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Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with Hizbut Tahrir



we call indians as infidel in pakistan because they dotn worship Allah , but Allah tells us that if you dont use shariah for major decisions then you are infidel. DID WE USE SHARIAH WHILE BRIDGING RELATION WITH NATO. DOES SHARIAH ALLOW US TO SHAKE HAND WITH PEOPLE WHO KILLED 1.2 MILLION MUSLIMS IN IRAQ AND COUNTLESS IN AFGHANISTAN??


We told the Taliban to hand over Osama to the Americans, they didn't. They were in the mood for a military adventure. So were the Americans. We just said that they could take supplies from our routes. Nothing bad about that.
Buddy, the government pays me to use my head to make strategies that keep Pakistan out of trouble. I couldn't care less if Ethiopia attacks Russia or whatever, my concern is limited to the effects it will have on Pakistan. Similarly, the Americans can attack any country, as long as it isn't ours, I need not sweat over it. The Afghans are happy with the Americans. Why must we(Pakistanis) always have to sweat for the rest of the muslims ? Can't they stand up for themselves ? We are in no position to carry out that "We are the bastion of Islam act", right now, all we need is to get Pakistan out of the situation it is in and then we can play that role........
army pays you salary but that salary cant buy your faith!!!MOSES was raised in pharoahs (remsis - 2) home. does this should have made MOSES indebt to his mythology .... NO....MOSES was exalted when he preached the true faith .....

Pak Army is not ultravires from the rulings of ISLAM. on day of judgement the COAS or the commendation meddals will not protect anyone.

one more thing. pakistan was not made by the army. it was made by the pro islamist people.

iqbal was a wali ullah.
the deobandi movement united muslims after 1857 collapse.
it were deobandis who launched khilafat movement.
it were these pathans who fought britishers in FATA when there was no PAK ARMY.
it were the deobandi scholars who started movements to gather people. one example is the khaksar movement which was inspired by the the muslim brotherhood of egypt.
it were the islamist who motivated men who defeated russians. while the son of general akhtar became an industrialist.
it were the islamist and deobandi of pakistan who pinned 0.6 million indian army in kashmir while the pak army surrendered in bangladesh.

I don't believe in sectarianism. The word Deoband, Wahabi, Salafi, Sunni, Shia, Barelvi, etc, hold no value in my life. It's just muslim, and it's just Pakistani.
The military has to be pro-active and flexible in countering propaganda and criticizm. The fact of the matter is that the raid on GHQ, PNS Mehran and US propaganda and Pakistan's own liberal military bashing commentators have shifted the discourse towards 'extremism in the military'. If the Military stays silent on the anti-extremist actions it is taking, it loses the ability to make its POV heard, and the voices of those criticizing and maligning it end up winning the public discourse, and that has very negative implications from the stand point of 'public support for the Army'.

Its not a matter of 'consistency in disclosure', rather one of adjusting the military media policy to counter new challenges and retain public support.

If the military does not adjust, it will lose the battle of public perceptions.

I have a doubt about this disclosure by PA. What will be the repercussions of this action by PA? I mean after the Abottabad incident some organisation did declare to avenge their martyr hero so what if some other organization says that it will not tolerate betrayal of such idealists i mean what would the Army do then?

Also this would serve as a warning to other similar members in PA wouldn't it? Now they will be extra careful which defeats the idea of weeding out such unwanted elements? And no i am not saying PA is filled with such elements.
I have a doubt about this disclosure by PA. What will be the repercussions of this action by PA? I mean after the Abottabad incident some organisation did declare to avenge their martyr hero so what if some other organization says that it will not tolerate betrayal of such idealists i mean what would the Army do then?

Also this would serve as a warning to other similar members in PA wouldn't it? Now they will be extra careful which defeats the idea of weeding out such unwanted elements? And no i am not saying PA is filled with such elements.

