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Serious errors committed in negotiations for IMF package


Aug 15, 2009
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ISLAMABAD: Very disturbing facts are slowly emerging about how Pakistani negotiators committed serious errors on several counts while negotiating the $6.67 billion loan agreement with the IMF.

The wrong policy prescriptions played havoc with the economy, as it resulted into putting pressures on exchange rate in the aftermath of the IMF deal.Many important heads might roll over these glaring mistakes committed knowingly or unknowingly, especially by the high-ups of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), officials fear.

First of all, the sources said, Pakistan’s negotiating team agreed with the IMF by pitching lower current account deficit (CAD) for showing improved performance of the national economy but it was contrary to the ground realities.

The analysis of current account deficit (CAD) shows that it stood at $1.4 billion for quarter (Jan-March) period of 2013 and at $1.2 billion for April-June 2013. In a strange move, the CAD was pitched at negative $1.6 billion for the whole financial year 2013-14. How it was possible for such huge reduction and what was the basis for it is still not known.

As in first two months (July-August) 2013, the CAD was standing at $636 million and would be touching $1 billion in the first quarter ending on September 30, 2013. In the previous programme with the IMF in 2008, the Pakistani team had pitched CAD on higher side by incorporating highly reliable foreign inflows with 100 percent surety in a bid to reduce envisaged target on NFA in much smart manner. But this time, the NFA targets were set without involving input from competent authorities especially from economists that resulted into negative impact for the country’s economy.

When asked to comment on using wrong data, a senior official of Ministry of Finance said: “These were just projections made by the IMF and the government would make all out efforts to improve macro-economic indicators.”

“There was no economic justification for steep decline of rupee against US dollar as the country was under the discipline of IMF for achieving macro-economic stability,” the official said.He added: “The government recently finalised the deal with international and domestic banks to generate $625 million to improve the country’s reserves position and there were institutions which were willing to provide multibillion dollar assistance to Pakistan; however, the government would take the decision to get foreign loans keeping in view the prudent policies and justified economic decisions.”

The Finance Ministry version notwithstanding, under the Pak-IMF deal, sources said, the targets of Net Foreign Assets (NFA), Current Account Deficit (CAD) and inflation figures were calculated on the basis of wrong assumptions, exposing abilities of both the IMF as well as Pakistani team.

However, in the IMF there is no accountability mechanism so no one would be held responsible despite having equal share in devising wrong policy prescriptions for the country.“There is need to ascertain facts before holding someone responsible among Pakistan’s negotiating team for the fiasco meted out in exchange rate where rupee nosedived against dollar in recent few days mainly because of SBP’s becoming a player into the market for purchasing dollars for meeting the IMF’s envisaged criteria on achieving quarterly target on September 30,” said sources privy to this ongoing development here on Friday.

As the devil lies in details, if the situation is analyzed carefully then it will come on surface that all powerful DMG officers are in the driving seat in the Ministry of Finance as Additional Secretary External Finance Shahid Mehmood has also assumed the charge of Special Assistant to the Finance Minister. Joint Secretary in External Finance is Naveed Allaudin who had worked in corporate finance in the finance ministry and mostly possesses experience for working in the provinces. Kamran Ali Afzal, who is JS Budget in Finance Ministry, also assists the finance minister.

On the other hand, the capacity of Economic Advisor Wing of Finance Ministry is known to everyone, as there is no comparison between the incumbents, with the former Economic Advisor Dr Ashfaque Hassan Khan who knew the IMF language and techniques fully and its repercussions for the country’s economy.

“One may like it or not, there is only person in Finance Ministry who holds command on dealing with the IMF and that is Secretary Finance Dr Waqar Masood, but it is not yet known why he was unable to avoid some glaring mistakes in the preparation for the IMF negotiations and programme,” said the sources.

On inflation target, both Pakistan and the IMF again pitched at lower side by projecting it to go close to 8 percent for the current fiscal year but all actions of this government are contributing towards inflation on the higher side and will be standing at least 12 to 12.5 percent on average in 2013-14.

