakistani taxpayers

With this attitude L mera Pakistani state can beat BLA. Martai raho
or something they have seen or some injustice by people who think they are better this is how society produces criminals and terrorists

What injustice buddy?? No inustice justifies killing people. No injustice makes someone a terrorist just like no drone attack is reason enough to blow yourself in a market

It is the weak and feeble response by Pakistani state that is helping this ideology to spread

Till we counter this Marxist racist ideology there is no way we can beat terrorism
For how long we would be the one keep bleeding and our only response would be to keep going after these pathetic foot soldiers when the real criminal behind it lives in peace. I am talking about India. Until you start returning the favor this crap will keep growing.

@PanzerKiel Sir is the news true or not.
So... when Imran Khan is going to take action against #chabahar #Kulbhoshan Yadeve?
Once there was a report...

We shall check NADRA record and all suspicious passports shall be canceled.
Kalbushan would have been dead by now if it wasnt for Saudi chela Naju who met Jindal and protected Kalbushan
Kalbushan would have been dead by now if it wasnt for Saudi chela Naju who met Jindal and protected Kalbushan
No wonder Imran Khan is your leader.... If you had blamed Bajwa, i might have believed you but blaming THE Rahil Sharif you must be high on wine from Qom.

If you want to prove, bring evidence, accusations just like Imran Khan does, are admissible only in PTI world.
No wonder Imran Khan is your leader.... If you had blamed Bajwa, i might have believed you but blaming THE Rahil Sharif you must be high on wine from Qom.

If you want to prove, bring evidence, accusations just like Imran Khan does, are admissible only in PTI world.
Puahaha Usual patwari tactic of bringing Gens in to protect you leech like naju..

And what more proof do you need that the secret meeting of Naju and Jindal in Murree (when his visa was only bound to Islamabad Capital City)

But Bugz e Imran me Khan or Gens ko to lana ee hota he p*twario ne..

And Khan is my leader how so ? I criticises him for his blunders but najus blunder are much higher than Khans..

And wine to arab or unke T ka kaam he...

And accusations might be believed in PTI world but patwaris believe "They are our family friend" as a proof 😉
No wonder Imran Khan is your leader.... If you had blamed Bajwa, i might have believed you but blaming THE Rahil Sharif you must be high on wine from Qom.

If you want to prove, bring evidence, accusations just like Imran Khan does, are admissible only in PTI world.
Nawaz never took his name. Also he is not being hanged because India went to IC and they ordered us to review the case that is what is being done. He would face new trial in civilian court and then again get death sentence and then would be send to gallows. No wonder you are blinded by bias and keep forgetting basic facts.
These social media accounts of surkha murtids have never proven to b true in past.

Even if there was a incidence they will blow it out of proportion and I wouldn't b surprised that its what is happening here.
This is why we need a QRF on standby, when any post reports it is under attack.

Fighters scrambled with a targeting pod and laser guided rockets to support our forces on the ground.

Then a force of heli-borne commandos (supported/protected by attack helicopters) to cut off any attacks trying to do hit and run attacks.

force of MRAPs near major roads and known smugglers routes to cut off enemy escape or re-supply. This force backed up with drones that provides overwatch so they don’t get drawn into a further ambush.

we also need the latest intelligence equipment to monitor enemy chatter (China maybe best able to help here) and investment in more human sources to detect enemies preparations.

Last but definitely not least, we need to discredit the BLA and forces like them, exposing what they really are to the people of Baluchistan, Pakistan, and the world. Without public support they will not be able to hide as easily amongst the people. With proper intelligence, we can avoid inconveniencing regular ethnic Baluchi Pakistanis, and find those causing these attacks.

P.s. this is also why local police in these areas need uparmored Toyota trucks. These attacks don’t look like they are going to stop, so we need to accept our forces will need to conduct smart COIN; working through the local power structures and leaders to identify, isolate, and neutralize these miscreants once and for all, while we complete the border fences.

Our JF-17 already have the Turkish targeting pod, why not Get the Turkish Laser guided rockets to support our troops when they come under attack. We probably plan to get them anyway when the T-129 arrive.

or the Chinese BRM1 90mm Laser guided rockets

The army needs to be proactive, raise enough troops to seal any infiltration routes into Baluchistan, as well as maintain commandos in all routes, mountain passes, etc. to catch these miscreants off guard, and arrest and prosecute them for all to see. This will especially discredit them in front of civilians and undermine any support them may get. Equally economic development needs to be done equitably so local support, if there is any, doesn’t allow this threat to come back.
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For how long we would be the one keep bleeding and our only response would be to keep going after these pathetic foot soldiers when the real criminal behind it lives in peace. I am talking about India. Until you start returning the favor this crap will keep growing.

@PanzerKiel Sir is the news true or not.

Till the DHA schemes continue on and some higher ups keep filling their pockets.
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