Exactly my point. Its has nothing to do with Civil-military confidence building measures here, It was a poor move on part of the military by going public, especially when the Brig. in question hasn't been convicted yet.
Yes anytime.we are patriotic pakistanis and it not possible that my views and my brothers views do not match as i am civilian and he is forces he have much more better understanding then me about the situtation and about the facts its frustrating when my own brother cant answer my qustions so thats why i came here to seek the answers but i got i1 thing here that military is much more tolerant with differing views then civilians as Mr T-Faz is calling me a terrorist.

u know what il tell u a real story i had a cousin ok . a great student he started to sit with these people and honestly soon he started to become like them i mean idealogically he used to debate with me as well on these topics and u know what i couldn't ans him as well now what happened is that he lost an arm in a suicide indecent or the so called Islamic movement now he is a phyco okay . where is his sense of justice after all he was the one who advocated the fight against infedal army .There are somethings that cant be ans some things that cant be understood unless u go through them only then u know what the silence truly means i hope u understands what i am trying to say and for people out there i wanna tell u my cousin was only 14 years old
i am not here to change someones viwes or vice versa i am here to seek the truth and i found out that some people cant handle the truth.
if you dont care about muslims of palestine muslims of kashmir muslims of kosovo bosnia checniya afghanistan and iraq then sorry to say you cant be a muslim if you cant feel their pain then its not a point wasting my time with you but dont suppress the truth please donot be a judge if dont know if its true or not and let the others decide

hat Islam do u want wahabi sunni hanfi sufi deobandi or what do u know what islam is its what inside of u okay not what abvious u wanna know islam il tellu a simple thing what is the basic difference btw ribah or interst il immediatly know what ur understanding of islam u people truly have

second point which umman are u talking about they are arabs for GOD SAKE HOW MANY countries do they pose yet they cant even stand up to Isreal which umma are u talking about that umma who after being beaten several times still dont learn the lessons if umma is so important i wanna know that why is that pakistani aent allowed a tinted glass in uae while the whole world is allowed to do that
which umma are u talking about kashmir kis kashmir ki baat kertey ho us kashmir ki jo tumharey sath shamile hi nahi hona chahtey evnen today if u go to kashmir and bargain with them they say that TUMHARA PAKISTAN TO YEAH FRUIT ITNEY KA DETA HAI HU TO ITNEY KA DERAHA HAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly my point. Its has nothing to do with Civil-military confidence building measures here, It was a poor move on part of the military by going public, especially when the Brig. in question hasn't been convicted yet.

In addition to the points raised there is another problem that would arise that is of blame game. Till now the Western Media or Indian Media have been pointing towards links between PA and extremists but haven't been able to prove it, but now they will use this to further malign the organisation as a whole. I can understand that liberal minded people will take it as a step in the right direction, however this can be interpreted in another way too, as a proof of what has been spoken of till now. I know it doesn't matter much in actual sense but PR is also a thing to be counted on and this can cause a good amount of damage.
When the radicals were being readied by the US to fight in Afghanistan and Balkans, Pakistan (specifically entire KPK area) was taken as the hub to produce and groom more and more such radicals. And Pakistan did not have any qualms about it, since it had its own plans of using them in Kashmir and Afghanistan later on.

Later, the US, a bit for reward, and a bit for convenience, housed and settled those radicals in New Jersey (US), UK, Switzerland, and Scandinavian countries. That is the reason you see such radicals coming out of those countries. Wherever they go, they take advantage of the ongoing 'Islamophobia' and motivate other Muslims to become defiant radicals too, just like themselves.
That is the reason why the average Muslim in Islamic Republic of Pakistan is many times more liberal and tolerant than the average Muslim living in the UK or the Scandinavia.

The points you are raising now, had been raised by Indians long ago, but were never paid attention to...

