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Scores dead in Mumbai train bombs

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Neo said:
Full scale war is not an option between the two rivals, even the hawks realise that.
India is mighty but does not have the capacity nor the capability to launch sucessfull pre emptive srtikes and take out Pak nuclear arsenal.
Even if they opt to do so what is the calculated risk and aftermath?
Pakistan only needs four succesfull hits at Delhi, Bombay, Ahmedabad and Bengalore to criple India.
For sure Pakistan would be gone but is India willing to take that risk?

India wont end with Nuke strikes with bangalore,Delhi,Bombay and Ahmedbad or elsewhere,we have way too many people outside those cities.Our army wont be efefcted if Pakistan nukes civilian targets.

On the other hand imagine what will be Pakistan be after such a pre-emptive strike.

1.India might not nuke Pkaistan in return, but US.Russia might .
2.Pakistan will be pushed into darkness after the war.
3.It would take ages fo Pkaistan to come out isolation,ages doesnt mean 20 -30 yrs but centuries.
4.You would lose all your credibilty of whatever is left.

If Pakistanis think they can win a war by nuking India, you are wrong . A pre-emtive strke from Pakistan is all that is required for India.

Thats wud be the end of Pakistan ( not thru nuke).
Samudra said:
And therefore it is all right for Pakistan to aid and abet such a organisation?
No its not. If any links are found with Pakistani nationals we should assist India.

And extending such a logic, do you think that Pakistan should go unpunished for aiding an terrorist organisation massacre civillians inside India?
We did not assist and aid them. If anything is found perhaps you should focus on cooperating so the real culprits can be punished.

The seperatish agenda is always looking to incite Hindu-Muslims violence.
They stand to gain when Hindus and Muslims kill each other.
Hindus and Muslims died indiscriminately here. Muslims went ahead and are giving their blood to blood banks! I see Hindu-Muslim unity over this incident not division.

Separatist agenda is unaffected if not hurt by these bombings.

Dont you think the OBVIOUS motive here is to kill the maximum number of people and thereby incite Hindu-Muslim violence?
The OBVIOUS motive is to show the prowess of Islamist militants in India when compared to the Indian government. Indian government bans them, they hurt them back!

Isn't it strange they'd apply for an upliftment of the ban just 5 days ago? Do you think if the ban had been uplifted SIMI would've still bombed just because Pakistan told it to? So it was a SIMI operation by all counts. You are accepting that the operatives were of SIMI. But India is going out of the way to not talk about SIMI.

Only today the UP government stated that SIMI is not even a terrorist organization!


But lemme quote some awesome retardedness of the Indian political set up:

SIMI is not a terrorist organisation. Some of its members may be involved in terrorist activities and action should be taken against them

I mean as Indians this should piss you guys off! Your own government is saying that SIMI operatives may have been involved in the terror incidents and yet SIMI is not a terrorist organization? Why because it doesn't fit into blaming Pakistan?

SIMI connection with Pakistan is very weak. They say "Where does it get bombs from?". SIMI gets its funding from WAMY which is an association based in Riyadh. Is it too much of stretch that that's where they got equipment to manufacture RDX? Or at least money to obtain it form the local market?

Where is the Saudi connection being explored? Even though in an anonymous phone call a person named Abu-Al Hadeed stated that this is an Al Qaeda operation. Al Qaeda is headed by a Saudi too u know?
Bull said:
And Jana herself has admitted that bomb blast links could be to terrorists in Kashmir who is supported by pakistan.

Are u on hasish :mad: :mad: where did i say that prove it who me the POST or im gonna just take pitty on ur biased hating attitude.

Bull are you blind
No its not. If any links are found with Pakistani nationals we should assist India.

If any links are found with the Pakistani nation, should you perhaps assist us in punishing Pakistan?

If anything is found perhaps you should focus on cooperating so the real culprits can be punished.

How can one co-operate and punish a entity at the same time?

Separatist agenda is unaffected if not hurt by these bombings.

Seperatish agenda is affected by the lack of communal disharmony which will help them divide the nation on communal lines.

Isn't it strange they'd apply for an upliftment of the ban just 5 days ago?

isn't it not surprising at all that you did not know when they applied?

Do you think if the ban had been uplifted SIMI would've bombed just because Pakistan told it to?

Do you think if the ban had been uplifted SIMI would've still disobeyed their masters?

You are accepting that the operatives were of SIMI..

And that they were by all means provided logistical and material support by Paks.

But India is going out of the way to not talk about SIMI.

India is not going out of its way to talk about something that can end up affecting its investigations going on.

Only today the UP government stated that SIMI is not even a terrorist organization!

Very Chanakian.
Do you not admire the means our politicans and officials use to bring out the rats out of their holes? Very clever and Chanakian like.This is what I admire about the Indian government.

