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Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

i want to ask one ques to all who think one day kashmir will be free. How Kashmir could be liberated from india????? i give u many options to consider.

Option 1- kashmiris themselves will liberate kashmir on their own.

Bubble Burst- First of all no one support kashmiris in india, leave aside india even in kashmir itself hindus, sikhs, buddhists & muslims of jammu & ladakh do not support kashmiri muslims. kashmiri muslims have tried everything from protests to boycotts to armed rebellion but failed every time. they can't get independence on their own no matter how hard they try.

Option 2- india itself leave kashmir

Bubble burst- if anyone think it is possible then that person is the biggest fool in whole world.

Option 3- pakistan help Kashmirs to liberate kashmir.

Bubble burst- Pakistan has tried everything possible on this earth to liberate Kashmir from wars to support kashmiris both morally & armed support, sending so called mujaheedins to kashmir, rising kashmir issue in international arena & what not but all things ended in a Big huge failure.

option 4- international arena's pressure on india to leave kashmir.

Bubble burst- international arena never put pressure on india to leave kashmir even when india had no or little importance in the world. now when india is developing & rising as a economic giant & becoming stroger day by day only a fool will think that international arena will pressurize india on kashmir.

i don't see how Kashmir can be liberated.if someone think kashmir will be liberated one day then please also mention HOW??? don't just shoot arrows in the dark.
i want to ask one ques to all who think one day kashmir will be free. How Kashmir could be liberated from india????? i give u many options to consider.

Option 1- kashmiris themselves will liberate kashmir on their own.

Bubble Burst- First of all no one support kashmiris in india, leave aside india even in kashmir itself hindus, sikhs, buddhists & muslims of jammu & ladakh do not support kashmiri muslims. kashmiri muslims have tried everything from protests to boycotts to armed rebellion but failed every time. they can't get independence on their own no matter how hard they try.

Option 2- india itself leave kashmir

Bubble burst- if anyone think it is possible then that person is the biggest fool in whole world.

Option 3- pakistan help Kashmirs to liberate kashmir.

Bubble burst- Pakistan has tried everything possible on this earth to liberate Kashmir from wars to support kashmiris both morally & armed support, sending so called mujaheedins to kashmir, rising kashmir issue in international arena & what not but all things ended in a Big huge failure.

option 4- international arena's pressure on india to leave kashmir.

Bubble burst- international arena never put pressure on india to leave kashmir even when india had no or little importance in the world. now when india is developing & rising as a economic giant & becoming stroger day by day only a fool will think that international arena will pressurize india on kashmir.

i don't see how Kashmir can be liberated.if someone think kashmir will be liberated one day then please also mention HOW??? don't just shoot arrows in the dark.

Here's the largest bubble burst for Indians!

As long as Pakistan has the moral and just principled stand, then Pakistan is not going to give up on the Kashmiris.
The real face of the Separatists

Youth critically injured as he refuses to obey shutdown call

Rising Kashmir News
Srinagar, Dec 3: A young man was critically injured in Nowhatta when some miscreants tried to force a shutdown in the area and struck him in head with cricket bat.

Eye witnesses said that early in the morning some youth appeared in the market and insisted shopkeepers to shutdown to protest the use of pepper guns by police on Friday against protesters.

They said as the protesting youth reached Ranghamam area of Nowhatta, some shopkeepers resisted the porters and refused to close their shops. They said one among the protesters got angry and hit Traiq Ahmad Bhat s/o Abdul Salam of Ranghamam with cricket bad injuring critically.

The youth was immediately shifted to the SKIMS where doctors operated upon him in his head and shifted to surgical Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

“The youth has suffered fracture in head and is in coma. Although the operation was successfully conducted on him but nothing can be said yet,” said the authorities.

Meanwhile, the residents of down town Srinagar Saturday closed their business for many hours and protested against the alleged use of pepper guns on Friday by police to disperse the protesters.

Scores of people chanted the slogans against the use of pepper guns by police and claimed that it has caused severe health problems among them.
They alleged that due to the use pepper guns people especially children and women suffered various problems like breathlessness and suffocation.

The people urged police to refrain from using the health hazard weapons in future and threatened to go on strike if same guns were sued again to contain protests.

However, witnesses said that police lobbed many tear smoke shells and resorted to baton charge to disperse the protesters.

