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Secret Memo of Zardari to Adm. Mike Mullen

Hang that a55hole as well , he through all his means dented Pakistan's intrests in US .

Traitor must be punished so that no one dare to stand up against Pakistan.
He is a traitor. He was implanted by illuminati within our embassy to monitor everything on us....Becareful guyz better never ever take pplz from outside the country into ure embassies.....cuz they are all working for the Masonics/illuminatis ....:smokin:
I just spoke with Husain Haqqani, the embattled Pakistani ambassador to the U.S., who is the target of yet-another attempt by the Pakistani military and its intelligence branch, the ISI, to smear him in a continuing attempt to seize control of Pakistan's foreign policy from the country's civilian leadership. The latest scandal (you can read about it here) is almost incidental to the main theme: The Pakistani military's unwillingness to allow Pakistan's civilian, elected government -- represented in Washington by Ambassador Haqqani -- to function as Pakistan's actual leadership.

Haqqani has offered President Zardari his resignation, but it has not been accepted, and Haqqani (despite Indian and Pakistani media reports to the contrary) is still in Washington and still functioning as ambassador. He says he is not seeking political asylum in the U.S. (as has also been reported) and he said he will return to Islamabad to consult with President Zardari when the president instructs him to do so. In our conversation, he was in good spirits and seemed simultaneously bemused and defiant: "I am a Pakistani, I will die a Pakistani," he said, when I asked him if he was going to seek asylum in the U.S. "I've lived in the United States so many years without seeking citizenship, and this is because I have a love for Pakistan."

He went on to say that he will continue to serve as ambassador at the pleasure of his president. "I have sought a role to play in the history of my country. I have not sought this as a job. I will continue to play this role, but I have offered my resignation as a way to defuse the current situation, in which a handful of journalists have blown out of all proportion an op-ed by a businessman." This is a reference to the recent op-ed by the Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz, who claims that President Zardari, through an unnamed diplomat (assumed by many to be Haqqani) tried to enlist American help after the Abbottabad raid to keep the military from completely taking over Pakistan's government.

A growing concern in Washington is that Haqqani's life would be in danger should he return to Islamabad -- I've heard people mention the chance of an Aquino-style airport assassination, but what would be more likely is that the military would place Haqqani under arrest and interrogate him about what the ISI sees as his attempts to subvert military authority. Many people in Washington assume -- or hope, more to the point -- that the Obama Administration is communicating to the Pakistani authorities its worry about Haqqani's safety. More to come, undoubtedly.

Ambassador Haqqani: 'I Am a Pakistani, I Will Die a Pakistani' - Jeffrey Goldberg - International - The Atlantic

Some American hacks have their panties in a bunch over the fate of Haqqani - you would think it was the US Ambassador to Pakistan (well, Haqqani is the US Ambassador to Pakistan in the US after all) that was the center of the controversy ...
He is a traitor. He was implanted by illuminati within our embassy to monitor everything on us....Becareful guyz better never ever take pplz from outside the country into ure embassies.....cuz they are all working for the Masonics/illuminatis ....:smokin:

So it is all the fault of the Almighty Dollar, as proven below? :P

dollar by vcheng552000, on Flickr

On a serious note, one ambassador does not matter all that much. There are many more lines of direct communication that matter much more. ;)
Great, so now the war against Terrorism has turned into War against Pakistan....total bullsh_t from US side! Look who are they gambling on..Zardari..most hated politicians of Pakistan!
On a serious note, one ambassador does not matter all that much. There are many more lines of direct communication that matter much more. ;)
Yes Sir! U absolutely right about that. Illuminati has long networks , have direct connections around the world and within here too....Haqqani is a small small culprit in the sea don't even matter that much, they can send another one cuz he already got exposed so much....:smokin:
Mr. Haqqani was the most disliked diplomat in the history of Pakistan. He is very qualified and despite his political affiliation, he is a career diplomat BUT he was looking after the US interests instead of looking after Pakistan's interests!!

I hope another career diplomat is appointed instead of a retired military officer.

Once this is confirmed, I will be celebrating this news at Al-Karam :)

An excellent mithai/sweet shop, Al-Karam, in Markham, part of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area)
Wouldnt you rather have a better civilian leader instead of Army ruling the country?

Civilian? Zardari is no civilian. You like him so much, why don't you call him to your land?

You really shouldn't debate about something that you haven't experienced, or are not prepared to do it.
Mr. Haqqani was the most disliked diplomat in the history of Pakistan. He is very qualified and despite his political affiliation, he is a career diplomat BUT he was looking after the US interests instead of looking after Pakistan's interests!!

I hope another career diplomat is appointed instead of a retired military officer.

