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Scientific Ranking of Iran......must see!!!

good news from ali follower ;)

any ideas what the best technology achievement in iran?......
Well,it's a lesson for us,a Saudi instructing us on science and its quality.

Jealousy,the enemy of the humanity.

Nimrod, what him being from SA has to do with Iran low quality scientific output
Iran has just started to scratch the surface of research and development. This is just the beginning of the scientific overhaul of Iran. The foundation has just been laid and the building has just started. People need to be patient. The real results from the government intense focus on science and technology in Iran will be seen in the next decade

No question that Iran is nowhere near he likes of America, China, Some EU nations and Israel. This is given, however, the progress Iran has made in science and technology is unquestionable. Already the benefits from the increase spending in Science have just started to trickle down to the Iranian people and government. The quality has been an issue, but this has been addressed and Iran’s H index has improved over the years. Reforms have been made to improve the quality of Iranian research. Not only that the government now plans to interlink private industry with R&D to translate the growth in Science and technology to real tangible results in Iran.

Just look at how Brazil, North Korea, South Korea all struggle to independently launch domestic satellite into Orbit while Iran has done it three times. And now Iran is working on a solid launch vehicle. Iran now is player in the nanotechnology field, stem cell. Personally, I was shocked to found out Iran even clones animals. Iran can now produce its own carbon fiber, medical technology and energy infrastructure it needs.

But this is only the beginning, government plans to increase R&D to 2.5% of GDP by 2015 and a whopping 4% by 2030. What we witnessing now is the start, comparing Iran to industrialized nations isn’t helpful. But the comparison is welcome and it shows where Iran should be in the coming decade
Nimrod, what him being from SA has to do with Iran low quality scientific output

well , Saudi Arabia have enough supporters in this forum , then I assume they don't need an zionist to support them ....
What is happening in Iran in 2010? the link is from 2010!
well , Saudi Arabia have enough supporters in this forum , then I assume they don't need an zionist to support them ....

I bet we have some common interests, ideas, perspectives. opinions etc... i will not fear to admit in front of you that i agree with you even if i see you as an enemy or dislike you in general.

But i have notice that Arabs/Iranians/Turks have an issue to admit, especially guilt
To say mullahs had nothing to do with this progress is total rubbish.

No country will ever develop scientifically/technologically if the political system does a bad job.
If the politics don't provide the general conditions, structures and finances, no progress can take place, in no country in the world, otherwise why do all governmetns in the world have education policy at all? Just scrap education, research & development.....what a bullshit!!!

A good policy is the foundation for every progress a country can make!!!

And when it comes to Irans mullahs, they are no obstacle at all, on the contrary, they are even a catalyser for scientific progress, just read:

Iran's very Islamic embrace of science

Quarks and the Koran: Iran

And despite all the sanctions and isolation for the last three decades, today Iran shows the fastest scientific growth in the world.

This shows, Irans mullahs have a better and more efficient education policy than all of the secular governments in the world, you may don't like it, but that's the simple fact!

Zendebaad Joumhurie Eslami!!!
@ OP, here's an advice.

This website is frequented by idiots and trolls. If you're going to open a thread, post as much info as you can so these zionists and suicide bombing wahabis don't come and troll.

Here are the results for 2011

Iran is number one in the ME with ~ 40% growth from 2010. Those that say the quality isn't there are idiots. A paper doesn't get viewed by scientists around the world over night. It takes time for documents to get peer reviewed and get cited. While Western nations have been at this game for decades upon decades, Iran entered the game about 10 years ago.

Iran must keep boosting it's development and Scientific achievements. Bangladesh wish you best of luck.

In top 25 only 3 Muslim nations and a 20% Muslim. So pathetic! Really really Pathetic!
Iran must keep boosting it's development and Scientific achievements. Bangladesh wish you best of luck.

In top 25 only 3 Muslim nations and a 20% Muslim. So pathetic! Really really Pathetic!

At least someone acknowledge this , till when the people not get educated and not become free from the clutches form religion the figure will remain same.
At least someone acknowledge this , till when the people not get educated and not become free from the clutches form religion the figure will remain same.

Should I tell you the same! Muslims ruled the world and yet rules. The problem is we got lots of issues among ourselves. War destroys civilization but it will not happen afterward of 2030. I wish from now, it gets minimized. Pakistan is making progress. India is making progress from 2000 and so is Bangladesh. India should have been ahead of China by now! The problem is India and Pakistan piles up weapons and their budget continues to flow on defence. Pakistan could have seen them ahead of South Korea if had they didn't fight so many battles with India, Africa, Turks land and Israel. The problem is you Pakistanis and Indians will fall behind if you keep continue this stupidity.
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