Nope, never a military contact between our people and indians.
You amuse me. Why so poor. Explain me the extreme poverty of india. Whats the reason for this extreme failing?
and i forgot to ask, why did your people never invent a toilet? We have those since 3000 years.
Another thing i wonder is why your society collapsed to the low level it has today and not our high level. What happened?
As for amnesia. Rome was only taken once. From the Visigoths. But india? All your nation was again and again raped. From our ancestors the greeks, the persians, the turks, the british. Evryone who wants india got india. You even got islamized. The only relevant architecture in india which is worldfamous is the Taj Mahal. An islamic building.
Why is that? And why is it so easy for evryone to conqer an entire subcontinent?