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Saudis Alarm Pakistan With India Outreach

Whatever helps Pakistanis stop looking upon Arabs as the chosen race, I will take it.

Infact, I think Saudi Arabia and India should sign a multi-billion dollar defence and economic deal.

Saudi Arabia and China are the only two countries that support Pakistan.

Once they start forming new alliances elsewhere, it will finally dawn on Pakistanis to change their disastrous course.

That only happens in your mind's eye my young friend ! Tis true that we like the Arabs in general and Saudis in particular but no one thinks of anyone as the chosen race or that they'd (even China !) would go the extra mile for Pakistan...no one does that...perhaps a trip back to Pakistan and interacting with the common Pakistani should be a good thing for you to do ! I'm sure we do a lot of things that need to be abandoned and many more that need to be changed but 'creativity' only goes so far and so a hint of realism may do you some good.

EVEN IF Saudia is planning to reach out to India, one thing I am damn sure about is that it won't be at the cost of Pakistan!

It absolutely doesn't make any sense to loose the support of Pakistan and cozy up with the infidel (kidding) :rofl:

What...? Do mine eyes deceive me ? What happened to the 'A-Rabs' and 'Parabians' and other such wonderful words...? What made you so tempered in your expression in the context of the Arabs and in particular the Saudis ? :blink:
Why would the Saudis rely on Pakistani Nuclear Weapons?

Saudis have USA and NATO to give them a nuclear umbrella from Iran.

And you really think Pakistan will start a war with Iran over the Saudis?

Are you been aware of the fuss started when there were news or atleast rumors of a possible attack on the holy place? Plus Israel being perceived as hostile by almost all muslim countries is known to have biggest influence in US while the NATO and europe are largely influenced by US . Currently iran is under focus but Saudi cant deny the threat they always had from israel like other arab countries , its temporary diversion . so they not only need protection against the potential nuclear threat from iran but also form israel in near future. All these factors make them not trust the US NATO for this role also the Saudi regime may be pro-US but they are aware of the fragile behavior of US , throughout the history US has changed sides form ally to enemy; enemy to ally in no time for her own interests so they are left with Pakistan . which has 3 convenient factors and reasons for them to trust

a) A muslim country , so will always oblige against any attack on Holy place
b) For a Holy place like Saudi Arabia , always have a soft spot and natural affiliation
c) A cash strapped country which always require some financial assistance, and saudis have been generous in some cases with provision of that in result they can ask for things which Pakistan may not have any harm in doing
Made in Pakistan Ummah concept is entirely different from what Quran teaches us.So please keep the religion out of discussion its has nothing do with Quranic teaching. Pakistan get paid for her services. Why Is the Pakistan Ummah concept varying from one issue to another.When its comes to Kasmir matter of Ummah but Ughir Muslim massacre is a internal matter of China???
Its all about stratergic goal thats it.

I have a strange idea, why dont we out reach India so other countries dont blackmail us by out reaching India
Why would the Saudis rely on Pakistani Nuclear Weapons?

Saudis have USA and NATO to give them a nuclear umbrella from Iran.

And you really think Pakistan will start a war with Iran over the Saudis?

THis is something I have always wanted to ask...
A terrorist is a terrorist after all and only in Indian imagination is Pakistan working to shelter known terrorists in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia hopes to improve ties with India by deporting an Indian national who is accused of involvement in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack and planning to extradite another.

Deporting an Indian national to India alarams Pakistan - very funny.
You should rather be alarmed on why your own nationals are turning guns against their "incredible India"

Disillusionment from years of Democracy and rising shining propaganda?
Before anyone gets too excited by these "developments", time to take a chill pill and see the Hand behind the scenes.

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

ONE OF the reasons also attributed to an overt American assistance is the death of six US nationals in the 26/11 attacks. If Jundal’s testimony stands out, it can possibly spell trouble for Pakistan. According to Lalit Man Singh, former Indian ambassador to US: “There is an American law that requires them to take action if its citizens are killed. That is why we saw more cooperation in the Mumbai attacks case.”

There was also another report where Indians officials admitted they were getting nowhere with Saudi Arabia and approached the US for help. It was US pressure, in the end, which forced the Saudi hand.
What...? Do mine eyes deceive me ? What happened to the 'A-Rabs' and 'Parabians' and other such wonderful words...? What made you so tempered in your expression in the context of the Arabs and in particular the Saudis ? :blink:

You'll be pleased to know that the A-rab stance has changed, I've upgraded it, and it's more refined now :) Last time I was bitching, wasn't aware of the recent Saudi progress, therefore took a trip to Saudi Arabia for two days (special visa: Courtesy Naval Intelligence). Met some academia, new kids and gauged their thoughts and perceptions. I was blown away by their grasp of geo-poilitcs and reasoning abilities. The old Saudia is dead, the new generation will be an asset for Pakistan as they have comfortably de-linked religion from progress!

Regarding my general A-Rab stance, well, you can call it an updated 2.0 iteration. Effective immediately, can now be referred to as 'Gulfees' = UAE << Seriously can't take their highbrow view of, well, anything!

The sad part is, money fixed Saudia and Kuwait, whereas, it destroyed the Gulfees. Don't know what could be the exact reasoning behind it, however, who cares!
Before anyone gets too excited by these "developments", time to take a chill pill and see the Hand behind the scenes.

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

There was also another report where Indians officials admitted they were getting nowhere with Saudi Arabia and approached the US for help. It was US pressure, in the end, which forced the Saudi hand.

There was a lot of pressure being applied by more than one country.