These radicals remained under the control of CIA so that they can use them for their terrorist activities anywhere around the globe ...whereas the pplz in Pakistan are free of this radical virus inducted into pplz by CIA to make them radicalz.....Alhamdolillah........thats why CIA is getting hit in Paklistan inspite of their all evil/covert games ......networkingz.......Insha-Allah.....:)
We told the Taliban to hand over Osama to the Americans, they didn't. They were in the mood for a military adventure. So were the Americans. We just said that they could take supplies from our routes. Nothing bad about that.
Buddy, the government pays me to use my head to make strategies that keep Pakistan out of trouble. I couldn't care less if Ethiopia attacks Russia or whatever, my concern is limited to the effects it will have on Pakistan. Similarly, the Americans can attack any country, as long as it isn't ours, I need not sweat over it. The Afghans are happy with the Americans. Why must we(Pakistanis) always have to sweat for the rest of the muslims ? Can't they stand up for themselves ? We are in no position to carry out that "We are the bastion of Islam act", right now, all we need is to get Pakistan out of the situation it is in and then we can play that role........

We need to care for other pplz based on humanitarian groundz....we shold not be mean.......we r humans ....and humanz do have feelingz for others in pain.....:azn:
You are not aware of them because the Army decided to conceal them like they always do, so why go to public with this particular case?
will surface via spies you mentioned like what? that Pakistani nukes are not safe and we have Taliban sympathizers who are sabotaging our f-16s, feel free to correct me, but haven't these reports already surfaced? But do we really feel embarrassed by what the American or Indian espionage has to say about us? So why are we getting extra sensitive about the so-called reports of the spies now?

And how are you certain that this jovial out burst wouldn't have alarmed more moles like him?

will you back your words with a stern pledge that the next time Americans are sitting around a bargaining table with Pakistan and they will not try to bring up the issue of extremists in Pakistan Military? Can you? Can you zip the mouths of all those skeptics who will now have cogent proof that Indeed Pakistan army has been infiltrated by extremists.

No I didn't mean that, I mean if this detention on account of connections of a brig. with banned outfits is surfaced from any other means other than ISPR / PA itself, it gonna affect the image of PA at large. Safety of Pak Nukes and sabotaging f-16 is propaganda nothing else. We need to counter that propaganda by cleansing our Army. Tell me one thing, is our army free of mullahism, a big NO, the great example is Gen Zia who was primarily used by these same people for their own interests, which are now doing propaganda as they know that the mullahism still exists.

Hiding the facts not gonna take us anywhere, rather we will keep explaining that there is no such element in our PA. Catching them and expelling them being the cleansing strategy, would make our image better than hiding the face from reality.
Exactly my point. Its has nothing to do with Civil-military confidence building measures here, It was a poor move on part of the military by going public, especially when the Brig. in question hasn't been convicted yet.

Aren't you forgetting something? he was detained on May 6, and info made public on June 21, so what do you think army was doing with him in between? In my view, when they have got some credible evidences, the info revealed.
We need to care for other pplz based on humanitarian groundz....we shold not be mean.......we r humans ....and humanz do have feelingz for others in pain.....:azn:

That is a luxury you can afford to enjoy, I have to think without compassion, mercy, pity. Don't think negatively about me and my colleagues, we do all this to keep you safe. We do feel bad when some muslim country, or any country for that matter is attacked. But I don't feel it is necessary for us to fight for everybody, sometimes it's more effective to just be there to tend to their wounds after battle than to fight alongside them.
Aren't you forgetting something? he was detained on May 6, and info made public on June 21, so what do you think army was doing with him in between? In my view, when they have got some credible evidences, the info revealed.

Before taking any step you have to run the ''cost and and benefit analysis'' . You have to weigh the pro's and con's before leaping in to the dark, If we look at Pakistan military in the present scenario, they have more to lose than what they will be gaining with this Brig-extremist-links fiasco. There is no limit that to which extent the enemies of Pakistan military will exploit this abrupt revelation in their favor. You have to consider the broader view here, Pakistan military has been exposed as the institution, penetrated by the radicals & for that Pakistan military will end up with eggs on her face. As for Civil-military engagement, it's beyond a reasonable doubt that this step would serve any purpose to bridge the civil-military gaps, as we all know that the bulk of of Pakistani's don't consider that these organizations are being run by radical Mullah's. So what has Pakistan military gained? Other than impressing a few neo-liberals, Pakistan military stands all alone.
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