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Featured Secret India-Pakistan Peace Roadmap Brokered by Top UAE Royals

India will never formally give up ger claim to Gilgit Baltistan.

I believe we are going to get our land bridge albeit under Pakistani control.

And it will be leveraged with water.

Soil for water.


@waz remember what I told you after 370 ... after the 7-9 month Indians ban on pdf.

Cheers, Doc
UAE doesn't have sufficient leverage to do anything significant. Pakistan is not a country like Egypt where everything can be done through top-bottom vertical management formula. However, it is still possible that few well known rogue people sitting in Dubai have been working with the Indians.
The next step in the process, the official said, involves both sides reinstating envoys in New Delhi and Islamabad, who were pulled in 2019 after Pakistan protested India's move to end special status for Jammu and Kashmir.

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Over the years, India and Pak have routinely made peace overtures only to have them quickly fall through.

About 24 hours after military chiefs from India and Pakistan surprised the world last month with a rare joint commitment to respect a 2003 cease-fire agreement, the top diplomat of the United Arab Emirates popped over to New Delhi for a quick one-day visit.

The official UAE readout of the Feb. 26 meeting gave few clues of what Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed spoke about with Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, noting they "discussed all regional and international issues of common interest and exchanged views on them."

Yet behind closed doors, the India-Pakistan cease-fire marked a milestone in secret talks brokered by the UAE that began months earlier, according to officials aware of the situation who asked not to be identified. The cease-fire, one said, is only the beginning of a larger roadmap to forge a lasting peace between the neighbors, both of which have nuclear weapons and spar regularly over a decades-old territory dispute.

The next step in the process, the official said, involves both sides reinstating envoys in New Delhi and Islamabad, who were pulled in 2019 after Pakistan protested India's move to end special status for Jammu and Kashmir. Then comes the hard part: Talks on resuming trade and a lasting resolution on Kashmir, the subject of three wars since India and Pakistan became independent from Britain in 1947.

Over the years, India and Pakistan have routinely made peace overtures only to have them quickly fall through. Officials said expectations were low that the current detente would achieve much beyond the return of envoys and a resumption of trade through their Punjab land border.

But this process appears to be the most concerted effort in years, and comes as the Biden administration is seeking wider peace talks on Afghanistan -- a place both countries for years have battled for influence. Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to shore up growth and focus military resources on the border with China, while Pakistan's leaders are also facing economic crisis and looking to make a good impression with the U.S. and other powers.

Pakistan's Foreign Ministry didn't comment on the talks or the role of the UAE, while the foreign ministries of India and the UAE had no immediate comment.

Last week Pakistan army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa asked India "to bury the past and move forward" while saying the military was ready to enter talks to resolve "all our outstanding issues." The comments came a day after Prime Minister Imran Khan after called for a resolution on Kashmir, which he described as "the one issue that holds us back."

On Saturday, PM Modi sent a tweet wishing Imran Khan well after he was diagnosed with COVID-19 -- another sign that relations between the countries are getting warmer.

The UAE, which has historic trade and diplomatic links with India and Pakistan, has taken a more assertive international role under de facto ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The biggest shift has been in the Middle East where the Gulf Arab state has intervened in conflicts and backed groups and regional leaders. But it has also looked to Asia as it strengthens political alliances beyond its role as a global trade and logistics hub.

India-Pakistan ties were effectively cut off two years ago after a suicide attack in Kashmir killed 40 Indian soldiers, prompting PM Modi's government to authorize air strikes on terror facilities inside Pakistan. The joint statement last month said the two sides "agreed to address each other's core issues," signaling a wider discussion on Kashmir and terrorism.

Several clues over the past few months pointed at the UAE's role. In November, Mr Jaishankar met bin Zayed and the crown prince on a two-day visit to Abu Dhabi, followed by Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi the following month. Roughly two weeks before the Feb. 25 announcement, the UAE foreign minister held a phone call with Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan "wherein they discussed regional and international issues of interest." And just days before, India allowed Imran Khan's aircraft to fly over Indian airspace as he headed to Sri Lanka for a state visit -- a practice suspended since the 2019 hostilities.

After the cease-fire, the UAE was one of a handful of countries to issue a statement welcoming the cease-fire announcement, highlighting the "close historical ties" it has with both India and Pakistan and hailing "the efforts made by both countries to come to this agreement." In Washington, State Department spokesman Ned Price dodged a question on what role the U.S. played in bringing the two sides together while urging Pakistan to play a constructive role in Afghanistan, Kashmir and other places.