Ansari made the mistake of using an email address in Saudi Arabia that was known to those hunting him, officials say. Investigators tracked him and alerted Saudi police, who arrested him in May 2011. Diplomatic wrangling ensued. Finally, DNA evidence from India and pressure from Washington resulted in Ansari's deportation to New Delhi in June, officials say.

Saudi police arrested Ansari in May of last year. But Ansari insisted he was Pakistani, and Pakistani diplomats backed his story, officials said. The arrest remained a secret as bickering continued.

"The Pakistanis at a high level tried to bring out evidence that he was in reality Pakistani," the Indian official said. "They created a family history and everything. But we had a DNA sample and other evidence."

Militant Reaffirms Role of Pakistan in Mumbai Attacks - ProPublica

Ansari traveled to Saudi Arabia on a Pakistani passport in the name of Riyasat Ali to launch a recruitment campaign for future attacks against India. As detailed in the previous post, India-U.S. counterterrorism coordination appears to have enabled Ansari's identification and ultimately led to his arrest by Saudi authorities in May 2011. However, Riyadh was reluctant to hand him over to India for fear of upsetting Pakistan, where officials surely recognized the damage he could cause in the court of public opinion. In the past, any suspected militant traveling on a Pakistani passport would be sent back to Pakistan. In this instance, Pakistani pressure to reclaim custody of Ansari appears to have been intense, but so too was Indian and American pressure to secure his handover.

Riyadh ultimately demanded a DNA profile and other evidence from India to establish Ansari's Indian nationality. New Delhi was able to fulfill these requirements, but Pakistan could not show credible proof that Ansari was one of its own. The ability to make a strong legal case for handing him over and improved bilateral ties between Riyadh and New Delhi were undoubtedly important factors. But baser security concerns likely also were at play.

Pakistan's sticky wicket: The India-Saudi link - by Stephen Tankel | The AfPak Channel

The US certainly helped, despite Pakistani objections but the DNA evidence was very important.
You'll be pleased to know that the A-rab stance has changed, I've upgraded it, and it's more refined now :) Last time I was bitching, wasn't aware of the recent Saudi progress, therefore took a trip to Saudi Arabia for two days (special visa: Courtesy Naval Intelligence). Met some academia, new kids and gauged their thoughts and perceptions. I was blown away by their grasp of geo-poilitcs and reasoning abilities. The old Saudia is dead, the new generation will be an asset for Pakistan as they have comfortably de-linked religion from progress!

Regarding my general A-Rab stance, well, you can call it an updated 2.0 iteration. Effective immediately, can now be referred to as 'Gulfees' = UAE << Seriously can't take their highbrow view of, well, anything!

The sad part is, money fixed Saudia and Kuwait, whereas, it destroyed the Gulfees. Don't know what could be the exact reasoning behind it, however, who cares!

Shabash...my boy ! You're on the right track ! A little more guidance from Uncle Armstrong and you'd be perfect ! :D
Shabash...my boy ! You're on the right track ! A little more guidance from Uncle Armstrong and you'd be perfect ! :D

:sniper: Chacha Armstrong..

No, it's more to do with interaction. I need to visit Saudia and Kuwait more often and interact with the *educated* lot there. I have had several opportunities in the past to visit Saudia, invitations from KFUPM and later for my Turkish company to construct 5 tower complexes in Jeddah (this is just 5 months old offer). Always because of my own prejudices, I never considered going. After joining this board, I said what the hell, let's at least go check it out. Contacted an old Saudi colleague (HIGH UP - DOESNT GET ANY HIGHER) working with Aramco (worked previously with me at WesternGeco) and gave him a visit. Then we had some fun times out, socializing with the top-notch new breed of Saudi kids....... That's why!
:sniper: Chacha Armstrong..

No, it's more to do with interaction. I need to visit Saudia and Kuwait more often and interact with the *educated* lot there. I have had several opportunities in the past to visit Saudia, invitations from KFUPM and later for my Turkish company to construct 5 tower complexes in Jeddah (this is just 5 months old offer). Always because of my own prejudices, I never considered going. After joining this board, I said what the hell, let's at least go check it out. Contacted an old Saudi colleague (HIGH UP - DOESNT GET ANY HIGHER) working with Aramco (worked previously with me at WesternGeco) and gave him a visit. Then we had some fun times out, socializing with the top-notch new breed of Saudi kids....... That's why!

I think a little visit to the Punjab in general and Lahore in particular should be on your cards too ! Lets take care of that prejudice too, Khan Sahib ! :P

Khair jokes aside...greater interaction does seems to have a tendency of changing each others perception ! I wonder if the same would work in the 'Afghanistan-Pakistan' *and by Pakistan I mean the rest of us...instead of only the Pukhtoon Belt !)
I think a little visit to the Punjab in general and Lahore in particular should be on your cards too ! Lets take care of that prejudice too, Khan Sahib ! :P

I have absolute no prejudice against Punjab or Lahore. What gave you that idea? I love Lahore and Punjab to bits!

Oh... lemme think.... the problem is evident when you get into a measuring contest... then of-course.... mine is bigger... thicker... and..... :meeting:
I have absolute no prejudice against Punjab or Lahore. What gave you that idea? I love Lahore and Punjab to bits!

Oh... lemme think.... the problem is evident when you get into a measuring contest... then of-course.... mine is BIGGER :meeting:

Haaahaaaa...! Lets not go there...otherwise Elmo would lynch us or worse castrate us ! :D

Khan Sahib...koi construction Punjab mein hee karvaa dou ? Southern Punjab needs more of it ASAP !
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