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Second strike

AN A-bomb in Iran
How about Saudi and Iran
wont an A-bomb help Iran to invade Saudi
Sunni vs Shite war ?
Any A-bomb with Iran will refrain Israel from any future atomic adventure against any neighbouring country whether its Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Lebenon or Syria etc.
Since it will not be the same case as Japan of 2nd WW.

If Irabn gets a A bomb they are first going to go for Saudi and then for Israel.
AN A-bomb in Iran
How about Saudi and Iran
wont an A-bomb help Iran to invade Saudi
Sunni vs Shite war ?

Western powers will like it to happen as they have started it in Iraq, but if we see clearly Ahmadi Nejad and King Abdullah are doing well to improve the relations between the two.
There is no any chance Iran can do this stupid thing.
Western powers will like it to happen as they have started it in Iraq, but if we see clearly Ahmadi Nejad and King Abdullah are doing well to improve the relations between the two.
There is no any chance Iran can do this stupid thing.

Well the principal advisor to ayatholla said yesterday that ' Bahrain is their state and should be returned to them immediatly'
Yeah but this rivalry is nothing as close to the rialry between North and South Korea, you don't see the North lobbing nukes over do you? Though what you do see is the North using it as a bargaining chip to secure trapped foreign assets, aid and less restriction and isloation. Nukes arn't going to be used unless under extreme circumastances.
There won't be any war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, there's nothing for either one to gain really. If Iran was really that serious on the Bahrain issue they would of launched attacks long ago don't you think? Nukes or no nukes I guess if Iran starts on Bahrain there will be a comprehensive international alliance to stop them. But im sure It would never come to that.
Besides if it would EVER have been between SUNNI v/s SHIA, as you dream it to be :) , then Pakistan, a SUNNI state is already nuclear.
Well said: 'Keep dreaming'
Umm I don't get it, am I missing something here? How can saying (rightfully) that a full on sunni vs shia war is nothing but a dream mean that Kashif asrar is a Pakistani? As he correctly metioned pakistan is already a nuclear state and thus any shia advantage is negated.. not that Pakistan or any of the other muslim countries would be as bothered as Israel and it's allies.
Right thread re-opened Now can you you people stick to the topic and not indulge in the personal warfare in multiple threads? Thanks......
Too much free hand is causing a lot of problems, apparantly not everyone can handle our trust. :disagree:
Aussie how old are you? Moreover why are you trying to start a Iran vs Pakistan falme?
Lets not let this thread degenerate any further gentlemen...........Or it will be closed...
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