"Obviously Pakistan has an important role to play when it comes to Afghanistan and what takes place across its other border," Price said on Feb. 25. "So clearly, we will be paying close attention."

Chinese are pushing both India and Pakistan to sit and resolve issues while Indian media is still spitting venom against Pakistan. India must have realized that China is holding India’s chicken Neck. China can make Indian rivers dry by diverting water and QUAD cannot do jack.
LoL.it wasn't India that stopped talking to Pakistan. It was Pakistan that stopped talking to India after the revoking of article 370. India could care less.
Chinese are pushing both India and Pakistan to sit and resolve issues while Indian media is still spitting venom against Pakistan. India must have realized that China is holding India’s chicken Neck. China can make Indian rivers dry by diverting water and QUAD cannot do jack.

What does China gain by this peace? India and Pakistan at peace means that Islamists in Pakistan will now turn their attention to the Uyghur situation.
What does China gain by this peace? India and Pakistan at peace means that Islamists in Pakistan will now turn their attention to the Uyghur situation.

😂 Islamic parties will be under control once new laws are pass.

Chinese 60+ billons dollars investment in Pakistan and Chinese Belt and Road Initiative/CPEC. Whole region will benefit if there is Peace between Pakistan and Indian and it will open new routes for Belt and Road initiative.
😂 Islamic parties will be under control once new laws are pass.

Chinese 60+ billons dollars investment in Pakistan and Chinese Belt and Road Initiative/CPEC. Whole region will benefit if there is Peace between Pakistan and Indian and it will open new routes for Belt and Road initiative.

On the contrary this is ALL the U.S

Basically China is the new ENEMY

India has already been utterly humilated by China

The west/U.S see's India is the front line patsy against China that if nothing else can keep China worried about it's Southern/South Western borders

So U.S plus allies will try to supply India in an effort to make it a counter

But problem is Pakistan is heavily armed and has already humilated India once in the last 2 years

Pakistan with its own allies has planned to counter any Indian purchase everything from jets to subs to missiles
China understands the importance of supporting and supplying Pakistan to keep India under control

The U.S dosent want this

They for ages have wanted Pakistan to play ball and make peace with India so India can emerge as the hegamon in South Asia

They don't want Pakistan blocking or threatening India
Or making a issue over every Indian military purchase and seeking a counter often supplied by India

U.S wants Pakistan to take its aim away from Indians head and China is eager to ensure Pakistan not only keeps its aim on India's head but gets a bigger gun

Pakistan can use this to its own advantage 😉😉😉😉😉🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰 if we are smart😳

We should use negotiations, but under no circumstances can we tolerate India
China even for its own reasons has been a good friend to Pakistan and we have no reason to abandon China

Plan should be speak nicely
Demand concessions on Kashmir

Leave the ball India and U.S court declare that without Kashmir nothing can or will happen

Keep China updated and onside

I trust no one but I would trust China before the yanks and especially those idol worshippers
1) Ban on Huawei has been formalized and firmed up.

Check the date, this is AFTER the PLA imposed its will on Indian army.

Ban or no ban? Huawei bags Airtel contract : The Tribune India

Ban or no ban? Huawei bags Airtel contract

2) Quad has gone many notch up

Only in hot air. Last meeting of this so calle group didnt even mention China by name. Its EXACTLY the same as meeting of mice, contemplating as to who is going to bell the cat,

3) Chinese Levelled thier bunkers and have gone back. Yesterday too they met to work on other areas. They are behaving like a good boy. Thanks to Col. Babu sacrifice.

Are you Indians genuinely naïve or plain dumb? I am confused.

The Chinese imposed agreement is only and only on Pengong Tso lake, and if you know your geography, this place is completely irrelevant to the Pakistan-China-India equation. Galwan, DBO and despang are the areas which are of strategic significant when it comes to CPEC/OBOR and hence Pakistani angle. PLA is in no mood to even talk about these areas, and breathing down Indian neck there. Rest assured, there will be there, until Indian capitulation in talks is verifiable on ground as well. Which mean, complete compliance over CPEC/OBOR.

Col Babu and gang were unfortunate and ignorant sacrificial lambs, whos culling only woke the Indian establishment from their hallucinations of grandeur and put India firmly in its place.

