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Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

Indeed a joke! And couldn’t believe in 2010, such a joke can still perpetuate on the land of Bharat!

In Hindu caste system, only certain groups of people can entertain certain privileges. Lower castes are not supposed to talk things such as human rights, because they don’t deserve human rights. In upper caste’s inhuman eyes and twisted brains, human rights, including the discussion of it, are reserved only for upper castes. :disagree:

its funny you become an expert about India by reading all the blogs of some internet jungies..forget about Hindu caste system the lower caste people are enjoying certain benefits on my country..there are jobs and educational seats reserved for them..Former President K.R.Narayanan is from a lower caste Hindu..the member of this forum Iron man is a lowercaste Hindu..there are many millionares in my country who is from lower caste..In my home town one of the richest guy and a great enterprenur is a low caste Hindu..so keep your bullshit with your self..they have every chance to become what they want in my country..

Shadowed under such a backward and medieval mentality, number of billionaires in India with per capita GDP only one third of that of China, surpasses that in Japan the wealthiest country in Asia, while 2 million Indian children die every year as India’s economy “booms”.

wow nice theory you got..do you feel yourself stupid whn you wrote this..also remember when did you start economic reforms and when did we started it.then you will get an answer..well if your intention was trolling only..then i cant help you

Now if you limit your human rights only to upper caste, there is no question that vast lower caste, the suffered, will revolt and thus forms the Naxalites. That's the root cause of your Maoist problem.

Tell me some thing..did you ever visited India?you are become a joke to us with these comments..
In fact, India, especially in NE of India, has the worst human rights record of all countries in the world, ten times, if not one hundred times, worse than that in China! :tdown:

Yea yea..china is all honey and milk..read some links given by Deepak about how you conducted Olympics and there are some news about how your officials implementing one child policy..then you will never hold your head high nor talk about human rights if you have any dignity left
Oh yeh...but we dont crush young students protesting peacefully for democracy under tank tracks.

You crush 2 million innocent children per year who never even protested.

And if u a US citizen...dont u dare open ur mouth abt Human rights killing millions of Innocent Red Indians as if they were animals.:angry:
We Indians,Chinese are living on our own land..but u US are living on land that is stained by the blood of the natives.

Guess what your ignorant bigot, I never stop criticizing the killing of Native Indians on this land, never stop criticizing slavery system on this land, unlike your clownish jingoistic fools! No wonder India is so backward compared with US...

Just read my posts, I’m still crying out for human rights on this land, even it is million times better than yours ugly.

What a joke!

Just look at how you still discriminate NE Mongoloids...Won't be surprised if whole NE will be teemed with maoists one day...
actually kathric, i find US and Canada to be the most concerned societies about natives..do you have any idea how much money government of canada gives to natives ? and they waste it all on booze
its funny you become an expert about India by reading all the blogs of some internet jungies..forget about Hindu caste system the lower caste people are enjoying certain benefits on my country..there are jobs and educational seats reserved for them..Former President K.R.Narayanan is from a lower caste Hindu..the member of this forum Iron man is a lowercaste Hindu..there are many millionares in my country who is from lower caste..In my home town one of the richest guy and a great enterprenur is a low caste Hindu..so keep your bullshit with your self..they have every chance to become what they want in my country..

wow nice theory you got..do you feel yourself stupid whn you wrote this..also remember when did you start economic reforms and when did we started it.then you will get an answer..well if your intention was trolling only..then i cant help you

Tell me some thing..did you ever visited India?you are become a joke to us with these comments..

Yea yea..china is all honey and milk..read some links given by Deepak about how you conducted Olympics and there are some news about how your officials implementing one child policy..then you will never hold your head high nor talk about human rights if you have any dignity left

How foolish are some of your remarks!

Mr. Obama is an elected president, does that mean there is no discrimination against black?

Watch out your logic!

Abuse of human rights in China doesn't justify abuse of human rights in India. Simple like that!

The bottom line is that there is no Maoist in China, all in India. :lol:

One doesen't have to be in India to know that. Anyone with IQ below 80 would also know that. Why not you?
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Indian Cabinet torn over sending fighter planes after the Maoist rebels - Times Online
May 18, 2010

Palaniappan Chidambaram, the Indian Home Minister, believes that air power is essential to defeat the Maoists

India faces a dilemma as it considers whether to deploy the air force against homegrown Maoist rebels after their latest bloody attack yesterday, this time on civilians as well as security forces.

P. Chidambaram, the hawkish Home Minister, believes that air power is essential to defeat the Maoists — also known as Naxalites — who have been fighting since 1967 and are now considered a greater threat than Jihadist groups.

The chief ministers of all of the worst-affected states also want air support against the rebels, who have a presence in 20 of India’s 28 states and control a corridor of jungle from the east coast to the Nepalese border.

Most security officials and experts agree, saying that Operation Green Hunt — an unprecedented nationwide campaign launched last year with about 58,000 federal paramilitary troops — is doomed to failure otherwise.