Pertinently, on Friday afternoon, youth took to streets at Nowhatta, Saraf Kadal-Nawa Kadal, Kawdara and Rajouri Kadal to lodge protest against the arrests made by police last.

According to witnesses as soon as Friday prayers were over youth appeared on roads and government forces dispersed them by firing teargas, pepper guns and lathi charge.
Once again a simplistic solution suggested by a Pakistani who is unable to comprehend thee complex nature of the problem !

The counter arguments have been made by Indian members in some of the earliest posts to this forum. Enough said, we unlike you do not live in the past.

According to the partition rules Kashmiris are to get a referndum.

Do not tell me Pakistan follows all rules set by the international community. There are international laws about terrorism, about proliferation etc etc etc that Pakistan breaks, on all those cases pakistan shouts and implores the world with tears in its eyes, to look at the circumstances. Now India is insisting that you see the circumstances that exist presently and you suddenly remember 'Rules' ! Ha!

Ha, hypocrite and deceiver.

You bringing things that are irrelevant to the Kashmir dispute. Things that do not have anything to do with the Kashmir dispute.

Anything that are irrelevant are disqualified to be counter-arguments!

Don;t you know how to debate? :lol:

We believe in principles!
However you keep ranting that "money" and "time" can buy out principles. :lol:

HA TO YOU! :azn: :rofl:
Option 1- kashmiris themselves will liberate kashmir on their own.

Bubble Burst- First of all no one support kashmiris in india, leave aside india even in kashmir itself hindus, sikhs, buddhists & muslims of jammu & ladakh do not support kashmiri muslims. kashmiri muslims have tried everything from protests to boycotts to armed rebellion but failed every time. they can't get independence on their own no matter how hard they try.

Option 3- pakistan help Kashmirs to liberate kashmir.

Bubble burst- Pakistan has tried everything possible on this earth to liberate Kashmir from wars to support kashmiris both morally & armed support, sending so called mujaheedins to kashmir, rising kashmir issue in international arena & what not but all things ended in a Big huge failure.
So Kashmiri muslims are some other breeds than the ones living in Ladakh , Jammu ? :lol: Impressive IQ level you seem to have ...

Has Pakistan backed down ? :azn: No , and it will try again ... As a matter of fact , every side will try to take advantage if it feels it can because Kashmir's a disputed territory and its borders are ever changing ... The war continues ...
Here's the largest bubble burst for Indians!

As long as Pakistan has the moral and just principled stand, then Pakistan is not going to give up on the Kashmiris.
I hope that then Pakistan will never give up and will always be there to try for a liberated Kashmir which will not happen for eternity,
The thing is buddy, I have already answered everything you have asked in Posts 217, 235, 245, 252 and 271. But you do not comprehend. I have also added more comments apart from the Ctrl C and V, but you seem to ignore those comments when convenient.

Now look at me, I answer everything you ask me - you are just unsatisfied because I do not give you the answer that you want !

The thing is, we don;t have to time to read essays of irrelevant garbage.

Point is Kashmiris are promised to have a referendum.

Point is lets ask what matters to the Kashmiris? Money or Freedom?

That is the moral and right thing to do!
The counter arguments have been made by Indian members in some of the earliest posts to this forum. Enough said, we unlike you do not live in the past.
We are yet to hear those counter arguments ... Because we know you dont have one ... The UN resolutions doesn't set a time limit for plebiscite , it is valid even today ... So " living in the past " is a crap argument ...
We are yet to hear those counter arguments ... Because we know you dont have one ... The UN resolutions doesn't set a time limit for plebiscite , it is valid even today ... So " living in the past " is a crap argument ...

lol, we have them conered.

Point 1: Economics and Future

Lets ask what matters to the Kashmiris? Money or their freedom? :lol:

Point 2: Forget all other irrelevant things that do are not part of the Kashmir conflict. chess-writer is playing games by bringing in Balochistan and other crap!

Kashmiris are promised a referendum.
I had said in that post that you'd now call me a troll, and that is the exact thing you did. But why did you edit that line out of your quote !

See that is the problem, you insist that there are principles and that yours are correct because there are rules that India should follow. Well, the principles that India follows are different. Prosperity is our Number 1 principle. Yours is to grab a peice of land and make it join a basketcase of a country

---------- Post added at 12:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 AM ----------

Now you have got closer to the crux - Kashmiris need more than want Freedom to earn money so that their children have a better future than Pakistan's Mullahs can promise them.

