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School curricula: "Hate content in pakistan's textbooks"

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Pakistan should continue to teach hatred of India and spread it all over Asia and the world, these people deserve the hatred and scorn that comes their way. All other South Asian countries already hate them and for good reason too.
Just because they do a wrong, doesn't mean we should.

We are not wrong. We are on the right path. And we should not be ashamed of it just because some body complains.

Analogies are not bound by time.

They are bound by context and the type of argument.

Exactly, the current problem with Hindu hatredism is borne out of the history we teach the children from a young age.

Negative. We don't teach our children anything which is wrong, infact we teach them the truth. It is your thinking and lack of conviction in the truth as it stand out.

Again, can we leave Indians out of this, this topic is about Pakistan, India we can discuss some other time.

You raised a point, I answered and then you hide behind an out of context reply. It can never be discussed without a comparison as it deals with history the way it is perceived by them and by us, and only then a conclusion can be reached.
Why doesn't it generate crusaders, or are they holier than thou and can not be termed as a crusade because their colour is white.

He hasnt looked into the amount of hate crime in the so called @Christian countries@
Why doesn't it generate crusaders, or are they holier than thou and can not be termed as a crusade because their colour is white.

He hasnt looked into the amount of hate crime in the so called @Christian countries@
We are not wrong. We are on the right path. And we should not be ashamed of it just because some body complains.

They are bound by context and the type of argument.

Negative. We don't teach our children anything which is wrong, infact we teach them the truth. It is your thinking and lack of conviction in the truth as it stand out.

You raised a point, I answered and then you hide behind an out of context reply. It can never be discussed without a comparison as it deals with history the way it is perceived by them and by us, and only then a conclusion can be reached.

Ticker saab, no one can argue against you when you use make these type of responses :lol:
Pakistan should continue to teach hatred of India and spread it all over Asia and the world, these people deserve the hatred and scorn that comes their way. All other South Asian countries already hate them and for good reason too.

"Hathi chaale bazar, Kuttte bokke hazar!" :laugh:

Translation: Elephant walks in market, Dogs bark in thousands

Admitting India made mistake in the past, wrt to relations with its neighbors, but you paranoid bunch overdo it. :lol:
Pakistan should continue to teach hatred of India and spread it all over Asia and the world, these people deserve the hatred and scorn that comes their way. All other South Asian countries already hate them and for good reason too.

hahaha...wateva works for you man. keep gettin off to the flyweights in south asia ganging up.

half of the political spectrum in BD dances to the music we play. The state of Tamil Nadu is seething with rage and would kill to feast on lankan meat like rabid dogs. And you guys, across our western border, appear to have learnt how to avoid confrontation with the proxies and the nuke'em cards.

The key to greater power, as china has shown, is in achieving the economic miracle. To facilitate this miracle, india would need to encourage peace in the neighborhood. Frivolous conspiracy theories of "hindu hegemony" aside, it is in india's interest to establish cordial relations. But India, just like any other sovereign nation, reserves the right to react to any untoward provocation with overwhelming force.
I wonder what India teaches to their children on why Gandhi and Nehru wanted freedom from Britain?

and if they teach them the reasons..is that instigating hate against Britain?

and USA gained independence from Britain and 4th of July is the usual Brit bashing day in USA..
Are American children being taught @Hate@..

Its simple history and facts..deal with it that we are no more part of India..Its been 60 years and India is still butt hurt...
Dont crap rubbish...if wanted to stay with the truth you would have downloaded the NCERT books and checked them.....All you want is to stay with your version of the truth so dont act coy for it

Why would I load something which already is a hate filled crap and your government official report admits that it is. You don't have the courage to admit it. Don't.

Hmm so Hating Non muslims.....oh great !!

No Sir, having the courage to tell the truth as it is. And this is not hating any one.

Ofcourse who would read a report on textbooks that they studied for 5 years !!! ..The delusion is when idiots are ready to believe reports from Blog rather than from ppl who read and breathed the textbooks for years !! just so that it suits their viewpoint

Idiots who refuse to read and accept an official government report - may it be posted on any web page. The guy exposed what these books teach, religious bigotry and because it is not in Indian favour, it is a crap. Yeah sure.

Oye that is simple mocking , where is the HATE IN THAT !!!!...if sinochallenger or chinese dragon make a comparion btwn shanghai and mumbai.....what do u think will happen....our hatred for china is gonna go up...or we start cursing our politicians !!!! what sort of reference is this !!!

When you don't want to understand any valid point, this is how you guys reply. You guys don't have an answer to an official Indian government department report - what do you believe in, your own bigoted responses based on hatred and lies.

