Then change your house? Surely Allah is the Provider of sustenance and all you need to do is abstain.
Will it be a date? (Assuming you also have a pic of a lady and your a lady too?)
Then they should have let her in? Maybe they could charge her with being something along the lines of adultery and send her of to hell?
Btw, thanks for the answer! Unlike 99% of PDF, you didn't bash me or talked to me about their fetish.
I think not mate. Whose gonna pay all of those taxes? From what I saw on this other thread. Overseas Pakistanis pay like 30-41% of overall tax money that Pakistan accumulates. Plus, I make $$$ and not rupees. So, I can confidently say that if it was a choice between you or me, Pakistan would choose me.
(lol nothing personal)
On my last note for today, I do care about Pakistan, either as much or more than you do.