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Scores dead in Mumbai train bombs

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New Recruit

Nov 1, 2005
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[URL="http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41875000/jpg/_41875898_rescuers_afp203b.jpg"]7d6274289a3481a72bc89fba28c722b9.jpg[/URL] Rescue efforts have been hampered by heavy rain

At least 130 people have been killed and 300 injured by seven bombs on the train network in the Indian financial capital Mumbai (Bombay), police say.

The first of the near-simultaneous blasts went off at about 1830 local time (1300 GMT), during the rush hour in the suburbs on the Western Railway.
Correspondents spoke of scenes of pandemonium, with people jumping from trains and bodies flung onto tracks.
There have been a number of bomb attacks in Mumbai in recent years.

The city and the capital Delhi have been put on high alert, and Mumbai's entire rail network has been shut down, stranding hundreds of thousands of commuters.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh appealed for calm and described the incidents as a "shocking and cowardly attempt to spread a feeling of hatred".

Pakistani leaders also condemned the blasts as a "despicable act of terrorism".

Police said the co-ordinated blasts took place at Matunga, Khar, Mahim, Jogeshwari, Borivali and Bhayandar, with most on moving trains and two at stations.

Local reports said the bombs appeared to have targeted first-class compartments, as commuters were returning home from the city's financial district.

A shopkeeper near one explosion said it was so powerful they thought they had been hit by lightning.
Television images show dazed and bloodied commuters being carried by fellow passengers to waiting ambulances, as rescue workers clambered through wreckage to reach victims.
The force of the blasts ripped doors and windows off carriages, and scattered luggage.

Clothes and shoes were strewn along the tracks.
A medical student at a hospital in Parel, which has received many of the wounded, told the BBC News website the "floors are filled with bloodstains".
"There were so many [injured people], I couldn't really count," Sunny Jain said.
"There are not enough ambulances and many people are making their own way to the station. They are coming in taxis and by foot."

Repeated target

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks, which are the worst in the city for more than a decade.

Home Minister Shivraj Patil told reporters authorities had "some" information an attack was coming, "but place and time was not known".
Analysts say Mumbai has been a repeated target because it is a financial hub and a centre for the underworld.
More than 250 people died in a string of blasts in the financial district of the city in 1993.
Correspondents say Tuesday's bombers could hardly have struck a target with greater impact - both practical and psychological.
The city's suburban train system is one of the busiest in the world, carrying more than six million commuters a day.
The BBC world affairs correspondent Mike Wooldridge says the blasts also expose the vulnerability of India's commercial capital - the hub of a nation with an image of rapid change. The blasts came hours after suspected Islamic extremists killed seven people in grenade attacks in the summer capital of Kashmir, Srinagar.

I hope they dont blame ISI for it.
Its sad what happened. My cousin who lives in Andheri, Mumbai was lucky when she decided to buy a sandwich for herself & let her train go. Unfortunately,rest were not so fortunate
A.Rahman said:
I hope they dont blame ISI for it.

Its a sad day for India and for humankind, terrorism is an act of corwardness and travesty.
I hope they burn in hell when their time is due.

My sincere condolences to all who lost loved ones.
Deathcount has risen to 147 now. :frown:
These blasts also coincide with Foreign Minister Kasuri's visit to Washington where he is supposed to allay concerns by some congressmen that Pakistan will not transfer US technology to a third country. The timing has been coincided with the presentation of Pak's F-16 deal in the congress on 13th July.
KashifAsrar said:
This is all very bad. This is insane.

Offcourse, this is insane and against:devil: the humanity:angel: , What was the fault of those innocent people?
A.Rahman said:
These blasts also coincide with Foreign Minister Kasuri's visit to Washington where he is supposed to allay concerns by some congressmen that Pakistan will not transfer US technology to a third country. The timing has been coincided with the presentation of Pak's F-16 deal in the congress on 13th July.

The Government of Pakistan has gotten very bold these days.

I guess they're now one hundred percent sure that nothing can stop them from acquiring the F-16s.Not even their state sponsored attack against India's innocent civillians.Butchering innocents ruthlessly seems to be the new policy of Rawalpindi.
:embarassed: it was a hell when last night at 10pm here in Pak i was edditing the news for my paper.
Many condolences May the departed souls rest in peace.
Samudra said:
The Government of Pakistan has gotten very bold these days.

I guess they're now one hundred percent sure that nothing can stop them from acquiring the F-16s.Not even their state sponsored attack against India's innocent civillians.Butchering innocents ruthlessly seems to be the new policy of Rawalpindi.

:mad: What made you think that Pakistan is behind all this, same old indian blames........
Pakistan always condemn such odd acts. Dont just say anything...... unless you have some solid proof:blink:
Samudra said:
The Government of Pakistan has gotten very bold these days.

I guess they're now one hundred percent sure that nothing can stop them from acquiring the F-16s.Not even their state sponsored attack against India's innocent civillians.Butchering innocents ruthlessly seems to be the new policy of Rawalpindi.

Sam indeed the Indian Government is notorouse for killing its own people whenever there is a some high profile visit of any super power specially to the region be it Ex Prez clinton visit any secretary of State or Bush visit and also whenever there is any big deal or development on weapons and any worth step the US takes regarding Pakistan.

India had done so many times to plan blasts kill its own people and get try to gain sympathy from the world power for steering opinion against Pakistan and since there is WoT now its a habit to blam Pakistab for eveb a patakha :biggrin: .

Sam have heat dear dont boil just try to look into all sapects dont rush. We had post it to condole not to spread hate.
Samudra said:
My brain.
Which is sick then
Samudra said:
Same old bombs...
If you think this way, then thats the way it is.....there is nothing can be done
Samudra said:
Anybody can lie.
Huh, think some one cares
Samudra said:
One doesnt need a Phd to be good at it.
PHD can't do any good to a brain like this, You need something more extra-ordinary

By the way i was expressing my whole hearted condolences to the people who have died and their relatives. Just think before you say some thing i really meant no offence.
Jana said:
India had done so many times to plan blasts kill its own people and get try to gain sympathy from the world power for steering opinion against Pakistan and since there is WoT now its a habit to blam Pakistab for eveb a patakha :biggrin: .

You mind giving me some proof of that. I've seen Muslims bombing Muslims in Sarajevo for international sympathy. And before you jump on your horse, UNPROFOR has already proven that mortar attacks on markets can only come from the Muslim side.
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