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Second Prototype of PAK FA Made Its First Flight


Nov 13, 2010
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Second Prototype of PAK FA Made Its First Flight

The second prototype of a promising fifth-generation fighter T-50 (PAK FA) made its maiden flight, according to Interfax . The plane took off from the runway of Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association. The flight was successful. Fighter piloted by distinguished test pilot Sergei Bogdan Russia, in early 2010 flew the first prototype of the T-50.:taz::yahoo:

According to Bogdan, all on-board aircraft systems worked normally. "Stability and controllability of the aircraft in the air got a good grade. All systems and aircraft engine worked flawlessly," - said an unnamed source agency in the military-industrial complex. Previously, the second prototype T-50 passed ground tests. Parallel tests were carried out and the first prototype of the T-50, which to date has made 40 flights.
As expected, the test airframe PAK FA will be completed in 2011-2012 and in 2013 the Russian Defense Ministry will conclude with the "Dry" contract for the supply of ten aircraft to test the weapons. The first phase of testing T-50 finish before the end of 2013. Continuous buying fighter jets will begin in 2016 and will be implemented under the state program of armaments for 2011-2020.Apart from an experimental batch of ten aircraft in 2016 is planned to buy 60 more such vehicles. On further procurement of aircraft while it is not known.
PAK FA made its first flight on Jan. 29, 2010. Technical characteristics of the aircraft are classified. It is only known that T-50 will be highly intellectualization of the board and be able to take off and landing on runways length of 300-400 meters. The aircraft will be capable of performing combat missions in any weather and time of day, and will also manoeuvrability.

DefenceDog: Second Prototype of PAK FA Made Its First Flight
Does thier any specific modifications been done as such between the two prototypes.
Thats an excellent news!!!! They are on schedule. I think they will integrate the new engine and radar with this aircraft.

Last year was a marvelous year for Indian armed forces... three new aircrafts made their first flight. Thats a record....

First PAK FA
Second LCH
Thirs Naval LCA

great news :victory:

it is great to hear such a big project going on schedule...
the news is wrong kla have denied the reports.

source : Google Translate

In the KLA denied the first flight of the new Russian fighter

United Aircraft Corporation, has denied reports that the second prototype fifth-generation fighter T-50 (PAK FA) made its first flight. Reported by the radio station Ekho Moskvy, referring to ITAR-TASS

As of late Wednesday evening, February 23, coming to an end ground testing of aircraft; in the air, he has not yet been raised.

Earlier on February 23 , Interfax reported that the T-50 (PAK FA) made its first flight, rising into the air from the runway Aircraft Production Association, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

It was also reported that the fighter jet piloted by distinguished test pilot Sergei Bogdan Russia and the flight was normal.
I hope the pics and video is posted quickly....
Hey guys its not related but did NLCA made a flight ?? I thought first prototype of NLCA was just shown...
Russians forum and sites are denying about this report ...

They say that test flight with in one or two days
Thats an excellent news!!!! They are on schedule. I think they will integrate the new engine and radar with this aircraft.

Last year was a marvelous year for Indian armed forces... three new aircrafts made their first flight. Thats a record....

First PAK FA
Second LCH
Thirs Naval LCA


+ Kaveri passed high altitude tests and now is on live flight testing.

Remember how passive and critical media was when one Kaveri prototype blasted during altitude testings. GTRE has evolved and has come a long way!
There are also some article stating it would be by the end of 2011...Lets see what happens but i am dying to see what second prototype is bringing with it,
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