Even though in an anonymous phone call a person named Abu-Al Hadeed stated that this is an Al Qaeda operation.

Even though some anonymous idiot is being talked about by the media, the investigators are cleverly keeping quiet and are going about their duty like true proffessionals.
Samudra said:
If any links are found with the Pakistani nation, should you perhaps assist us in punishing Pakistan?
You think we would? We'd say say sorry and make people accountable for it.

How can one co-operate and punish a entity at the same time?
We'll come to that once you present us some evidence.

Seperatish agenda is affected by the lack of communal disharmony which will help them divide the nation on communal lines.

Lack of communal disharmony will help them divide India? Isn't communal disharmany a bad thing? Hence the lack of it a good thing for India? Hence the separatist agenda stands to gain nothing.

Independence movement that Pakistan supports is in Kashmir. We stand to gain from defeating Indian army in Kashmir.

isn't it not surprising at all that you did not know when they applied?
News report is from July 6th. So maybe the same day or the day before.

Do you think if the ban had been uplifted SIMI would've still disobeyed their masters?
I think their application and the bombings pretty much state that they have their own agenda and their masters at best lie in Saudi Arabia who you're amusingly giving no share of the heat.

And that they were by all means provided logistical and material support by Paks.

India is not going out of its way to talk about something that can end up affecting its investigations going on.
Seems more like it just wants to implicate Pakistan rather than find the real culprits. Ignoring such big facts that even I have pieced together, imagine what a real investigation would do.

Very Chanakian.
Do you not admire the means our politicans and officials use to bring out the rats out of their holes? Very clever and Chanakian like.This is what I admire about the Indian government.
Such open support of terrorism! You want me to admire it?

Even though some anonymous idiot is being talked about by the media, the investigators are cleverly keeping quiet and are going about their duty like true proffessionals.
Again they prefer keeping quiet to leads that point away from Pakistan.
You think we would? We'd say say sorry and make people accountable for it.

You think you would'nt ? We'd say sorry if it hurts but we have to make the country responsible accountable for it.

We'll come to that once you present us some evidence.

So you're sure that we will present some evidence?

Lack of communal disharmony will help them divide India?

Lack of communal harmony wont help them divide India? Isn't communal harmony a good thing? And isnt everything good in a country targetted by seperatists?

I think their application and the bombings pretty much state that they have their own agenda and their masters at best lie in Saudi Arabia who you're amusingly giving no share of the heat.

I think their application and the bombings pretty much state that they're following orders from across borders and their masters at best lie not in Saudi Arabia who you're amusingly trying to shift the blame to.

Seems more like it just wants to implicate Pakistan rather than find the real culprits.

No, it seems like it justs wants to do its job and nail the pigs rather than implicate Pakistan blindly.

Such open support of terrorism! You want me to admire it?

Obviously, you're not seeing how smart the Indian politician is.You dont want me to admire it?

Again they prefer keeping quiet to leads that point away from Pakistan.

Infact they prefer keeping quiet about leads since they know that will distract them from investigations.
Samudra said:
You think you would'nt ? We'd say sorry if it hurts but we have to make the country responsible accountable for it.
That's just big talk. The last time India did a lot more huffin and puffin.

So you're sure that we will present some evidence?
I'm SURE you won't. Since you won't have much.

Lack of communal harmony wont help them divide India? Isn't communal harmony a good thing? And isnt everything good in a country targetted by seperatists?
You said disharmony. Lack of communal disharmony.

I think their application and the bombings pretty much state that they're following orders from across borders and their masters at best lie not in Saudi Arabia who you're amusingly trying to shift the blame to.
Actually that evidence has been provided by the Indian media. While they keep blaming Pakistan. But do explain how their application "pretty much state" that its Pakistan giving them orders.

No, it seems like it justs wants to do its job and nail the pigs rather than implicate Pakistan blindly.
No evidence has been provided against Pakistan. Only blame.

Obviously, you're not seeing how smart the Indian politician is.You dont want me to admire it?
Then please help me see the "obvious".

Infact they prefer keeping quiet about leads since they know that will distract them from investigations.
Sure, they're still keeping quite of the Dec 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament aren't they?
Jana said:
Sam indeed the Indian Government is notorouse for killing its own people whenever there is a some high profile visit of any super power specially to the region be it Ex Prez clinton visit any secretary of State or Bush visit and also whenever there is any big deal or development on weapons and any worth step the US takes regarding Pakistan.

India had done so many times to plan blasts kill its own people and get try to gain sympathy from the world power for steering opinion against Pakistan and since there is WoT now its a habit to blam Pakistab for eveb a patakha :biggrin: .

