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Saudis Go on Full Alert after Putin Threatens to Hit S. Arab in Reprisal fo

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Sir whole Muslim world would come Sir specially you would see the forces of Morroco UAE OMAN Algeria Tunisia Indonesia Egypt and Malaysia Bahrain and Qatar and from other parts but the only thing is Russia is not that stupid


My good man---the whole of the islamic world reflects like a bundle of spaghetti----very tough on the outside---but actually extremely brittle and ready to shatter---and if you pour water on it---it goes 'sogy'.

But as you are the reflection of a true iislamic warrior----we expect nothing much from you except all talk of bravado and steam.
Alright dude, keep telling yourself all your problems are Iran's fault.
Your backward economy and your low ranking in science and tech is also Iran's fault.
The lack of oil and gas reserves in your country is also our fault. Saudi arabia is your savior :lol:

Shah was scum who did not represent Iranian people. I don't care what his relation with your country were.
By the way, India may be your enemy but they are by no means ours. Indians have helped Iran much more than you country ever will. You people think the Iran actually cares about your problem with India? How old are you?

You scratch our back and we'll scratch yours.

Well, let me just say that not all Pakistanis share his opinion. You can love India all you want but when it comes to numbers, Pakistanis are the most pro-Iranian people in the world. It's a fact, look it up if you want to.

Second of all, yes it may be disputed whether or not Pakistan has helped Iran with nuclear technology, but there's strong evidence that Pakistan has helped in some ways, at the very least, given Iran some documents and blueprints.And also, we're still one of the very few countries that are today, currently supporting your right to nuclear technology, despite the fact that Iran criticized Pakistan when it conducted its nuclear tests. We have been scratching your back.

But I agree, the Saudi regime, although has been helpful at times, nowadays, they are proving to be very detrimental, with their interference in the internal affairs of Middle Eastern and other Islamic countries. With time, I can see Pakistan ditching SA as its important partner and siding with Iran, but it will take time for the country to change our old ideas, that are very deeply rooted in the minds of the citizens, as you may have seen form this thread.

Like I've said before, we can make the case that Pakistan is obligated to protect Makkah and Madinah, were the cities in danger (although the cities are said to be protected by Allah). No country has shown the interest or ambition to attack them, however. So in this case, we are not obligated to protect the Saudi regime, not in the current position that we are in, and certainly not at the risk of being wiped off the face of the map. We've got bigger problems of our own.
After they humiliated you the first go round, don't forget. :lol:

Our country was in complete chaos in the first go round around, but after we got our **** together we dealt with the problem.
Our country was in complete chaos in the first go round around, but after we got our **** together we dealt with the problem.

Doesn't matter they can say they were in complete chaos when you beat them the second time round, don't underestimate your enemy sir.

:lol: go head and send it to them, but then...........

Don't be surprised if we do this again :whistle:

Operation Lentil (Caucasus) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russia ain't no soviet union, and Putin ain't no Stalin.
USA & NATO would lead the war, Arabs and other Islam countries would send a few thousand forces for posing and taking pictures of them, we saw that happened before, strong confirmation is there.

Forget any help from muslim governments.

Mr you would see soon they would help other wise their people would take them out all the forces from the Muslim world would join in

It means mother Russia is about to get shagged again.

Sir don't waste time in talking to these guys if Saudi is attacked whole Muslim army would jump in they won't have any other choice but I and you know Russia is not that stupid

During the first round---the term ' war on terror had not evolved'---so russia was hesitant---since the term war on terror came out---and the life of muslims became worth less than rabid dogs----it became a wipe out. If chechens dare start any problems right now---they will be completely wiped out.

There is nobody left to shed tears for dead muslims in the west anymore. Actually there is no one who sheds tears for them in their own countries.
After they humiliated you the first go round, don't forget. :lol:


So you are happy about the little humiliation---but then what about afterwards---when the chechens were wiped out----. Thousands of chechen women raped and slaughtered---girls and boys molested and then killed---.

You 'muslims' are so disgusting and pathetic that you would want to clap your hands and laugh and make fun of the few obstacles that the opponent had---but you completely ignore the death and murder and slaughter of your thousands and thousand of men, women, children, boys and girls----you 'muslims are disgusting.
Whatever it is son, there are 15 active separatist movements in mother Russia, as we speak. We don't need to waste a bullet on a stupid bear. Im sure you'll love seeing petrodollars and Russian made arms flowing to them. They'll do what's needed.

Let's rock the stage homie ;)

I got your back.
After they humiliated you the first go round, don't forget. :lol:

They did'nt forget, hence they came back finished the job in '99. Pure decimation.

First of all, we call it the RSAF dude :lol:. Second of all, the Russians don't have the stomch to wage a war with Greece, let alone confronting great powers like France or the UK. :lol:
If Russia wants they will destroy SAF fighters in their own air space from Mediterranean. They have that capability and they are still a super power.
Even the countries who made those Eurofighters will not mess with Russians.

After what? slapping in a bath of blood? :lol: Don't you really think that was too much for the Russians to take?
They did'nt forget, hence they came back finished the job in '99. Pure decimation.

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