4) Gilgit/ Baltistan or CPEC is against One India policy so India is not backing one china policy. Tibet and Taiwan are on plate now. Engagement with Dalai Lama has gone up.

Existence of India is a hinderance towards the goal of greater Pakistan. As for India, every one is calm down and all the rhetoric about AJK and Gilgit Baltistan has disappeared into thin air ever since Col babu and its gang were mercilessly clubbed to death. That is why I said that sub sector north is non negotiable for PLA. First the rhetoric is be rolled up from Indian side, and further compliance will be extracted from India towards CPEC. No more hanky panky. That is why you see PMIK recently talking about regional connectivity and even offering that to India.

5) Pakistan is crying peace

Read all above. India is like a mischievous spoiled brat which has just be brutally disciplined, first by Pakistan and then by China. Srilanka wants to join CPEC, all central Asia wants the same, including Russia, stakes are too high for a lot of big players where silly Indian shenanigans will not be tolerated.
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Check the date, this is AFTER the PLA imposed its will on Indian army.

Ban or no ban? Huawei bags Airtel contract : The Tribune India

Ban or no ban? Huawei bags Airtel contract

Only in hot air. Last meeting of this so calle group didnt even mention China by name. Its EXACTLY the same as meeting of mice, contemplating as to who is going to bell the cat,

Are you Indians genuinely naïve or plain dumb? I am confused.

The Chinese imposed agreement is only and only on Pengong Tso lake, and if you know your geography, this place is completely irrelevant to the Pakistan-China-India equation. Galwan, DBO and despang are the areas which are of strategic significant when it comes to CPEC/OBOR and hence Pakistani angle. PLA is in no mood to even talk about these areas, and breathing down Indian neck there. Rest assured, there will be there, until Indian capitulation in talks is verifiable on ground as well. Which mean, complete compliance over CPEC/OBOR.

Col Babu and gang were unfortunate and ignorant sacrificial lambs, whos culling only woke the Indian establishment from their hallucinations of grandeur and put India firmly in its place.

Existence of India is a hinderance towards the goal of greater Pakistan. As for India, every one is calm down and all the rhetoric about AJK and Gilgit Baltistan has disappeared into thin air ever since Col babu and its gang were mercilessly clubbed to death. That is why I said that sub sector north is non negotiable for PLA. First the rhetoric is be rolled up from Indian side, and further compliance will be extracted from India towards CPEC. No more hanky panky. That is why you see PMIK recently talking about regional connectivity and even offering that to India.

Read all above. India is like a mischievous spoiled brat which has just be brutally disciplined, first by Pakistan and then by China. Srilanka wants to join CPEC, all central Asia wants the same, including Russia, stakes are too high for a lot of big players where silly Indian shenanigans will not be tolerated.

What airtel did was renewal of maintenance contract. Post this Govt changed the rules. Refer above link.

The meeting slated and good boy noises from China. This is for other areas. Give it time. What options they have than to go back? They have showed their intentions and will do rest...with delay as they are not too happy about it.

You guys think too much about your country. Post Balakot, your country kept its airspace closed out of fear. Your PM went around crying India is planning an attack. The little 10 min skirmish is being shown as big victory to your country men but in reality your leadership wet its pants...involved other country to rescue behind the back...within 24 hours, without involving Red Cross or any other international agency, sent back the pilot who drowned your plane...in your airspace....and every fortnight Imran used to howl that India is going to attack pakistan...Chihavwas supposed to teach lesson to India but ended up getting lessons from India.

But..who I am talking to...Aage Aage Dekhte jao...itna U Turn Imran lega that people will forget the earlier Niazi.
You guys think too much about your country. Post Balakot, your country kept its airspace closed out of fear. Your PM went around crying India is planning an attack. The little 10 min skirmish is being shown as big victory to your country men but in reality your leadership wet its pants...involved other country to rescue behind the back...within 24 hours, without involving Red Cross or any other international agency, sent back the pilot who drowned your plane...in your airspace....and every fortnight Imran used to howl that India is going to attack pakistan...Chihavwas supposed to teach lesson to India but ended up getting lessons from India.

But..who I am talking to...Aage Aage Dekhte jao...itna U Turn Imran lega that people will forget the earlier Niazi.
Spin it any way to make yourself feel better. Pakistan does not pretend to be a super power. PAF bombed your military's bases in broad daylight with your military on high alert. The Indian military thought enough of our country to back off and not escalate (that speaks for itself). Trump intervened and offered some cookies to get your boy released....and Modi could save face.
Delusional indians need to stroke a broken ego at any news...