They cite yesterday’s landmine attack, which killed 35 police and civilians on a bus in the central state of Chhattisgarh, and another ambush that killed 75 paramilitary police in the same area last month.

Yet Mr Chidambaram, for all his many talents, seems unable to convince his colleagues in the Cabinet, and the upper echelons of the ruling Congress party, including, it seems, the party leader, Sonia Gandhi.

He made that clear today in several television interviews, where he explained that he had been given “a limited mandate” to tackle the Maoists and was pushing for his remit to be expanded.

The main issue seems to be his colleagues’ reluctance to deploy the armed forces against their own people in such a vast area — effectively admitting that there is a civil war raging across a third of Indian territory.

Even if the air force is limited to surveillance and logistics, as Mr Chidambaram suggests, they fear that it will soon end up carrying out airstrikes on the Naxalites, especially if its jets come under attack.

They rightly worry about civilian casualties — not least because the air force is designed more for carpet bombing Pakistan than carrying out surgical strikes on tiny rebel encampments in the jungle.

They also worry that they would have to extend the unpopular Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which protects the armed forces from prosecution in Kashmir and the northeast, to much of the rest of the country.

There are, however, deeper reasons for their intransigence, chiefly a desire to appear pro-poor before local elections and an instinctive sympathy for left-wing politics which dates back to Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister.

Mr Chidambaram’s strong-armed approach has come under increasing criticism in the past few months from a lobby of left-leaning intellectuals and artists, including the writer Arundhati Roy.

They say that the government should call off Operation Green Hunt and address the poor governance, corruption and poverty that drive landless labourers and poor farmers to join the Naxalites.

Mrs Gandhi added her voice to that lobby last week when she wrote an article in the Congress party journal calling for the Government to tackle the “root causes” of the conflict.

It was as close to outright criticism of Mr Chidambaram that she has ever come.

When the Cabinet discusses the issue this week, Mr Chidambaram will argue that the problem is indeed rooted in poor governance, corruption and poverty but those are problems that will take decades to resolve. The short and medium-term priority, he will say, is to prevent the Maoists from killing more police and civilians.

The idea of the Indian Air Force flying missions against its own people is understandably repellent, and should be considered only as a last resort, but after ignoring the Maoist threat for so long the Government may not have any choice.
air power will just make them go even more nuts, they have public sympathy right now..you attack them and you will fuel that sympathy not to mention the casualties will have a toll of their own

The worst part might be it effecting India's booming economy and what-not
Fighter planes....madness.

These bastard politician first mess up, then these bastard politicians can't seem to find a solution, then these bastard politicians want, by sending in the army, to destroy the reputation of what is still one of the finest public institutions in India - our armed forces.

Apart from the fact that the army/ air force are trained to kill everything that moves; it will end up creating a bigger mess.
The biggest mess will be when fighters bomb the tribal areas..as per sparklingaway's article major Raw materials are being mined by the companies from these areas..forget fighter planes, even a low level operation there could stir up serious troubles
Fighter planes....madness.

These bastard politician first mess up, then these bastard politicians can't seem to find a solution, then these bastard politicians want, by sending in the army, to destroy the reputation of what is still one of the finest public institutions in India - our armed forces.

Apart from the fact that the army/ air force are trained to kill everything that moves; it will end up creating a bigger mess.

So what is the solution then? The Maoists appear to be significantly emboldened now and are campaigning not just for their rights, but also for a change in India's government. Should peace deals be negotiated with the Maoists?
So what is the solution then? The Maoists appear to be significantly emboldened now and are campaigning not just for their rights, but also for a change in India's government. Should peace deals be negotiated with the Maoists?

Naxal leader rejects Govt's offer for talks
New Delhi: Even as the Home Minister P Chidambarm offers talks to the Naxals to bring about an end to their relentless violence, the Naxals have rejected the ceasefire offer on CNN-IBN.

Naxal area commander in the Chattisgarh- Ramanna, CPI (M) Special Zonal Committee, speaking exclusively to CNN-IBN has said: “The Government should first stop operation Green Hunt.”

Regarding, Sunday’s massacre in Dantewada where 35 were killed, including civilians, the Maoists are saying that they did not target civilians. They say their target were Koya Commanders.

CNN-IBN correspondent Rupashree Nanda spoke with Ramanna from Bastar.

CNN-IBN: What you have to say about yesterday's (Sunday) killing of civilians?

Ramanna: It is alleged that Maoists targeted civilians. Our target was Koya Commanders. Our aim was precise and correct. Sixteen Koya Commanders are dead. Police were using civilians as human shields.

CNN-IBN: Are you saying that you did the right thing in killing innocent people?

Ramanna: Our target was not civilians. Our target was the Koya Commanders. The administration used civilians as human shields, so they got killed. But I regret this.

CNN-IBN: Are you ready to give up violence and accept the offer for talks?

Ramanna: Our party has already responded to Chidambaram's offer. The Government did not believe us. There is a heavy presence of security forces here and their atrocities are continuing every day. When villagers are fleeing, what is the purpose of talks?

