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Second Season of Games of Thrones Started


but wow !

Winter has come.

The night is long and full of terror !

Indeed its has .....
Looks like you've memorized the scene :chilli::rofl::rofl::rofl: :chilli:

ah you know nothing ! :p: :ashamed:
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You know nothing Jon snow !!!

"That thing you did, with your mouth? Is that what Lords do to their ladies in the South?" :D
3rd Season is going to be released on 31 March 2014 !!

DaFaQ !o_O:(


You know nothing Jon snow !!!

Is that...is it what lordss do to their ladies, down in the south ???

Yes, I know how to do it :P
. . .
Game of Thrones and Sherlock returning.

Could it be any better.
. . . .
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