Read this once again and think who is filled with hatred.
Jana said:
Are u on hasish :mad: :mad: where did i say that prove it who me the POST or im gonna just take pitty on ur biased hating attitude.

Bull are you blind

thats what i understood when i read this

Jana said:
Being a military man cant u see other factors they have many insergencies in India beyond one in Kashmir. Cant u see it happend in the financial hub??.

Your english is very confusing, do u forget your writing skills while in PFF???
This is going no where i am outta this Conv.:wall:
melb4aust said:
This is going no where i am outta this Conv.:wall:

We are all here, knowing that...:disappointed:
Asim Aquil said:
They haven't even BEGUN THINKING about amassing troops this time. And you're terming it as a MAJOR option?

If the Generals ain't telling the PM what they can and cannot do, then they're not doing their jobs. And warning orders were flashed within the hour to all units. THAT is a MAJOR option.

Asim Aquil said:
Nope, I'm just showing faith in mine. Who have till date protected the three fronts Kashmir, Lahore and the Run of Kutch.

You're not a military man. I see speed bumps. Very bloody speed bumps but still speed bumps. If the InA decides to pay the price, those things ain't stopping them.

Asim Aquil said:
GoI, is never confident. Have you been reading Indian papers till now? They are calling their government soft, and though they don't use the words, the underlying meaning behind their argument is GoI's a bunch of pussies.

It ain't because of the military nor the military option.

Asim Aquil said:
Yes I know, it was confident in 2002 as well. Their officers were giving out statements that within days we will capture Lahore.

I think that's a bit too optimistic. However, the array of forces ain't on the Pak side.

Asim Aquil said:
Alright then lets just talk about the subject and not me here. EVEN if you're annoyed you should be able to suck it up.

Funny. Your words. And I have to suck it up. Does the term Walk East till your hat floats mean anything?
Officer of Engineers said:
If the Generals ain't telling the PM what they can and cannot do, then they're not doing their jobs. And warning orders were flashed within the hour to all units. THAT is a MAJOR option.
Do you seriously think their Generals would be telling the PM it would be a walk in the park to attack Pakistan?

You're not a military man. I see speed bumps. Very bloody speed bumps but still speed bumps. If the InA decides to pay the price, those things ain't stopping them.

They are the very things stopping them. Man on Man, we're at a ratio of 2:3 or 1:1.5 (with Indias and Pakistan's reserves added) however you may like to look at it. Our Armor is a tad bit better than their's as well. Do you seriously think its just going to be a speed bump? India's looking at a prolonged war. Pak didn't back off from the conflict in 2002 when our resources were damn low (reserves at $650Mn) and people guessed we'd run out of gas in 11 days of war.

India's military or economy hasn't significantly changed, but Pak's at a whole other level. Whatever spooked India out of conflict back then should be scarier by now.

Did you ever stop to consider, a speed bump is something that India doesn't want either?

It ain't because of the military nor the military option.
The military option for India is a bloody war.

I think that's a bit too optimistic. However, the array of forces ain't on the Pak side. Whenever there's talk of war people assume it would be a limited war, but I think even you'd not argue that it's not going to be anything like it.

Funny. Your words. And I have to suck it up.
Do you see me have ANY problem with you?

You're giving your views and I'm giving mine.
That's just big talk.The last time India did a lot more huffin and puffin.

That big talk alone was enough to send Musharaff running to the TV station to hurriedly announce his ban on the terrorists he was so long in bed with.India just needs to do the the huffin and puffin.That seems enough to frighten those in brown attire.

I'm SURE you won't. Since you won't have much.

I'm SURE you, you of all, would'nt be knowing if we have enough.

Lack of communal disharmony.

Yes, Lack of communal disharmony greatly hinders the agenda of seperatists and hence these blasts to incite violence thereby bringing communal disharmony.

Actually that evidence has been provided by the Indian media. While they keep blaming Pakistan.

The Indian media has been clever enough to know that the masters are controlling the dolls through various proxies.The media is showing great maturity and foresight this time.

No evidence has been provided against Pakistan. Only blame

Actually, they wont reveal the evidence because if they do it now the adversaries are going to wake up and start their desperate damage control.We're not giving our enemy the chance to do another full of fuss speech this time.

Then please help me see the "obvious".

Thats not my job.

Sure, they're still keeping quite of the Dec 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament aren't they?

Thats exactly what makes me wonder about the power of the Indian government and its ability to bring unprecedented pressure upon our enemies.Keeping quiet all the while and a little press conference by our Army Chief made Musharaff hurry to the TV in full military uniform and make a pleading speech, cleverly making it a point to appease and somehow prevent a attack from his enemy.All that the very next day! Impressive show of might.Clearly demonstrates who's scared of whom in the region.
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