CNN-IBN: Don't you think that it's worth giving talks a chance?

Ramanna: First the administration has to stop Operation Green Hunt and create an atmosphere of peace. We cannot give up our weapons. We are not ready to give up our weapons.

I think they`re pissed of on being ignored and that is true even the members here swooped it under the carpet..lets see now they`re making themselves heard
So what is the solution then? The Maoists appear to be significantly emboldened now and are campaigning not just for their rights, but also for a change in India's government. Should peace deals be negotiated with the Maoists?

I am a do take ka armchair strategist, but here's my take:

First the perspective: I think(from the little news available) that this movement represents a significant shift in revolutionary capabilities - company sized groups, with matching logistics and weaponised support. Plus the ability to 'melt into the background' easily.

This IIRC is the first time it's happened in independent India; even the north east saw some militias but not at all on this scale and sophistication.

There's a cynical and short-medium term response and a long term response. The long term response has to do with economic development, political representation, education and a better living standard - but these are cliches even while being completely apt. I won't go there, we all know about the ideal solutions.

The cynical and short-medium term response would entail:

1. Getting para military forces up to speed to operate in these areas. Create special company, regiment sized groups that can operate confidently in that terrain.

2. Heavy recruitment from the disaffected communities into the para military forces; creation of interest groups that are aligned with the state. So instead of a battle of 'us' versus the state, make it a battle between 'us' and 'those other guys we know but hate'.

This was the solution deployed in Bengal in the Naxalbari rebellion and also the Sikh movement.

3. Identify the leadership and co-opt them, or just put them away; so yes dialogue is important.

It is to be noted that some of the key leaders of the Naxal rebellion died in their homes, not in 'police shoot outs'.

4. Wait for the time that the movement turns into a criminal enterprise (as it most likely will, if it isn't already) and turn public opinion away from them.

5. Kill the more belligerent leaders. But try being as precise as possible.

I fear though, that there will be much bloodshed.
Even if the air force is limited to surveillance and logistics, as Mr Chidambaram suggests, they fear that it will soon end up carrying out airstrikes on the Naxalites, especially if its jets come under attack.

Surveillance & Logistics ! Where did the fighter jets come from and how would they come under attack from maoists?There has never been any discussion, atleast not one that has been made public about using fighter jets. There has been some discussion about using helicopters and if they were to come under fire, the IAF has the permission of the CCS to retaliate. The IAF chief, in any case is reluctant to use air power without very good intelligence because of the fear of collateral damage. I don't see much of a chance of fighter jets being used against the maoists and having seen Chidambaram's interview can vouch for the fact that he never mentioned anything remotely suggesting the use of jets. For heavens sake, the army has not yet been sent in because they don't consider it "serious enough". Does anyone believe that fighter jets can or will be used so casually in India considering that they have not been even been used in Kashmir?
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Surveillance & Logistics ! Where did the fighter jets come from and how would they come under attack from maoists.There has never been any discussion, atleast not one that has been made public about using fighter jets. There has been some discussion about using helicopters and if they were to come under fire, the IAF has the permission of the CCS to retaliate. The IAF chief, in any case is reluctant to use air power without very good intelligence because of the fear of collateral damage. I don't see much of a chance of fighter jets being used against the maoists and having seen Chidambaram's interview can vouch for the fact that he never mentioned anything remotely suggesting the use of jets. For heavens sake, the army has not yet been sent in because they don't consider it "serious enough". Does anyone believe that fighter jets can or will be used so casually in India considering that they have not been even been used in Kashmir?

True, the header is misleading. But the article does say that:

Even if the air force is limited to surveillance and logistics, as Mr Chidambaram suggests, they fear that it will soon end up carrying out airstrikes on the Naxalites, especially if its jets come under attack.

That's the danger the IAF seems to fear.

Naxal leader rejects Govt's offer for talks

I think they`re pissed of on being ignored and that is true even the members here swooped it under the carpet..lets see now they`re making themselves heard

Chidambaram's offer of talks has not changed. It has the condition that the maoist's abjure violence (not necessarily lay down weapons) before any talks take place. There has been a substantial increase of pressure from the security forces. Most of the SPO's(special police officers) there are tribals who know the area very well. Some of them were in that bus which was targeted.

The maoists use the tribal issue to gain some sympathy among leftist intellectuals. The mining that they are referring to is a recent development. They have been fighting to establish a maoist regime from the 1960's. They have taken recent hits when fighting the "greyhounds" of Andhra Pradesh state who completely destroyed their backbone in that state. Unfortunately, you can expect more such incidents as they begin to feel the pressure from the security forces.
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we dont need the army to take over but special forces can collaborate and guide the army to wipe them off. let the army take out their big guns and let the special forces form the bridge for the operation within the civilian grounds.

As far as air power is concerned. we cant end it by bombing them our.

Maoism is ideology not the individuals. we can kill the individuals not the ideology. the ideology needs to be hunted down not the maoist. Maoists will be over as soon as we hunt down Maoism.

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