Peace deals can be broken by a single bullet or piece of paper.

Peace deals don't guarantee peace.. Only power does
BTW no peace deal just an existing agreement being implemented at LOC...

But yes we are always open for negotiations... Regardless...

If pakistan is so weak why is India jumping for it😝
What airtel did was renewal of maintenance contract. Post this Govt changed the rules. Refer above link.

The word in your article is "likely". What is actually happening is the renewal, extension, continuation of Chinese company ingress into India.

The meeting slated and good boy noises from China. This is for other areas. Give it time. What options they have than to go back? They have showed their intentions and will do rest...with delay as they are not too happy about it.

Indian media has on many occasions in their desperation and begging (as being mouth of piece of Indian establishment) have announced many so called talks in past as well. Why do you think PLA moved into sub sector north and rest of the LAC? Put your thinking cap on, and connect the dots, Indian shenanigans were getting bit of nuisance regarding CPEC and all China is doing is securing its side of responsibility towards the security and longevity of CPEC.

As I said, India has already capitulated at the talks, military pressure however will remain till Indian capitulation on ground is completely verified. Notice the Indian verbal diarrhoea about CPEC/OBOR is cured.

You guys think too much about your country. Post Balakot, your country kept its airspace closed out of fear. Your PM went around crying India is planning an attack. The little 10 min skirmish is being shown as big victory to your country men but in reality your leadership wet its pants...involved other country to rescue behind the back...within 24 hours, without involving Red Cross or any other international agency, sent back the pilot who drowned your plane...in your airspace....and every fortnight Imran used to howl that India is going to attack pakistan...Chihavwas supposed to teach lesson to India but ended up getting lessons from India.

But..who I am talking to...Aage Aage Dekhte jao...itna U Turn Imran lega that people will forget the earlier Niazi.

Indeed, we do consider our country and nation as the supreme civilization and we do look down upon you rats in the east as nothing more then infestation.

You are using wrong terimology here son, its "post operation swift retort". Keep the chain of event in mind so you wont look like a complete idiot.

The airspace was closed due to intel reports of India using the civilian air traffic as the cover for its reprisal actions to cover its humiliation received in post op swift retort. PMIK already warned world community long before Indian misadventure that Pakistan will not think of retaliation, Pakistan will retaliate. And he did, in a spectacular way. I have no exact time frame as to how long swift retort lasted, but in modern warfare, even 10 mins are long enough to destroy the adversary. I mean, it will take Pakistan less then 10 mins to wipe India off of the map if it ever comes to that! As for Abhinondon, he has already given us alot of propaganda value, the "tea is fantastic" meme is now a global trend. Whatever value we wanted to extract from him, we have, thats why you recently saw new video from him released by Pakistan. Beyond that, he is no value to us. He will die one day, but his twisted Mig21, his overall, his helmet and other accessories will be displayed in PAF museum for a very long time. Thank you for that, it will inspire the coming generations of young Pakistanis who want to become fighter pilots.
This is what happens when you give EXTENSIONS. Involvement in EVERY DOMAIN of the country, by use of FORCE.
They want India as a monkey to concentrate on China and not be distracted or threatened by conflict with Pakistan

Under no circumstances should we have peace with India without Kashmir

Under no circumstances should we trust the Zionist Arabs like the UAE
It's diplomacy.

You play out the charade, indulge 'allies', friends & power centers, show you're making an effort without compromising on national interests & giving up anything tangible.

Was Jammu & Kashmir going to be won through military force (by India or Pakistan) before Musharraf? No.

Was Jammu & Kashmir going to be won through military force (by India or Pakistan) after Musharraf? No.

Is Jammu & Kashmir going to be won through military force by Modi now or in the near future? No.

I disagree strongly on resuming broader trade relations with India (without resolving the J&K dispute), though limited trade in limited goods that are necessary for Pakistan may be acceptable on a case to case basis.

I also would strongly object to any significant India-Pakistan normalization without India improving the conditions in Indian Occupied Kashmir (atrocities by Indian security forces, information clampdown, policies to commit demographic genocide etc).
India will never formally give up ger claim to Gilgit Baltistan.
India & Indians will be whining and crying about that till eternity then.
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