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Secularism in Pakistan-A solution to Pakistan's religious problems?

No to secularism Islam gives all Muslims the guideline to every aspects of life political, social, and economical Pakistan would be fine is they actually implemented Islamic teachings (the true peaceful teachings) but the corrupt politicians won't allow it because it would equate to them losing their power over the people
Pakistan should be a secular and democratic country, equidistant from ALL religions. At present, it is infested with religious bigotry and extremism. As I said many times before in other topics, pakistan needs an Ataturk to secularize the country and get them out of this mess.

But the mentality of the people is the biggest problem. People seem to be very intolerant and suffering from a phenomenon where they are ingrained to think Islam should be "superior" to all religion. Indeed, God does not change the condition of people who don't change themselves.
I can only present the concept as something that can rid Pakistan of its religious problems. Of course until the people accept it as a solution perhaps there is no future for the concept.

If you support secularism as a solution for multifaceted religious problems facing us make sure you check my site regularly and follow me on twitter. Please rate the article on the site through the links too.

I have continually been promoting that there is also an economic cost of trying to impose religion on society and trying to ensure they see the world in particular way rather than giving them the freedom to develop their own views and thinking. The article doesn't focus on the economic cost and difficulty of imposing religion which I would have liked to focus.

But its a brilliant article for the Mullahs and conservatives who just won't abandon the old ways. It forces them to think. Zarvan, aeronaut, kingmamba, read the article and then tell me whats wrong. If I have said anything wrong about the condition of current laws, how they are misused despite their noble intentions, how injustices are done, and how religion is not being followed in Pakistan despite these laws raise them...

I have also taken pains to explain that secularism is not against Islam but secularism is Islam itself. I can qoute a list instances where Muslim rulers presented immense tolerance.
Secularize Pakistan when the house of secularism UK has started the distribution of Holy Bibles in all schools. Very intelligent !
are you sure it's in all schools? i ask this for the sake of information as it is new to me.
No to secularism Islam gives all Muslims the guideline to every aspects of life political, social, and economical Pakistan would be fine is they actually implemented Islamic teachings (the true peaceful teachings) but the corrupt politicians won't allow it because it would equate to them losing their power over the people

if it wasnt for secularism, you would have had hard time living in the US.
if it wasnt for secularism, you would have had hard time living in the US.
Muslims are already having hard time and Sir if you are in USA you can't follow Islam completely because Islam is not limited to Salah and Roza it has whole economic social and political system which can be only followed in Islamic State
Muslims are already having hard time and Sir if you are in USA you can't follow Islam completely because Islam is not limited to Salah and Roza it has whole economic social and political system which can be only followed in Islamic State
the gov dont impose anything on you in the US becaue you are a muslim. Now compare the US to what our own countries are! If the muslims are that desparate and having hard time in the US, why on earth are they not leaving it and migrate to an islamic country?
if it wasnt for secularism, you would have had hard time living in the US.

Pakistan will never be like U.S. The societies are way too different. Most places in Pakistan will not accept secularism.
Pakistan will never be like U.S. The societies are way too different. Most places in Pakistan will not accept secularism.
I do agree with you on this, no question about it. It is not only pakistan, but this is the case in absolute majority of muslim countries. Maybe time will change people's perception and attitude, but it certainly is not possible in any near future. We have to suffer before we learn and correct ourselves.

But when i mentioned the US, i pointed out to the freedom of choice and equal treatment of citizens regardless of their faith. Now, i dont say that the US is a perfect place because we are not living in a perfect world, but to compare it to our countries, you simply cant compare.
the gov dont impose anything on you in the US becaue you are a muslim. Now compare the US to what our own countries are! If the muslims are that desparate and having hard time in the US, why on earth are they not leaving it and migrate to an islamic country?
Sir their whole system is based against Islam even if they don't impose anything you have to follower their Anti Islam laws related to business your lifestyle and many other things

the gov dont impose anything on you in the US becaue you are a muslim. Now compare the US to what our own countries are! If the muslims are that desparate and having hard time in the US, why on earth are they not leaving it and migrate to an islamic country?
Sir their whole system is based against Islam even if they don't impose anything you have to follower their Anti Islam laws related to business your lifestyle and many other things
Sir many leave and many who live their are fighting against those laws but American dogs and slaves will always be washing their toilets and licking their ..........

I do agree with you on this, no question about it. It is not only pakistan, but this is the case in absolute majority of muslim countries. Maybe time will change people's perception and attitude, but it certainly is not possible in any near future. We have to suffer before we learn and correct ourselves.

But when i mentioned the US, i pointed out to the freedom of choice and equal treatment of citizens regardless of their faith. Now, i dont say that the US is a perfect place because we are not living in a perfect world, but to compare it to our countries, you simply cant compare.
Sir no Sir it will never be instead soon Islam will overtake america and because Islam is the fastest growing religion in USA and those who converts are far strict Muslims than America and as they have seen what a failure is American system and American society they will soon change it and you will see Islam dominating in America and as far as secularism in Muslim world is concerned it will only remain dream of American slaves or so called liberals or secular s
Sir their whole system is based against Islam even if they don't impose anything you have to follower their Anti Islam laws related to business your lifestyle and many other things

What about pakistan..It is still ruled by democracy and most laws are based on british colonial system..and you have to follow those laws..So what should a muslim living in US and pakistan do..?Migrate?If so when are you planning to migrate..?
Muslims are already having hard time and Sir if you are in USA you can't follow Islam completely because Islam is not limited to Salah and Roza it has whole economic social and political system which can be only followed in Islamic State

If your perception is true..all the Pakistani who are true religious persons should have returned to Pakistan to continue their freedom of religion...Then what are they doing in USA? Is it not a hypocracy?...
Yes, people like you will support secularism when you live in Europe otherwise secularism is evil because minority always deserve second class status.

When Swiss banned minarets it was hilarious to see on TV the way Mullahs talking about preserving secular values. Height of hypocrisy.

People like me? care to elaborate? Who are people like me?
If you mean that people who have an understanding of history and context then sure, people "like me"

I know it is genetically impossible for you to objectively view any topic that is related to Islam or Muslims. You must inject your venom or your genes will not be satisfied.

But let's pretend that you can look at the topic Objectively (for the sake of argument)

1. European Secularism means that religion plays no role in the state, the reason this is very important to them is because the Catholic church was extremely powerful. And the Church used it's influence for their own ends, often times leading to wars and chaos. Europeans needed secularism to free them from the Church.

Now, lets look at the state of Islamic nations. In Islam there is no "Church", there is no religious institution that has any political power. The power or Islam lies in the people, who chose to follow Islam or not. Islam never had a death grip on the state.

So, now that we have established that the two situations are different, how will imposing secularism on Muslims be of any benefit?

All it will do (and is doing) is alienate the population, which will certainly lead to problems (Arab Spring, Iranian Revolution)

2. Minorities are protected under Islamic theology, no need for secularism for that reason.

and finally 3.
The Swiss ban on minarets (mush to your joy I am sure) was a violation of their own morality. Europeans beat the world on the head about how they are so civilized and have Freedom of speech. But when pressed, they make laws in violation of this principle.They tell us that the racist prophet Mohammad cartoons are covered under free speech, but then ban minarets.

What kind of free speech is this?

I don't expect you to fully understand what I have written as it will most likely go over you heard. But still, try to take out as much of my message as you are able to.
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