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Separate Tamil nation will become a reality in Sri Lanka: Karunanidhi

Then if I am not mistaken, the French is asking for separation from Canada.How is that coming?

good boy yawn!!!!!!

I understand where you are coming from, but one important thing to note is that the situation in India is very different now. Dravid Nadu or Dravid Pradesh was a politico-ethnic movement caused due to many misunderstandings between the politicians of the north and the south. This was back when South India was way more developed than the north in terms of education and infrastructure and people perceived all their money being given to the northern states. This was still early days after partition so the north was understandably in a delicate situation, while the south did not have to deal with it. There was the issue of one common national language which was an impractical option and people were opposed to that in the south. We weathered that storm and are now in a more homogeneous society with all states doing well. Why will the south want to secede now? Even if there is widespread support for the Eelam, Tamilians will want it to be a separate entity culturally bound to Tamil Nadu. Not a separate nation along with TN.

one common langauge is what keeps countries united, the main reason india has so many insurgencies cuz of the langauge barrier, this option should be re-considered with more seriousness,

European union for exg could never be a one single nation unless we have one common language, the main opposition to that proposal comes from germans & french.
good boy yawn!!!!!!

Hey..Why are you backing off? You take particular interest in Indian 'separatist' affairs, but is not ready to share your 'separatist' struggle against the Queen of England.

one common langauge is what keeps countries united, the main reason india has so many insurgencies cuz of the langauge barrier, this option should be re-considered with more seriousness.

Hello French Canadian, then why are you speaking French in your regions rather than English which is spoken by the majority of Canadians.
Hey..Why are you backing off? You take particular interest in Indian 'separatist' affairs, but is not ready to share your 'separatist' struggle against the Queen of England.

Hello French Canadian, then why are you speaking French in your regions rather than English which is spoken by the majority of Canadians.

caught with his pants down :rofl:
i am french in canada now does it help?

Thanks, it does. What you want to note is that the Tamil Support for Eelam (which in itself is fringe) is not the same as Tamil "nationalism".

Also, people are welcome to move to any part of India - there are a lot of non-Tamilians living in Chennai since generations. Tamil Nadu has places which has Marathas (from Shivaji's time), Telugu Naidus, Chettiars living as part of the society for more than a century. Leading universities and jobs have brought other more diverse immigrants in the past few decades. So the government does not need to do anything radical or controversial to fix a non-existing problem. All Indians are proud of their ethnic background but we don't let that conflict with our Indian identity.
ok hmmm i have a question would india support this if this came to pass? and you know the srilankan army just defeated the tamil tigers and now he is asking for the same thing. srilanka fought a bloody war for a long time they will not let any part of their country go without a fight. i am surprised anybody in srilanka is letting him walk it been a short time since this war ended and now someone else is trying to rekindle the flame
one common langauge is what keeps countries united, the main reason india has so many insurgencies cuz of the langauge barrier, this option should be re-considered with more seriousness,

Few Indians care about that. To clarify - people don't hate any language, they are just against its imposition. Besides, you can get away in most non-Hindi speaking states with English. That is how it works in actuality.
Few Indians care about that. To clarify - people don't hate any language, they are just against its imposition. Besides, you can get away in most non-Hindi speaking states with English. That is how it works in actuality.

but we need a national language and i think sanskrit is a good option government must take steps to revive it
ok hmmm i have a question would india support this if this came to pass? and you know the srilankan army just defeated the tamil tigers and now he is asking for the same thing. srilanka fought a bloody war for a long time they will not let any part of their country go without a fight. i am surprised anybody in srilanka is letting him walk it been a short time since this war ended and now someone else is trying to rekindle the flame

On the contrary, the best time to talk about it is now with the LTTE out of the picture. They have caused more harm to the Tamil cause with their violence and terror. Although I am personally not a supporter of the Eelam, India should definitely support moderate Lankan Tamil voices to mediate with the SL government for the rights and limited autonomy of Tamilians. Secession is an ugly and dirty business and I don't want India to burn bridges with SL over this matter.
ok hmmm i have a question would india support this if this came to pass? and you know the srilankan army just defeated the tamil tigers and now he is asking for the same thing. srilanka fought a bloody war for a long time they will not let any part of their country go without a fight. i am surprised anybody in srilanka is letting him walk it been a short time since this war ended and now someone else is trying to rekindle the flame

Sri Lankan Army would not have been able to defeat LTTE without Indian help.

but we need a national language and i think sanskrit is a good option government must take steps to revive it

If something is working, why fix it.
but we need a national language and i think sanskrit is a good option government must take steps to revive it

We should revive Sanskrit as part of our history and culture, but I don't want to assume that a national language is needed. Over 65 years, we have proven that you don't need one language, race or religion to bind you. Indian nationalism is unique in that it cuts through these differences pretty easily.
corruption in india is not only concentrated to one party or one region it's everywhere, if you want to target some one it should be the system which allows corruption to flourish why target one guy or one particular party?

