I should be the other way round, Stronger Economy, Better Education, Better Health, Better Life, Better law and order, and then stronger defence.
You wana make it, heavan?
No country has achived it yet , if you think of nowrway ,holland, or denmark yes they hve good education,better health systems but still they way behind in economy & defence & countries like US & russia still play a political pingpong with them !
If we think of germany, & japan yes they have good economy , better education & health but they are just stalite slaves when it comes to USA?
They only can pay whatever , whenever US wants?
Cause not strong defence or not hve any any right to defend themselves!
So well established economies & well established health & educational systems but still needs hve permission from USA on every major deceion they make regurding this world!
So without, strong & independent defence they are nothing in the world of USA ,RUSSIA,CHINA today.
France, italy , spain poland still way behind then those EU countries bt they are more valued customer to the world & US & NATO jst because they r stronger in defence!
We can think absolte ,heaven bt practicly its , might is right since day 1 in this world, & for might we need strong defence nothing else?
If pakistan hve 800 good fighter planes & 1 & half a million ground force, it will bring security & that security will bring peace & that peace is going to bring good ecomony!
Its all strats with strong defence!