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Secularism in the context of Pakistan


Apr 20, 2011
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So many of my fellow countrymen are utterly confused about the term "Secularism".

Poor thangs do not realize that secularism shlecurims is just a slogan.

What people really want us Pakistanis is to reduce our fundoo Islamist habits and become normal human beings.

Human beings that are inclusive and tolerant.

That's all.

Please do not get the panties in a bunch over one terminology over the other.
Islamist: one who follows Islam= islami = Muslim = Islamist? Looks same to me.

Jaan ki amaan paoon to arz hai bhai.

Islamist is the one who distorts Islam by mixing it with dirty politics and other tribal mumbo jumbo.

Sort of Arab pagan who simply recites Kalima without ever believing in decency, morality, tolerance, honesty and truth.

Like a typical shopkeeper in our bazars who has foot long beard, 5 hujj, 20 umra, and yet sells adulterated food.

Like typical mardood Mullah mawdoodi who claims to be schlar and still pushes his dastardly tribal Islamist agenda against Jinnah

Like Ayatullah Khabeesi who claims to be rooh of Allah and yet kills and maims via his proxy terrorists.

Like Saudi Mullahs who support Qaida and Tali-barbarians.

Hope you see enough examples here
Hope you can now differentiate between an ordinary Muslim and an Islamist.

Thank you
Do you think I'm a Islamist?
do you want to blow yourself up in the middle of a crowd because you don't think they follow the ''correct islam'' ?
do you want to impose your version of islam on people?
Jaan ki amaan paoon to arz hai bhai.

Islamist is the one who distorts Islam by mixing it with dirty politics and other tribal mumbo jumbo.

Sort of Arab pagan who simply recites Kalima without ever believing in decency, morality, tolerance, honesty and truth.

Like a typical shopkeeper in our bazars who has foot long beard, 5 hujj, 20 umra, and yet sells adulterated food.

Like typical mardood Mullah mawdoodi who claims to be schlar and still pushes his dastardly tribal Islamist agenda against Jinnah

Like Ayatullah Khabeesi who claims to be rooh of Allah and yet kills and maims via his proxy terrorists.

Like Saudi Mullahs who support Qaida and Tali-barbarians.

Hope you see enough examples here
Hope you can now differentiate between an ordinary Muslim and an Islamist.

Thank you
can't be a better defination than this ^^^
Islamist is the one who distorts Islam by mixing it with dirty politics and other tribal mumbo jumbo.

Thank you

Wouldn't that be called Anti-Islam or Anti-Islamist?

Islamist sounds like a guy who has knowledge on the subject of Islam,

like Chemist having enough knowledge in chemistry

Like physicist a expert in medicine

Like a psychiatrist

I hope you see enough examples here.

Wouldn't that be called Anti-Islam or Anti-Islamist?

Islamist sounds like a guy who has knowledge on the subject of Islam,

like Chemist having enough knowledge in chemistry

Like physicist a expert in medicine

Like a psychiatrist

I hope you see enough examples here.


in all these example only useless person for world society and killer blood thirsty is islamist :lol:
Wouldn't that be called Anti-Islam or Anti-Islamist?

Islamist sounds like a guy who has knowledge on the subject of Islam,

like Chemist having enough knowledge in chemistry

Like physicist a expert in medicine

Like a psychiatrist

I hope you see enough examples here.


Somethings can sound similar but have exact opposite meanings.

Islamist is one such term that may rhyme with many other,

but may not be of the same application.

A physicist may have a PhD in Physics but ready to accept new theories and definitions related to physics.


an Islamist is usually hell bent on taking people back to stone age or even dinosaur era :lol:

Please do not mix scientists and revolutionaries and their terminologies with stone age tribalism.

Thank you
Islamist: one who follows Islam= islami = Muslim = Islamist? Looks same to me.
islamist is from islamism... followers of islam are called muslim not islamist... :p:
islamism is the belief that islam is the driving force for all of the follower's action and in practice its activist islam / political islam / militant islam.
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