I don't think you have been able to grasp my intended message. I was only try to add context to flimsy claims of some of our friends from across the border.

As for corruption, there is no debate about it. It is systemic in nature and has proliferated to every party, office and institution in the country. As for my portrayal of the DMK, having lived in Chenai for 3 years, during the rule of the DMK, i have been careful enough to say that it has only been "alleged" that some senior party members were involved. I have also added how they are being investigated, not implicated.

You have to be mindful of these small details before launching into baseless claims.

As for revival of the eelam movement, i wish to god for members of this forum to appreciate that the situation is far more complex than an arbitrary geo-political move having a butterfly effect on the TN. Only a simplistic reading of facts and lack of knowledge of the socio-cultural complexities can warrant such frivolous arguments about the revival of the movement of dravida nadu.

good boy yawn!!!!!!

one common langauge is what keeps countries united, the main reason india has so many insurgencies cuz of the langauge barrier, this option should be re-considered with more seriousness,

European union for exg could never be a one single nation unless we have one common language, the main opposition to that proposal comes from germans & french.
Um what ? The only insurgents in IND are naxals which are funded by our neighbors & they don't work on the principle of language beyond that there are just terrorists from across the border no one else !
They establish a Tamil nation in Sri Lanka, then what? If you think they'll all go home and watch 'The Simpsons' then your're pretty much on the track to being screwed. These guys will set a precedent for Dravidian Separatists in India to follow, the last thing you would want is for such a possibility to ever become a reality!

The separate Dravidian movement used to exist back then from independence right till the 60s. Its no longer an issue :chilli:, the 4 southern states have been integrated well in India and there are no separatist issues today. The south is well industrialized and has a booming economy, with no shortage of opportunities over there. India has very sound language policies in place too so u don't get minorities being disadvantaged or sidelined in their own state. (unlike a certain neighbor well-known for this :pakistan:) So we don't really have to worry about someone trying to champion the cause for an independent Tamilnadu. (btw I'm Tamil)

Um what ? The only insurgents in IND are naxals which are funded by our neighbors & they don't work on the principle of language beyond that there are just terrorists from across the border no one else !

Naxals are jobless Maoist freaks looking to change the government, they are not trying to secede from anything.

Few Indians care about that. To clarify - people don't hate any language, they are just against its imposition. Besides, you can get away in most non-Hindi speaking states with English. That is how it works in actuality.

Agreed. Thats the good thing about India. Even though Hindi has the most number of speakers and is the language of about 10 states, its not imposed on non-Hindi speaking states. So you don't get people being pi$$ed off all over and language problems becoming a new issue.
Its good if Indians don't support him. But this Karunanidhi guy was the chief minister of your TN 5 times which means that
if not whole India, tamils do support his idea and if I am not wrong TN is one of the most influential states in India and has
influence over Indian foreign policy as demonstrated by the Indian support of the recent UN resolution on SL. What basis does
your tamil countrymen have to support such idea?

Your arm-chair analysis of TN politics borders stupidity. If secessionist claims was the only driver behind the votes that the DMK secured, there would have been no incentive for the people in TN to vote for the party after it officially gave up the calls for dravida nadu in the late 60s.

There are a host of factors responsible for DMK's election to power, that go far beyond some superiority complex that remote, extreme minority in the state might harbor.

As for TN being the most important - on what parameters do you see TN as being the most important? I'd love t have some more of your arm-chair analysis. All states of the country are equally relevant. Poor states are important, because of the vast population and hence the votebank, prosperous states like Gujarat, Maharashtra and TN are important because they serve as the economic engines for India.

As for India's vote against SL. Again, despite numerous articles on the web about india's vote you appear clueless about the actual reasons. India's vote swayed by TN, is not a reflection of supernormal importance of a particular state, but because the DMK (which has to appear to be loudly championing the tamil cause, because it was voted out of power) is a part of the UPA alliance at the centre. Withdrawal of support by the DMK would mean that the central govt could collapse. The domestic political dynamics shaped india's posture.

As for the population of TN, Tamils are fiercely proud - as they should be. Owing to similar dravidian roots, the population of TN sympathizes with the tamil victims of the war crimes under the Rajapaksa regime. To misread that sympathy as a case of identity crisis fuelled by linguistic jingoism would be to showcase an exemplary lack of understanding and refusal to appreciate the finer details.
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