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Selling uranium to India could make world safer.

so many Indans talking a lot but not a single one seems to comprehend the subject.

So let me say this again, very very slowly so that even you guys can understand.

Buddy said India is a "peaceful state"
yes we are peaceful
I showed how it was not by the fact that India invaded the principalities with FORCE.
people there wanted to join India...and those nizams/rulers were monarchs not democraticaly elected rulers..
It invaded Goa with FORCE
people of goa did some peaceful protests but they were fired upon
Goa liberation movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It meddled in Pakistan with FORCE
Yes.when you were killing and raping bangladeshis..
It implemented the Froward policity with FORCE
Ask millions of tibetan refugees in India how do they feel about chinese rule in Tibet

All of those decisions India too were not defensive, "peaceful India" used it's military and force in all those situations.
These are not the actions of a "peaceful country" Thus India is by no means a peaceful country.
Every country have right to use force when it is neede to

now you can justify what you did till the cows come home, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you used offensive force.

Of course I don't don't expect you people will understand what i am trying to say, in some of your minds you are already a supa dupa Galactic pawa. And there is no reasoning with that kindly of loonacy.
first get over these indophobia...
We are much better than people who stole nuclear cenrifuge tech from Norway
Selling india uranium would just strengthen the arms of hindutva terrorist and their saffron brigade genocidal army. But that just what the judo-christian world wants. Hypocrisy at its best. For these zionist judo-christian-hindutva alliance, a safer world means oppression & genocide of muslims and dominance of their satanic states.

Ha ha hahaa haahaaa haahaaa !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Anything more??? :woot:

So India never invaded Hydraband and few other principalites in 47?
They never invaded Goa in the 60s?
They never implemented the forward policy against China?
They never meddled in a civil war in Pakistan?
They never supported and supplied the LTTE in Sirlanka?

Being patriotic is one things, being retarded is another.
Kindly educate yourself about your "most peaceful" country.

Mail & Ask this questions to Australian government who dont have problem to sell us Uranium :smokin:

I hope Following URL can help you ...



1. Hyderabad and few other princely states voted to go with Pakistan during partition, but India INVADED them and forced them to join India.
I would hardly call invading and forcing people to join you the acts of a "peaceful" state.

First, India did what needed to safeguard its security. It didnt wanted enemy states on three sides.To survive you need to take some precuation. You cant tolerate india's increasing interests in neighbouring state Afghanistan & you want us to give smiles to you when Hyderabad becomes Pakistan??

Second, You couldnt handle Bangladesh with hindu minority which was 1000 kms away from you how do you dream of handling hyderabad with hindu majority & with same geographical disadvantages ??

Say thanks to India that it helped you to save yourself from another humiliation like 1971.

2. Portugal took Goa when there was no such thing as "Republic of India" thus ROI had no legal way to get Goa, so they invaded it. Again, hardly the actions of a peaceful state.

Portugals were oppressing local population just like British did to us.So by your logic, Our freedom fighters were stupid to free india from British???

3. You don't even know what the Forward policy is and yet you insist on embarrassing yourself and your education system online to the the world. Google "India Forward policy" ..... you do know how to Google don't you?

It was moronic decision of Nehru who mis-anticipated China's moves which cost us a deafeat in 1962 plus we lost a good friend China. We made some mistakes but we learnt from that & such things are not gonna repeat again

4. You deny that India was readying to launch an invasion into East Pakistan?

Do you know IA didnt actively middled Bangladesh liberation war until your Pakistani Air Force started Air-strikes & bombing our western border areas & villages???

5. :blah: It doesn't matter who did what and where. The fact remains that your "peaceful India" helped create, fund and support a terrorist organizational in a different country.

OBL was not found in India. Cricket is not banned in India due to terrorist threats.Even your Ex-President Musharaf admitted how terrorist are funded/trained/supported by Pakistan.

And you blame India for terror?? Just Prove it to world then we can talk about it

Right, You don't have good relations with any of your neighbors mainly due to your own actions.
you are the world's largest arms importer while having the worlds largest starving population
and yet you somehow live in this delusional world where India is a Galactic supa dupa pawa.

who said it "We will eat grass but we will get __________ ??"

With charming neighbour like Pakistan with added beauty of Jih*di terrorists we need muscle to survive.

We dont to be supa dupa pawa as you say, we just want to have military superiority over pakistan and we are doing great at it. Dont you agree??

By the way being a developing nation like Pakistan & no.2 in world population isnt it obvious that we have more poor starving people than most of countries?? Do you know we have more millionairs than any other country in south Asia??

Keep dreaming kid because dreams are free .

Yes Dreams are free but delusions & brainwashing costs hours of madarsaa teachings.
We are so jealous that we poor people cant afford it.
so many Indans talking a lot but not a single one seems to comprehend the subject.

So let me say this again, very very slowly so that even you guys can understand.

Buddy said India is a "peaceful state"

I showed how it was not by the fact that India invaded the principalities with FORCE.

Our freedom fighters used FORCE to free India from British from 1857 to 1947.
Prophet (PBUH) always kept sword ready for combats to fight against unjustice or Oppression. So Using FORCE is not a sin using it for wrong purpose is a sin.

It invaded Goa with FORCE

It was mere extension of Indian Freedom Struggle.

It meddled in Pakistan with FORCE

With headache of millions of bangla refugees India & slaughter of millions of B'Deshis by Pakistan, Pakistan deserved a FORCED ACTION.

It implemented the Froward policity with FORCE

Check out political maps of India & China before 1960, China was accepting AksaiChin as Indian territory but it secretly built a road there in 1957-58 to connect to Tibet. India tried to claim its own territory as agreed by China in PANCHSHEEL Agreement.

All of those decisions India too were not defensive, "peaceful India" used it's military and force in all those situations.

These are not the actions of a "peaceful country" Thus India is by no means a peaceful country.

now you can justify what you did till the cows come home, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you used offensive force.

There is difference between Peaceful & Coward.

India is the country where BUDDHA is born.
His teachings shows the way of GLOBAL PEACE & NIRVANA but if offended his Teachings also emphasize importance of VIOLENCE to safe gaurd our respect & motherland.

If you think being Coward is only way to be Peaceful.
Yes you are right, we are not, we never were & never we shall be Peaceful by that definition.

If you think being Coward is only way to be Peaceful.
Yes you are right, we are not, we never were & never we shall be Peaceful by that definition.

If being cowardly means peacefulness, then I'm glad we're not. Far better to be slightly aggressive than to bow to the demands of every other country. :super:
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