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Secular India On Eid, Ahmedabad mall charges entry fee from Muslims

These evil Baniya Yindoos are a damn disgrace. We should gather all members from PDF and burn down this mall. That will prove how secular India is :D
@idune sir reliable sources tell me it's a chankyan RAW conspiracy, they collect funds from this mall and funnel it to Awami League, just yesterday they deposited 250 crore taka in Hasinaji's bank account.

You don't have to call me sir, that is colonial mentality. On the topic, your line of plan and logic is not far fetch because you are representing those extremism supported by indian institution of govt.
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You don't have to call me sir, that is colonial mentality. On the topic, your line of plan and logic is not far fetch because you are representing those extremism supported by indian institution of govt.

You are right sir, I hope BD people realise this AL+RAW conspiracy.
This is a sensationalist article from TOI. enough said. They wernt discriminating against muslims in general, the sign did not say muslims pay 20 bucks. They were selectively targeting the kids who go to hound the women. That story which is a sub continent problem is the real story here. The lack of quality entertainment for the young has left them in a sexually frustrated state which makes malls make extra income on high traffic days. That is the disgusting truth and the untold story.
You don't have to call me sir, that is colonial mentality. On the topic, your line of plan and logic is not far fetch because you are representing those extremism supported by indian institution of govt.

Umm here in Africa, people usually address males unknown to them as "Sir". The rest of the civilized world does so as well. If you check in the English dictionary, you will find more reasons why the English word "Sir" is used in the English language. Nothing colonial about it.
Pakistanis and their jealousy of Indian secularism. Won't leave a single opportunity to take potshots at it.

One mall out of the thousands in India charges an entry free from Muslims that too for one day and India is not secular anymore.

Anyway , the news has been proven to be false. But our Pakistani brothers have yet again got ammunition for their propoganda because who bothers to check the authenticity of a news.

Forget what the Pakistanis say, but charging entry fee from one particular community is totally unfair. But as we have seen that's not true. They are charging it from all customers in which case this is not newsworthy.
This is out right communalism and extremism against Muslims getting institutional support in india.Shame!

What if it was done to discourage eve teasers and window shoppers out??
Forget what the Pakistanis say, but charging entry fee from one particular community is totally unfair. But as we have seen that's not true. They are charging it from all customers in which case this is not newsworthy.

Don't really think so at least the report says its true....

The mall authorities were clearly profiling male entrants. Those dressed in traditional Eid attire or exhibiting other obvious symbols of their faith, like skull caps, were being asked to pay the 20-rupee charge, while others were being politely requested to leave the queue and get free passage. Like any exercise in profiling, this could not have been foolproof.

It is, therefore, possible that some non-Muslims may also have paid up the entry fee and some Muslims males were spared because, in the eyes of those screening visitors, they didn't appear Muslim. Women — burqa-clad or otherwise — were being directed towards the green channel.

The officials also clearly told us that the step was taken for the sake of crowd control after the incident on Eid last year when some glass panes were damaged in a fight between two groups of Muslims inside the mall. The mall authorities backtracked and universalized the entry charge after TOI reporters and photographers reached the spot and started making inquiries.

Later in the evening, they withdrew the fee altogether because of media attention.

Source: Profiling on Eid indeed took place at Ahmedabad mall - Times Of India
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