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Saudis Prepare for US Strike on Iran



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Jan 20, 2013
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With the financial world fundamentally in question after the recent LIBOR scandal rocked headlines, confirming once again the game is rigged, all that is left to assure laymen and markets is overt strength – a clear signal of who’s in control.

“It is already decided,” one Saudi prince told an unnamed European official, according to Debka File. When asked by the ‘European’ if America will abstain from pursing its well-rehearsed plan to overthrow Tehran, the prince said, “Anything can happen, of course. But this time we’re sure the American decision to attack is final and we are already making appropriate preparations.”

To be sure, Saudi forces have been on high alert on the Jordanian border due to the escalating violence in Syria and U.S. Naval forces have been building in the Persian Gulf in response to threats from Iran to close the vital Strait of Hormuz.

If there was any doubt that U.S. challenges in the region reflected a genuine concern over Iranian nuclear ambitions they were confirmed when the New York Times reported last week the reshaping of American force projection is “about Iran’s regional hegemonic ambitions,” according to a senior Defense Department official.

Keeping nations in their place and open for business is the crux of American foreign policy and what animates the strategy of containment around Russia, an emergent China and the renewed interest in the African continent not seen since the infamous days of Cecil Rhodes. Should these countries attempt to orchestrate their own affairs especially outside the realm of the petrodollar severe consequences abound.

Muammar Ghaddafi, for instance, on March 2nd of 2011 threatened to expel western oil companies from Libya. March 14th he invited their Chinese, Russian and Indian counterparts to fill their place. Shortly thereafter, on March 17th, UN no-fly resolution 1973 was passed of which the aforementioned countries including their BRICS ally Brazil abstained.

Professor Peter Dale Scott, author of American War Machine observed the following pattern prior to the Iraqi invasion in an article from Global Research:

As Ellen Brown has pointed out, first Iraq and then Libya decided to challenge the petrodollar system and stop selling all their oil for dollars, shortly before each country was attacked.

Kenneth Schortgen Jr., writing on Examiner.com, noted that ‘ix months before the US moved into Iraq to take down Saddam Hussein, the oil nation had made the move to accept Euros instead of dollars for oil, and this became a threat to the global dominance of the dollar as the reserve currency, and its dominion as the petrodollar..’

According to a Russian article titled ‘Bombing of Lybia – Punishment for Qaddafi for His Attempt to Refuse US Dollar,’ Qaddafi made a similarly bold move: he initiated a movement to refuse the dollar and the euro, and called on Arab and African nations to use a new currency instead, the gold dinar. Qaddafi suggested establishing a united African continent, with its 200 million people using this single currency. … The initiative was viewed negatively by the USA and the European Union, with French president Nicolas Sarkozy calling Libya a threat to the financial security of mankind; but Qaddafi continued his push for the creation of a united Africa.

Libya’s huge gold stores and abundant oil supply made it a player in the region, able to chart its own course in world affairs. The Central Bank of Libya, essentially off the globalist reservation, was a prime target for takeover. Ghaddafi’s overtures to China, Russia and India merely served as the catalyst.

The last bank in the world not a part of the “hive of compliant nations” dominated by the banking cartel is the Central Bank of Iran. Unfortunately Tehran is suffering from 50% inflation rates, EU oil sanctions and earlier this year was shut out of the international bank clearing system, called SWIFT. Its central bank overseen by public office holders, unlike our privately held Federal Reserve, committed a similar transgression to that of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Ghaddafi.

“In its trade transactions with other countries, Iran does not limit itself to the U.S. dollar, and the country can pay using its own currency,” Reuters quoted central bank governor Mahmoud Bahmani as saying. “If a country should so choose, it can pay in gold and we would accept that without any reservation.” While Iran is trying to escape from the globalist choke hold, this is undoubtedly the move others have paid dearly for.

MIT professor and U.S. foreign policy expert Noam Chomsky provided his insight in an article by Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul at Beacon Equity Research.

“Iran broke ranks with the United States in 1979, and this is a crime for which it has to be punished,” said Chomski in a discussion with Gilbert Archcar for the book, Perilous Power. “And it goes way beyond rational state interests. As with Cuba, it’s the Mafia mentality: You can’t allow disobedience to exist; it’s too dangerous because other people might get the idea that they can be disobedient as well. So Iran’s going to have to be punished for that act of disobedience.”

The end of exclusive American dominion is at hand and with it the reign of the global petrodollar economy. China, Russia and others have been trading outside the U.S. premier world reserve currency for some time.

While the long-term trajectory of Pax Americana is obvious the wars over Iraq, Libya, Syria and coming soon Iran are the often erratic and always violent symptoms of an empire in decline. Where there was once a free market, which spurred growth, expansion and innovation have now been replaced by the narrowing objectives of the state, which have demonstrably subsumed the private interests of large multinational corporations. Its meddlesome and corrupt systems are made manifest in the energy and financial industries both of which as a result are in seemingly perpetual tumult.
“It is already decided,” one Saudi prince told an unnamed European official, according to Debka File. When asked by the ‘European’ if America will abstain from pursing its well-rehearsed plan to overthrow Tehran, the prince said, “Anything can happen, of course. But this time we’re sure the American decision to attack is final and we are already making appropriate preparations.”

Debka file is the worst news agency EVER. ALL LIES. This is totally LIE.

If KSA wanted to go to war, it would be Syria but Russia attached to its friend this time, unlike previous instances.
US will not go to war with Iran either. US has a more important job to keep china in check, plus fixing the economy.
Debka is like a stopped clock: it's reads correctly twice a day but that hardly makes it useful.
Unnamed Saudi prince + Unnamed European+Debka File+ unnamed senior Defense Department official the result would be interesting

by the way its the only truth in the article
The end of exclusive American dominion is at hand and with it the reign of the global petrodollar economy. China, Russia and others have been trading outside the U.S. premier world reserve currency for some time.
Depka=PressTV but there's a difference. Debka's sources are MOSSAD but it's bullshit anyways. And i don't think that the saudis will fight together with us. Simply, okay they are nice but i don't want them to save my *** during the battle. Strike plan to Iran is already made by NATO commanders I guess. And it only includes US, NATO Partners and Israel.
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