Once this is confirmed, I will be celebrating this news at Al-Karam :)

An excellent mithai/sweet shop, Al-Karam, in Markham, part of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area)

Let me come and share with U the Mithai there.....:D
we used to have such brilliant (i mean BRILLIANT) seasoned diplomats for 'important' posts such as US and other missions....

individuals like Maleeha Lodhi, (former COAS) Jahangir Karamat etc.

i dont know what happened
I think Zardari miscalculated greatly when he assumed he or his gov't might be ousted by the army after the obl raid. I can't understand why he thought such would be the case. why would he think there'd be a coup right after such a huge incident? why would army, which at that time was trying to handle the fallout of the incident, would attempt a coup to further scandalize themselves?

the only why I could see Gen. Kiyani throwing Zardari out would be if he knew and evidence that zardari was kept in the loop by the americans about the raid somehow. That, or if Zardari was hiding obl against all odds. Both are out of this world scanarios.

Zardari must have some dumb *** advisors to make this ill predictment there'd be a coup. And in his knee jerk reaction he put himself in a hole. As they say, dont rush into things, jaldi ka kaam shaitan ka kaam hota hai.
he Pakistani ambassador to the US has offered to resign after being accused of playing a role in seeking US help against his country's powerful army.

Husain Haqqani was alleged by a US-based lobbyist to have compiled a memo seeking US help to avert a military takeover in Pakistan.

Mr Haqqani has denied any role in drafting or delivering such a memo.

However former US Joint Chiefs Chairman Michael Mullen has confirmed that he received a secret memo.

But he said that did not pay any attention to it and took no follow-up action.

The BBC's Sajid Iqbal says that Mr Haqqani's resignation offer has given fresh impetus to a controversy which appears to have strained relations between Pakistan's democratic government and its powerful military leadership.

The row over the "memogate" originates from a Financial Times article by Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz, published on 10 October.

In it, Mr Ijaz said that Pakistani President Asif Zardari had offered to replace his country's military leadership and cut all ties with militant groups following the killing of Osama Bin Laden last May.

Military coup
The article said that a new security team would be set up within Pakistani intelligence to replace the unit which was charged with maintaining relations with the Taliban and its Haqqani network affiliate.

Mr Haqqani wants to curtail the military's powers
"This will dramatically improve relations with Afghanistan," Mr Ijaz wrote in the article, quoting widely from the memo which he said was delivered to Adm Mullen on 10 May.

Our correspondent says that the machinations described by Mr Ijaz paint a picture of a Zardari government scrambling to save itself from an impending military coup following the raid on Bin Laden's compound - and asking for US support to prevent that coup before it started.

"The embarrassment of Bin Laden being found on Pakistani soil had humiliated Mr Zardari's weak civilian government to such an extent that the president feared a military takeover was imminent", the article says.

"He needed an American fist on his army chief's desk to end any misguided notions of a coup - and fast," it said, without stipulating how the US could do this.

Mr Haqqani has been accused by the Pakistani press and some politicians of playing a role in the drafting of the memo because he has long acted as a link between the civilian government in Pakistan and the Obama administration.

But he has vigorously proclaimed his innocence, arguing in a media interview that he has been unfairly targeted by supporters of the military because of his support for stronger ties between the US and Pakistani civilian governments.

'Shadow of innuendo'
"At no point was I asked by you or anyone in the Pakistani government to draft a memo and at no point did I draft or deliver such a memo," Mr Haqqani was quoted by the US-based Foreign Policy magazine as saying in his resignation letter to President Zardari.

President Zardari was reportedly embarrassed that Osama Bin Laden was found in Pakistan
"I've been consistently vilified as being against the Pakistani military even though I have only opposed military intervention in political affairs," he said.

"It's not easy to operate under the shadow of innuendo and I have not been named by anyone so far, but I am offering to resign in the national interest and leave that to the will of the president."

Correspondents say that it is not clear so far if the government will accept his resignation.

But on Wednesday Pakistani PM Yousuf Raza Gilani confirmed in parliament that Mr Haqqani had been summoned to Islamabad to explain his position on the memo.
BBC News - Pakistan US ambassador offers to resign over 'memogate'http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-15782297
Was Haqqani in UK on the mentiond date? as the first BBM clearly suggests that whoever that diplomat was, he/she was in UK for a short trip.
Wow! A Pakistani head of State running to the US of A to save him from his own people? WTF is going on? Seriously I think the Army should take over to bring about a semblance of governance in Pakistan. These politicians are dumb-a$$ dickheads! They need to be sent an an extended vacation! Or incarcerated on some uninhabited island in the Pacific. Jeeez!

that would be a knee-jerk reaction; let the civvies continue to make fools of themselves. Army is just busy multi-tasking between assigned duties as well as duties that govt. failed to deliver on its own (e.g. reconstruction in insurgency affected zones)
Looks like its coup time again in Pakistan...

The coup happened a while ago and no body noticed.

Zardari is afraid of Kayani and asked for US help the US "didnt notice" the plea for help even though it had a big fat we will get rid of the taliban bribe attached.

Zardai knows Kayani runs Pakistan Mullen knows Kayani runs Pakistan seems the press is just catching on.
zardari is just a coward.....what he calls ''reconciliation'' is really just providing bribes, a cook and a driver

we can see what he does when he's scared of his own people....he runs to the Americans

he's not a man, he's a coward. And i'll say it loudly.
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