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Scientists find new superbug spreading from India

Will you please articulate your query? I think I can hazard giving some answers. Gubbi has posted a great deal of info on this on an earlier thread.

You are welcome to ask anything extra!
ohh great!!... So Iam completely unaware of this type of bug,

Is it airborne, deadly, like a Swine flue?..
How did this orgninate?
ohh great!!... So Iam completely unaware of this type of bug,

Is it airborne, deadly, like a Swine flue?..
How did this orgninate?

Here's a few facts about this whole "superbug" thing!

As is common knowledge, antibiotics are chemicals that are specifically toxic to the bacteria while almost harmless to the human cells. They act by interefering with certain processes which are essential for the bacteria to survive.

Now, when an a'biotic is prescribed on a large scale in a community a huge no. of microbes come in contact with it. As anywhere else in nature where such huge numbers are involved the law of evolution sets in......And some of the microbes develop method/s to deal with
this molecule. Such "resistant" strains survive while others die and by "law of natural selection" the resistant strains become majority.

This resistance mechanism is encoded in the DNA of microbe in the form of a "gene" so it can pass to it's progeny.


Now, imagine a microbe which carries with it multiple genes for resisting not one but multiple a'biotics. This means you have almost no weapon to kill it if it infects you. This F-22 of microbes is known as a " superbug (media term)

to be continued...
Now, let us consider the current case....

A'biotic in question-- Penicilline and monobactum groups..

Penicillines are one of the oldest drus in use and naturally most bacteria today are resistant to it.
One of the way of resistance is production of an enzyme called as " Beta lactamase ". This enzyme breaks the molecular structure of drug and renders it ineffective .

As a reply to this a new class called Monobactums was developed, which are similar to penicillines in action but are resistant to this " Beta lactamase ".

Now, the bacterial response to this has been to develop a new ariety of "B L'mase" which can cleave even the monobactums and thus we have-------" New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase"

The formula for this enzyme is carried on the DNA of the microbes in the form of a gene called NDM 1.. A bacteria can share this gene with others of it's species and raise the no of resistant ones rapidly. ( similar to the proliferation of fissile material. )

This is the current superbug gene people are talking about.
Now, the bacteria in question here is mainly one known as "E. Coli "

It is as worldwide a thing as McDonalds. Infects urinary tract, burn wounds ,gastro intestinal tract and many more. This is already resistant to a no of drugs and monobactams were kinda "reserve troops " for this one. But , with NDM 1 that silver bullet is lost!

However, there are other drugs to tackle this microbes and they are still effective. And this report while correct in quotin facts , has been utterly malicious in "results and intepretation" sector.

I'll not post points debunking this paper as; it has been done very well by gubbi in an earlier thread.Please check out his posts, too
Now, the bacteria in question here is mainly one known as "E. Coli "

It is as worldwide a thing as McDonalds. Infects urinary tract, burn wounds ,gastro intestinal tract and many more. This is already resistant to a no of drugs and monobactams were kinda "reserve troops " for this one. But , with NDM 1 that silver bullet is lost!

You might also add that this particular organism the E. coli (type of bacteria) is naturally present in the lower intestines of warm blooded animals - humans included as part of the natural flora of the gut!

What makes this particular NDM-1 such a threat is that the gene (blueprint) for making the protein/enzyme (product) can be incorporated in to a circular piece of DNA - a plasmid (portable drive if you may) which can then be transferred from one type of bacteria to another - across species.

But as Ganimi Kawa so nicely put it, "this report while correct in quotin facts , has been utterly malicious in "results and intepretation" sector." Couldn't have said it better.

Anyway it's a Brit report. What do you expect from them Brits!
I'm going to wear a bio-suit with oxygen supply any time I am outside or in public. I will see if I can try to get my office and home to be airtight from outside with a sophisticated oxygen+filtration system. First Bird flu, then swine flu, now slum flu. Coming next : certain death flu
I like your word desi traitors.

India is full of such these desi traitors like those who did research work up for these East India Companies, may throw saliva to work in western labs and for air travel allowances, compromise their nations reputation, sign NOC at their article to be published on international medical journals with travel advisory for Britishers.

Same way,i hate people who don't serve their country and live a secondary life in other nations..:tdown:
@ idune

what's ur problem????

why post useless stuff in India defense section????????

How its related to India defense???????

Also, this news is already posted in PDF.
Same way,i hate people who don't serve their country and live a secondary life in other nations..:tdown:

You have no idea what the heck we are talking about. I have specialization in Internal medicine and topic in hand but i am reluctant to talk cause many posters have given very detailed answer..

Indian living overseas are better serving than many Indians altogether if not compromising their nation's self respect like doctors related to this particular small sample research; based in India have done by approving this racist report.

I personally know many big mouthed Indian research big guns coming overseas on funded allowances and talking shyt about India in front of goras. Rather blaming outsiders these Desi traitors needs to named in everyone's notice.

Have you heard or read same kind of article published one year back in Indian medical journal.The Author was same Indian quack who encouraged UK based companies to spread this propaganda against India this time.
Why are you guys discussing conspiracy theories?Why would Goras specially create a bug for India and plant it in Pakistan/India/Bangladesh.Please guys stop the conspiracy theories.Provide some proofs that the bug is created by western people.
Why are you guys discussing conspiracy theories?Why would Goras specially create a bug for India and plant it in Pakistan/India/Bangladesh.Please guys stop the conspiracy theories.Provide some proofs that the bug is created by western people.

Its not a conspiracy theory. Unlike some stuff making rounds on these very forums.

NHS is ailing. Check out its budget deficits, overcrowding, long waiting times for transplant surgeries, high incidence of nosocomial infections, layoff of workers, and not to mention the exorbitant, unaffordable, high costs of medical treatment in facilities outside the NHS in UK. Coupled to this is budget cuts.

Patients to avoid all this are flocking to India, which coincidently boasts of many world-class medical facilities, for treatment. NHS and UK loses money and they are unhappy about this. What better way to stem this outflow of cash resources than by fear-mongering. And the Brits are well known for this.

The existence of this particular NDM-1 was known in medical circles for quite sometime now. Also known is the fact that multi-drug resistant pathogens abound in NHS facilities for reasons best known to the Brits!

A few weeks back there was a report on how a Brit was operated upon by Indian doctors when NHS doctors had advised him to wait for the surgery and warned him that he would be signing on his own death warrant if he traveled to India. That was proved wrong, the patient is as hale and hearty as a healthy individual. He even gave an interview in which he praised Indian doctors as compared to NHS doctors.

And now this old report in a new "light". Take an educated guess.

Its all about money, UK is very stingy. Blame the stiff upper lip!

ps: the bug is NOT created by the gringos/goras ;). They have their own MDR bugs while we have our own MDR bugs (depends of different kinds of drugs used in different regions). Due to short travel times and an increase in volume of tourists, spread of such bugs is more common these days than it was say a couple of decades back!
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^^ +1.

Gubbi, you seem to be working in GB, what are the big bugs for the NHS ( VRSA maybe?)

Back here in India, We have MDR-TB as our biggest problem ( Requiring DOTS + Regimen with stuff like Kanamycin ) and it is giving way to XDR-TB ( DOTS + resistant requring partial pnuemonectomy).. Scary stuff!

Fluoroquinilone resistant salmonella's a big trouble,too!
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