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Selfies 're a sin: Muslim cleric

repost that in simple words, please.
that I am not the only muslim in India like myself. On matters pertaining to women, muslims, corruption, communalism and kashmir etc. my views are akin to the most of the people of my community. I cant vouch for illiterates who dont have their own minds. In fact I had asked you earlier that can you name any prominent Indian muslim who has a different opinion on kashmir issue than the govt. of India's stand or any such leader who does not want India to get permanent seat in UNSC... you have not answered me but instead you branded me an RSS propagandist. Not that I am going to disregard them as there are many people in India like Arundhati Roy, Prashant Bhushan and Hurriyat leaders of Kashmir whose views on Kashmir are different from India's official stand.
he probably is patient and looks around to see the lighting... that is the most basic mistake... trading the flash for real light... And photography is an art which has been replaced to a joke by kids who get cameras and play click click... There is an obsession with symmetry for example. no one realizes that even in a line of electricity poles each one is unique... they all have their own identity... I like to focus on the different in the ordinary. To set aside symmetry and show things the eye misses... making a picture which your eye already sees clearly is just replication... it is focusing on what the eye does not notice which is what one should try for
there that was me getting lecturey sorry

Not a word against my cousin bro.:butcher:
Let me show you some of his work :)








I absolutely love his subjects and he can click any random thing and make it look good. The second last pic is my cousin bro on his trip to ladakh (which is edited i suppose ) and last pic is him with his cam, I dont know which one hes using. :)

i do the same with my s5 but the issue again is take a week with ur dslr and then get back to ur iphone 6... but step away from auto settings for a while and even ur pictures with iphone 6 will improve alot
Auto settings spoils the pic.
sincerely, you are presently not socialist, so you cannot possibly know the subtleties of what socialism is and what isn't.

libyan jamahiriya was the closest to real communist society and some there would have been internally atheist... same is case with venezuela which is being rebuilt as another jamahiriya... many venezuelans are catholic but most people celebrate and hurrah the bolivarian socialist revolution began by the great hero, hugo chavez.

what i want is a post-religion humanity... please do read this my post from some months ago... ( The Worldwide Government | Page 3 ).

All I know is that if someone or some ideology tries to control my thought process, I will be opposed to , even if opposing that brings poverty and atrocities on me.
All I know is that if someone or some ideology tries to control my thought process, I will be opposed to , even if opposing that brings poverty and atrocities on me.

you know, when you let the cats be killed, you will be left with dogs.

i have increasingly become saddened by the posts on pdf.
i actually said he looks at the light properly which noobs like you do not and he is patient :P
Not a word about my cousin's photos ??? :confused:
I'm shocked!!! i had shown u some 4-5 pics and not one word??
saudia system and the iran mullah government are fake-muslim and anti-democracy... and the oic is a useless bunch of nato puppets who allowed invasion of libya and syria... no, not allowed, but

muammar gaddafi is the present "imaam of all muslims", not considering his physical status... this holds true until the next imaam comes forward.
Did Muammar Gaddafi oppose selfies? You still appear confused about democracy, socialism, communism, atheism and and theocracy. All I can understand is that you want a people elected khilafat to implement dar-ul-islam. I respect your thinking but dont beat around the bush. personally I get scared about it when i see Saudi Arabia and Iran.

you know, when you let the cats be killed, you will be left with dogs.

i have increasingly become saddened by the posts on pdf.
You have said it. Let there be dogs, let there be cats, let every species live.
I'm shocked!!! i had shown u some 4-5 pics and not one word??
i like all of them except the bridge one but that is personal issue.... was actually looking at them carefully :coffee: technically they are very good u see how the sun dances on the water and the editing highlights the textures nicely. It took me this time looking at the pictures after replying to u :P the one u hid his face was not a good camera so can not comment on that it is grainy... just advice him to use no filters to improve cuz that is what my teacher told me... filters are excuses he said :P even i use alot

Auto settings spoils the pic.
it spoils the person to not look for better conditions when u can find the levels that auto setting provides that is when you will have grown to a really good photographer
I have no problem with your article, however I would also love to see you getting offended and starting a thread on say
“Violence against women in India is by and large 'institutionalized'. In general their lot is not different from that of the dalits of today. They are considered inferior in every respect: they are religiously polluted, socially ostracized, culturally stigmatized, legally side-lined, physically violated and psychologically demoralized. In a society diseased by "macho-patriarchal insanity" (Rayan 1987: editorial), as Samuel Rayan puts it, discrimination of a girl child often begins in her own mother's womb and is continued right through life, until she is consumed in the funeral pyre.”
Source: C. Mendonca: Role of Women in Hindutva
I am not offended!!
You know why??
Because the author Mendonca needs to do some more research on this subject. I wont say she is entirely wrong, 2-3 decades back women in India were suppressed but not today.

i like all of them except the bridge one but that is personal issue.... was actually looking at them carefully :coffee: technically they are very good u see how the sun dances on the water and the editing highlights the textures nicely. It took me this time looking at the pictures after replying to u :P the one u hid his face was not a good camera so can not comment on that it is grainy... just advice him to use no filters to improve cuz that is what my teacher told me... filters are excuses he said :P even i use alot
That one was most prolly clicked with a mobile and it was not him who had clicked it...but I luv the pic for its scenery. I am not sure if there's pic of the same in color.I wish there was.
I will remember what you said about filters :)
I am not offended!!
You know why??
Because the author Mendonca needs to do some more research on this subject. I wont say she is entirely wrong, 2-3 decades back women in India were suppressed but not today.


With all due respect, I appreciate your sense of belonging and patriotism, but it should not blind you with what's happening around. I need not say any further, have I been addressing a male counter part I would have replaced suppressed with an "R" word.
Religion is the most notorious opium man has ever discovered or invented. Just like having a discussion about ill effects of alcohol with a drunkard is a waste of time, same is the case of discussion about religion with the religion obsessed (Scholars, practitionars are different category) people. :) :)


With all due respect, I appreciate your sense of belonging and patriotism, but it should not blind you with what's happening around. I need not say any further, have I been addressing a male counter part I would have replaced suppressed with an "R" word.

R word mean Religion? There is only one religion which openly encourage suppressing women at mass scale.

With all due respect, I appreciate your sense of belonging and patriotism, but it should not blind you with what's happening around. I need not say any further, have I been addressing a male counter part I would have replaced suppressed with an "R" word.
Right, there is no crime against women in Pakistan? It's a sensitive issue and shouldn't be used as a troll bait.
R word mean Religion? There is only one religion which openly encourage suppressing women at mass scale.

I will take the benefit of doubt about your gender, Rape Rape Rape Rape Rape. And there is only one nation that has copy rights in carrying out rapes of the women.

Religion something which won't understand with this state of mind.
I hardly take any selfie.. But after this fatwaa, I planning to take at least 10 per day.
I will take the benefit of doubt about your gender, Rape Rape Rape Rape Rape. And there is only one nation that has copy rights in carrying out rapes of the women.

Religion something which won't understand with this state of mind.
How desperate you can be. you repeated the word 5 times.

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