I think you lost the point you wanted to make here

Oh did I or is it that you don't have an answer.

first you say india is growing , then from somehwere Hindu Growth rate some in [ care to enlighten me ] , then mocks india's poverty [ forgetting ,its rapidly reducing ], then numbers all the secessionist groups of which many are redundant,accepted political solution or else one the verge of dying ...............then the usual banter of minority killings

oho .... if you don't know what Hindu Growth Rate represents - chaye ki piyali mein sharam se doob maro.

Ahh well what was thpoint you wer etrying to make to abdingdonboy when he was doing positive criticism of pakistan !!

wow, positive criticism coming out of an Indian for the good of Pakistan. I do see the pigs flying around.
The consequences, who benefited can be discussed later, to alienate the Hindu by not mentioning his contribution is a falsehood. It is not about who was scapegoated for that war by the British, it is about hiding the facts, only mentioning half the story in order that you don't see any good done by anyone apart from Muslims.

Why should I talk about those who do not make any difference to me. I am teaching them what they should know about the difference made by their own and not some one from a country none of them have seen even.

I don't know why are you insisting on an aspect which is important to India, which most of Pakistanis haven't even been to.

I do agree with you that we should have peace between the two countries, but in order to seek peace why am I being asked to reinterpret my history the way I see it.

There are many other ways of making peace endeavors. Why are you challenging my identity and my creation as a Pakistani.

I am sorry, I disagree vehemently with such methodology. This is wrong and should not be supported. Create peace through other means and not by attempting to change my history.

You are asked to reintepret history because it is false, regardless of the way you see it. I'm not challanging your identity by asking you to accept reality. We are discussing the authenticity of our history, not how you feel about it and whether it is palatable by you or not. Hindus participated in 1857, Yes or no? And if they did, why is their contribution hidden, what is the purpose for hiding it.
Interesting forward mail I received today..
A bit too one sided.. but still food for thought

This is India

When Pranab Mukherjee was sworn in as the President of India, the world witnessed a Parsi Chief Justice Kapadia swear in a Brahmin President Mukherjee, with a Muslim Vice President Hamid Ansari, Sikh Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, an Italian born Catholic Chairman of the ruling party Sonia Gandhi, and a Dalit Speaker of the Parliament Meira Kumar attending the ceremony. The Chief of the Indian Army is General Bikram Singh, a Sikh and Chief of Air Force is Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne, an Urdu-speaking Anglo Indian Christian from Allahbad. His son Omar is also a fighter pilot in the IAF

This is Pakistan.
Blasphamy laws, honour killings, 10 different versions of Islam all hating & killing each other and absolutely no tollerence for any other religion. And they still say they have not got enough religion. But you see these people running to non Muslim countries & trying to introduce customs in their host countries of the countries that they ran from.
Every Asian is not same who will get brainwashed like pakistanis in free :rofl:

Since when have the Asian Federation of Every Asian have elected you as their spokesperson. You are just an Indian - remain one.
Interesting forward mail I received today..
A bit too one sided.. but still food for thought

This is India

When Pranab Mukherjee was sworn in as the President of India, the world witnessed a Parsi Chief Justice Kapadia swear in a Brahmin President Mukherjee, with a Muslim Vice President Hamid Ansari, Sikh Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, an Italian born Catholic Chairman of the ruling party Sonia Gandhi, and a Dalit Speaker of the Parliament Meira Kumar attending the ceremony. The Chief of the Indian Army is General Bikram Singh, a Sikh and Chief of Air Force is Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne, an Urdu-speaking Anglo Indian Christian from Allahbad. His son Omar is also a fighter pilot in the IAF

This is Pakistan.
Blasphamy laws, honour killings, 10 different versions of Islam all hating & killing each other and absolutely no tollerence for any other religion. And they still say they have not got enough religion. But you see these people running to non Muslim countries & trying to introduce customs in their host countries of the countries that they ran from.

Every country is different and same thing doesn't work everywhere...
Indian Muslims have struggled hard to get their rights and recognition,it wasn't served in a plate to them...So please stop singing praises of India as such..and they have a sizable population..
How many Parsi, Christians and Hindus Live in Pakistan?
Ever heard of Malaysia,Japan,Singapore?
You don't get even basic rights if you aren't a Born ethnic Japanese/Malaysian/Singaporean..
You always remain a foreigner even if you marry a local man/Woman and has children..and that includes being barred from Politics and all higher posts...

Same goes for many European countries..I for myself have been to Greece multiple times and have seen and met Ethnic Egyptians who have been living there for 5 generations,and all were Born there,and yet the 5th generation is still Egyptian not Greek and Greek law barres any Non greek from getting Greek passport and that means they cannot rise to key positions..
So please stop demonizing Pakistan..There are many others .
Ticker saab, no one can argue against you when you use make these type of responses :lol:

Saar, I am just a timid looking small minded Pakistani and nothing more.

Joke aside, you did raise very valid points. I have an opinion and a conviction and I am sure, so do you. I respect your opinion but may not agree with certain aspects.

Lets agree to disagree on aspects we disagree on. :)
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