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Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

We all know how indian govt blamed for Samjhauta express blasts. Later it came out indian army officer connected to hindu terror group was behind the blast. But indian govt used this blast as propaganda tool. It is only natural GOI is using same tactics against maoist but innocent poor indians are victim here.

If you want to catch up on Samjhauta blasts I can help refresh with contents.

Linky, last I heard there was nobody accused.

It it's true, it says a lot about our country that an army officerhas been arrested for terrorist strikes.
We all know how indian govt blamed for Samjhauta express blasts. Later it came out indian army officer connected to hindu terror group was behind the blast. But indian govt used this blast as propaganda tool. It is only natural GOI is using same tactics against maoist but innocent poor indians are victim here.

If you want to catch up on Samjhauta blasts I can help refresh with contents.

Who found out that the Samjautha Express balsts were linked to Col.Purohit. It was Indian investigating agencies, not Bangladesh/Pakistan Investigating agencies. We could have easily dumped the report and sticked to the earlier version, but GOI came forward with the truth. So no need to get excited over. We have free investigating agencies and free media to report it not unlike many banana/mullah republics.
Indian Nuclear Arsenal Under Threat of Naxals

Indian Nukes are also in extreme danger due to Naxals advancements

Rambling of a delusional Jackass. Some poor soles (yup not souls) are so impacted by coverage given to threat to Pakistani nuclear capabilities, it affects normal brain function.

We can conclude that from the opening line "All the world intellectuals until last few months thought that Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal would slip into the hands of Taliban or extremists Muslim group, but ignored that even bigger catastrophe is in the making. Maoist/Naxalite forces are gaining control of 35% of India. "

Whats more the delusional jackass quotes an article from tribune which does not even mention the word "nuclear" to substantiate his claim.
Indian Nuclear Arsenal Under Threat of Naxals

Indian Nukes are also in extreme danger due to Naxals advancements
no Indian nukes are safe and sound
Haqeeqat.Org: Red Alert for Indian Nuclear Arsenal

The case is being built strongly and you will see that tomorrow India would be standing in the same position where Pakistan was some months back...watch it buddy!! google it yourself and you will find hundreds of articles on this possibility

Ok then what if they get Nukes. Are they going to nuke Pakistan or are they going to give it to Al Quaida. That coutesy is with only Pakistan not with India.
Haqeeqat.Org: Red Alert for Indian Nuclear Arsenal

The case is being built strongly and you will see that tomorrow India would be standing in the same position where Pakistan was some months back...watch it buddy!! google it yourself and you will find hundreds of articles on this possibility

For some people there is a world outside the net. Google results only indicate that the delusional Jackass has a lot of company.

I know better ways of knowing about my country than googling it!!

Have a good life.
For some people there is a world outside the net. Google results only indicate that the delusional Jackass has a lot of company.

I know better ways of knowing about my country than googling it!!

Have a good life.

Why running away from the reality. Pakistan was facing ghost allegations on Nuke's safety. Now when you read those articles you will find that key Nuclear installations are locked in Naxal controlled areas... so are we really in danger or India is?:taz:
Why running away from the reality. Pakistan was facing ghost allegations on Nuke's safety. Now when you read those those articles you will find that key Nuclear installations are locked in Naxal controlled areas... so are we really in danger or India is?:taz:

In your dreams, and stay away from too much of Hate ****.
Better know the truth rather than calling it a dream! Today Maoists are gaining influence and lethality every second day! you cannot close your eyes like a pigeon!
Thats a 6 month old article and how many Al Quaida sympathisers are there in India?

There are no objectives what so ever met in India by siding with Quaida and all. Neither we are interested in flagship of Islam nor any other bullsh!t

Dude don't call that an "article". Its a bulk of Junk posted on Tektion - Tech Blog under the heading PC Technology.

As I mentioned this is like **** for haters. They derive pleasure by reading such things. It does not trouble them that Pakistan was in that spot, what pleasures them is - An article mentioning India in the same position.

Rupeenews is like the new Playboy for them.

Indulge in all the sinful pleasures you want, just let us stay away.
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