The SBP agreed with the IMF to use exchange rate anchor instead of monetary anchor that is also a major factor for putting pressure on rupee against dollar in recent days.The administered price-based inflation will increase the GDP’s nominal denominator and distort the size of economy.

Serious errors committed in negotiations for IMF package - thenews.com.pk
the package had many disadvantages and its a slow and painful process in which the people will suffer alot. But what can you expect from a chartered accountant. They dont teach economy in accountancy thats for sure... You need an expert economist in it. Seeing how bad our situation is i say a really big expert.
Why is that they get richer themself never loose money but Pakistan always loose ?
so is the military itself. should be send back to England to its mother, then you be made raja ranjeet singh! :D

Lets take a poll today , in the street , who do people prefer , military or Democracy .

and then decide who you want to send and where .

Democracy DOES NOT WORK at a place where literacy rate is below 30% , Idiots will always choose idiots as their leader .

You have Enjoyed last 5 years of democracy , now enjoy next 5 as well . why are you Crying right ? , the person you are criticizing came through Democratic channels .. why are you being a hypocrite ?
Democracy DOES NOT WORK .
If you are supporter of Tahir ul Qadri sahab then this sentence suits you otherwise if you are supporting any Political party in Pakistan then you have no right to speak against democracy.... :coffee:
If you are supporter of Tahir ul Qadri sahab then this sentence suits you otherwise if you are supporting any Political party in Pakistan then you have no right to speak against democracy.... :coffee:

I dont Support any Party or any organization for that matter .. I will Support any one who is doing something Good for Pakistan , and no one if their actions are damaging Pakistan .

Those who stick to a party regardless of its performance , are the biggest reason we are in this mess.
I will Support any one who is doing something Good for Pakistan , and No one if their actions are damaging Pakistan .

100% agreed..
But your comments shows that you are Hard line Islamist!! Same group that Prefers Islam than the country......My observation sir!!
The reason from Thakaydars of Islam, country has 75 banned Islamic organisations and each day some new organization comes into name of Islam and getting banned within few years.... One of the reason Country is in Mess!!
100% agreed..
But your comments shows that you are Hard line Islamist!! Same group that Prefers Islam than the country......My observation sir!!
The reason from Thakaydars of Islam, country has 75 banned Islamic organisations and each day some new organization comes into name of Islam and getting banned within few years.... One of the reason Country is in Mess!!

I am a Muslim First , and i prefer Islam over anything .. however I love my country to my heart .. and will without a single thought give my life for it , I Hate Taliban & i want them hanged in the streets . I am a Muslim by my Rules , i do my own research about Islamic principals as i found out that 80% of Mullahs Know nothing about Islam ,

I Hate Anyone & Everyone who maligns the Name of Islam , and those who try to bend it their own way . those who create divide between Muslims are its worst enemies , I am just a Plain and simple Muslim who does not belong to any sect .

and since we are on the Topic of IMF , I don't like interest based Banking , it is the root cause of Economic Collapse , the sooner we eliminate Interest from our system , the better it will be for us .
80% of Mullahs Know nothing about Islam ,
Sir , every Mullah says this to other firka/group.

On topic:
Everybody knows that we had no option other than IMF even this liar Nawaz sharif knew it before elections......
We cannot become chooser... We are not in this position....
Nawaz shariff economic reforms are rather bankrupting the country..he is an amateur idiot only keen appointing his village mates to position of power
and since we are on the Topic of IMF , I don't like interest based Banking , it is the root cause of Economic Collapse , the sooner we eliminate Interest from our system , the better it will be for us .

Sure. Interest is bad as long as one is a net borrower. Look at it from being a lender. And regarding the Sharia Banking (I have experienced it a little bit in Dubai), it is quite a farce. One ends up paying higher interest in Sharia Banking. The way it seems that Sharia banking system was anyway clearly a tool for the rulers to exploit the merchants in the good old Islamic days. Else it makes no banking sense. Everything that one gets has a cost. So why not capital?

Actually it seems from your statement that you know nothing about lending and money flows and quite the same about economy.
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