Ha, are you saying Pakistan cannot give them an adequate education? :woot: If that is what you are saying then you delusional.

I don't care who can offer the better education.

It is what the Kashmiris want!

Oh resorting to "Mullahs." You know I have many Mullah friends who have Phd's and master degrees in Chemical Engineering.

Being a mullah doesn't mean you are uneducated.

Anyways enough of the irrelevant arguments.

Let the Kashmiris decide what they want. :azn:

You never seem to be able to answer this.

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 PM ----------

I had said in that post that you'd now call me a troll, and that is the exact thing you did. But why did you edit that line out of your quote !

See that is the problem, you insist that there are principles and that yours are correct because there are rules that India should follow. Well, the principles that India follows are different. Prosperity is our Number 1 principle. Yours is to grab a peice of land and make it join a basketcase of a country

---------- Post added at 12:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 AM ----------

Now you have got closer to the crux - Kashmiris need more than want Freedom to earn money so that their children have a better future than Pakistan's Mullahs can promise them.

Ha, are you saying Pakistan cannot give them an adequate education? :woot: If that is what you are saying then you delusional.

I don't care who can offer the better education.

It is what the Kashmiris want!

Oh resorting to "Mullahs." You know I have many Mullah friends who have Phd's and master degrees in Chemical Engineering.

Being a mullah doesn't mean you are uneducated.

Anyways enough of the irrelevant arguments.

Let the Kashmiris decide what they want. :azn:

You never seem to be able to answer this.
It is not that India, Indians or Indian soldiers like to commit human rights violations. It is that the population of Kashmir has been shown this bogey, this dream of a plebiscite and re-unification with an Islamic Pakistan that makes them want to separate.
So chess-writer ?
Thats what you were saying all along that even though Kashmiris want reunification with Pakistan , they will not be allowed because you dont think its better for them ... Impressive logics you make by themselves ...
Now you have got closer to the crux - Kashmiris need more than want "Freedom" to earn "Money" so that their children have a better future than Pakistan's Mullahs can promise them.

No no, hypocrite.

Lets ask what the Kashmiris want in Indian Occupied Kashmir. :lol: Don;t put your illogical thoughts down their throats you hypcritical obfucated and delusional person that you are! :lol:
And Insha-Allah, you will never hear them. Because they are irrelevant. We think of the future here in India not the past. ANd we also look at issues more deeply. Also, we are able to differentiate between what is 'Popular' and what is 'Good'.

China is also able to do the exact same kind of thinking and look where it has reached !
Yes , i will never hear them because i know you dont have no counter arguments for that one ... Irrelevant just because you think so ? :azn: You and your Govt very well knows whom will Kashmiris vote for and thus not fulfilling its promise ... " The plebiscite is past " argument is just bull **** to divert the debate ... Looking at issues more deeply would mean that you held the plebiscite that your prime minister agreed to ... Even the LOC agreement was signed after 1971 war , does it become irrelevant just because three decades have passed ? If such is the reason , then even Durand and McMahon line are invalid today going by your theory ...
And Insha-Allah, you will never hear them. Because they are irrelevant. We think of the future here in India not the past. ANd we also look at issues more deeply. Also, we are able to differentiate between what is 'Popular' and what is 'Good'.

China is also able to do the exact same kind of thinking and look where it has reached !

lol, and you are running away!

We Pakistanis are people of principles. If we borrow something from someone else, even if a 1000 years pass by, we will keep our word and return whatever needs to be returned to that specific person.

Ofcourse you and materialistic arguments have failed. Because one cannot buy freedom with money or time. :lol:
Yes , i will never hear them because i know you dont no counter arguments for that one ... Irrelevant just because you think so ? :azn: You and your Govt very well knows whom will Kashmiris vote for and thus not fulfilling its promise ... Past thing is just bull **** to divert the debate ... Looking at issues more deeply would mean that you held the plebiscite that your prime minister agreed to ... Even the LOC agreement was signed after 1971 war , does it become irrelevant just because three decades have passed ? If such is the reason , then even Durand and McMahon line are invalid today going by your theory ...

Precisely! If this was official debate, all the irrelevant arguments would have disqualified chess-writer from the beginning.

And then he teaches us how to debate! :lol:
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