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Secret agenda revealed: Terrorists want to merge West Bengal with Bangladesh

just to bring you down from sky... just one example: Rabindranath praised bangladesh in his poem, not india :D

Bangladesh didn't exist during his time, even then he praised Bengal up to the border of West Bengal. :D
frankly bangal food>ghoti food...
Unlike some people we dont need to put sugar in every fucking dish...

But soon we'll have more bangladeshis than bangladesh anyway..
Lets make a Bengal Chill thread for greater Bengal. Like this
Iranian Chill Thread

@DRAY @BDforever what do you say? BD defence section? Convince webmaster for a sticky thread?

There are two already, didn't took off, this forum doesn't tolerate pro-India Bangladeshis or anti-Pakistan Bangladeshis, even pro-Bangladeshi Bangladeshis don't survive here for long, mostly pro-Pakistan and anti-India Bangladeshis flourish here barring a few, rests either get banned permanently or the resident Jamatis drive them off!! So only a handful of Bangladeshis participate in such threads, and it becomes dirty when more arrives to troll, from both sides. :)

Check these:

Bangla Corner

West Bengal corner....

Also check these:

How Indian Bengali's perceive Bangladesh and Bangladeshi? | Page 4

British Colonialism and Partition of Bengal

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Dhaka v/s Kolkata
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