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" Secular India "

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I dont agree....No religion preaches hate..and Also I dont believe that Even Islam says that.

But yes when you make religion a public affair the ego in us humans come out .....comparing whose is bigger, better, etc...that's why I believe Religion should be a private affair between my creator and me....!

Secular means "not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body". Now tell me how can a Hindu, Muslim or Sikh or for that matter anybody who is not a atheist can be secular?

India is a secular state, most Indians are not; US is a secular state, most Americans are not
I dont think we can compare Pak with Secularism...its not... never claims it was...the best comparision should be any other secular Muslim majority country or Christian majority country.

then this is insane , people of anti-secular country does not qualify to speak about secularism .

secularism means simply EQUAL RIGHTS
I do not mind Haj pilgrimage - I mind the prevention of building of a modern society. Here is why.

Hindu personal laws - laws for religions including all Dharmic religions including sikhism

Modified few times - example - 1954 - polygamy abolished, maintenance for women provided and equality in certain cases established, 1961 - Dowry abolished

Christian laws - already a moderinized version - so there was no need for modernization.

Muslim personal laws - untouched mostly - the muslim dowry version was spared in 1961 - Shah Bano case which would have provided maintenance for women throughout their life circumvented by Rajiv by passing a bill in the parliament ignoring the protest of Arif Mohammed Khan.

We want to a society where there is no dowry, equal rights for women(i read a news that the GDP can be increased by 27% if Women are equally educated as men), maintenance for women in case they are divorced, no caste - these are a few examples of a modern society but a percentage of the population is left out from this modernization. That is why I am angry. It has nothing to do with a particular religious belief.
Shah bano case was another example of tolerence all for wrong reason or shuld i say rather pampering.If Rajiv would have put his foot down AIMPLB whould have had to retreat that time under SC's order.SC's order rather gave a ray of hope to muslim women which was stamped out by rajiv...And who was his adviser that time was it arjun singh or arun nehru?
Indians are tolerant all for wrong reasons hence the the problem.Rather i would say indians skew everything for wrong reasons.be it non-violence or be it tolerence or be it secularism, or be it corruption.Indians tolerate every these of hi fi principles but all for wrong reasons.

That is true. Also Chalta hai attitude should be gotten rid of.
I do not mind Haj pilgrimage - I mind the prevention of building of a modern society. Here is why.

Hindu personal laws - laws for religions including all Dharmic religions including sikhism

Modified few times - example - 1954 - polygamy abolished, maintenance for women provided and equality in certain cases established, 1961 - Dowry abolished

Christian laws - already a moderinized version - so there was no need for modernization.

Muslim personal laws - untouched mostly - the muslim dowry version was spared in 1961 - Shah Bano case which would have provided maintenance for women throughout their life circumvented by Rajiv by passing a bill in the parliament ignoring the protest of Arif Mohammed Khan.

We want to a society where there is no dowry, equal rights for women(i read a news that the GDP can be increased by 27% if Women are equally educated as men), maintenance for women in case they are divorced, no caste - these are a few examples of a modern society but a percentage of the population is left out from this modernization. That is why I am angry. It has nothing to do with a particular religious belief.

I agree,Passing laws alone won't change a society.It takes time.Remember even in US women didn't had voting rights until 1920.It took them centuries.We may not have to wait that long.
Secular means "not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body". Now tell me how can a Hindu, Muslim or Sikh or for that matter anybody who is not a atheist can be secular?

India is a secular state, most Indians are not; US is a secular state, most Americans are not

If India was a Secular state why there are different set of rules for different people.....If you say that is why we are secular..then I will ask you .how will you provide justice to a murderer and under what law?...Answer this and I will agree India is a Secular state....Yes India is a Secular state but our constitution needs a little tweak to make it a perfect secular state like what USA follows.
naa , you are making mistake , secularism decides constitution but following it is in hands of people so community is less or more secular. country is secular by constitution which offers equal rights to all Muslims in Indian are not second class citizen like hindus in pak.

If secularism is all about having the word secularism mentioned in the constitution and not about following it in true spirit then yes you people are secular.

Hindus second class citizens in Pakistan, where did you get such info from?
Shah bano case was another example of tolerence all for wrong reason or shuld i say rather pampering.If Rajiv would have put his foot down AIMPLB whould have had to retreat that time under SC's order.SC's order rather gave a ray of hope to muslim women which was stamped out by rajiv...And who was his adviser that time was it arjun singh or arun nehru?

Not sure who was the person but never was fond of both of them - It was a chance which India lost and Rajiv tried to compensate by opening up Babri Masjid for the the hindutva elements. Basically pandering to the fundamentalists of both the religions.
Ya had heard that term but now after meeting u Mlechha i have understood its real meaning ... who proclaims himself most educated & Richest LOL big mouth stop making fool of ur self by all this big talks...

& yes that Cattle has more value then u to sacrifice our life for it ,then our Army who r protecting Useless like u ... Traitors who dont respect our Culture ... But sooner or Later we will get u...

Oh am glad you finally understood that you are an educated fool.

And yeah you can take your Hindutva BS inferior and intolerant culture and shove it for all I care.

And like I said, yup. You are as good as the cattle you seek to protect. BTW, you shouldnt be so narrow minded. Try some steak, cooked medium rare (Meat should be pink on the inside), its pretty delicious.
I agree,Passing laws alone won't change a society.It takes time.Remember even in US women didn't had voting rights until 1920.It took them centuries.We may not have to wait that long.

It won't help but it will facilitate the change. eg. 498a law strikes fear in many men's hearts - for both right and wrong reasons.
No I disagree.If a state has constitution that observes neutrality to all religions then is a secular state.

Is this all about secularism? Only constitution?
If secularism is all about having the word secularism mentioned in the constitution and not about following it in true spirit then yes you people are secular.

Hindus second class citizens in Pakistan, where did you get such info from?

As far as I see,Real second class citizens of pakistan are Ahmedis.Hindus may not have to face problems like they do.
Oh am glad you finally understood that you are an educated fool.

And yeah you can take your Hindutva BS inferior and intolerant culture and shove it for all I care.

And like I said, yup. You are as good as the cattle you seek to protect. BTW, you shouldnt be so narrow minded. Try some steak, cooked medium rare (Meat should be pink on the inside), its pretty delicious.

I agree....If cooked any--other way please go to MacDonald.
Is this all about secularism? Only constitution?

No.Its a start.Societies become increasingly secular as the result of social processes.Many of these secular values are often acquired by time.I say Indian society is far more secular now than it was 50 years ago.Complete Secularization comes when there is separation between all (religion, moral, and human) values, and (not just the state) but also to (the human nature in its public and private sides).Such societies are very rare or may very well be an Utopia.
As far as I see,Real second class citizens of pakistan are Ahmedis.Hindus may not have to face problems like they do.

A sudden change in stance?

Make your mind, do you want to talk about state's guidelines or religion!

I can derail this thread and you know that.
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