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Saudis Alarm Pakistan With India Outreach

1. The Arab Spring has frightened the daylight out of these oil royals who have been totally and exclusively dependent on the Americans for their survival. The task of protecting them was given to the Karachi base PA formation - first a Bde, then a Div, and now a Corps HQ which is more like an Army Command. However, Pakistan is no more interested in such mercenary duties to protect highly unpopular ruling families. Moreover, the reality is that the Americans and Pakistanis are in a war of a novel kind that cannot be defined or explained with the conventional term of warfare known so far.

2. The Americans have therefore allotted the task to their new darling, India. It is now the task of Indian Southern Command at Pune to provide the security to these fat royals.

3. It was not astonishing to hear King Abdullah saying in Delhi that Dar ul Harb India should join OIC. Indian PM has visited S Arabia twice recently. Senior Indian military officers are visiting S Arabia regularly.
Whatever helps Pakistanis stop looking upon Arabs as the chosen race, I will take it.

Infact, I think Saudi Arabia and India should sign a multi-billion dollar defence and economic deal.

Saudi Arabia and China are the only two countries that support Pakistan.

Once they start forming new alliances elsewhere, it will finally dawn on Pakistanis to change their disastrous course.
Whatever helps Pakistanis stop looking upon Arabs as the chosen race, I will take it.

Infact, I think Saudi Arabia and India should sign a multi-billion dollar defence and economic deal.

Saudi Arabia and China are the only two countries that support Pakistan.

Once they start forming new alliances elsewhere, it will finally dawn on Pakistanis to change their disastrous course.

if saudi arabia desires to strength ties with India, they would have done long time ago. its just saudi/pakistani political game over India
I think its a good step from SA if its true. why should pakistan be worried of SA helping India nab the criminals and terrorists..afterall Pakistan is also fighting against terorism.
We must remember that in international politics, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.
sauides need PAKISTAN much more than we need them ,
suadia can never place india ahead of PAKISTAN.
And can we know why Saudi need Pakistan more Then Pakistan need Saudi.....I mean they have Petro Dollars,Europe,Russia,China,U.S,India and Arabs on their side.......So what do you have that Saudi can't get from others....
if saudi arabia desires to strength ties with India, they would have done long time ago. its just saudi/pakistani political game over India
That long ago India was not in top 10 economies and we didn't have America on our side as we were on soviet side and we all know that Saudi's don't go against America....
Saudi doing their bit in trying to apprehend international terrorists and mass murderers is only their UN resolution mandated duty. Saudi is just being a reasonably responsible state that opposes terrorism. This simple act being perceived as anti pakistan speaks very little of saudi but a lot about Pakistans own terrorism love affair.

This here is a real nugget.

Saudi is undoubtedly the spiritual and financial centre of most Islamic wahabi extremism.

It's this same support which Indians complain about when they talk about Islam or Pakistan in general.

But when the Saudis laughably throw Indians a few nuggets the indiana give the Saudis a CLEAN SLATE, lol.

Never mind the fact that the saudis have been with holding information from India for so long, and never mind that this cosying to India is only because of Iran!!

This is the unfortunate Indian mentality of some, no matter who screws you how can we blame pakistan?- that's the question.
1. The Arab Spring has frightened the daylight out of these oil royals who have been totally and exclusively dependent on the Americans for their survival. The task of protecting them was given to the Karachi base PA formation - first a Bde, then a Div, and now a Corps HQ which is more like an Army Command. However, Pakistan is no more interested in such mercenary duties to protect highly unpopular ruling families. Moreover, the reality is that the Americans and Pakistanis are in a war of a novel kind that cannot be defined or explained with the conventional term of warfare known so far.

2. The Americans have therefore allotted the task to their new darling, India. It is now the task of Indian Southern Command at Pune to provide the security to these fat royals.

3. It was not astonishing to hear King Abdullah saying in Delhi that Dar ul Harb India should join OIC. Indian PM has visited S Arabia twice recently. Senior Indian military officers are visiting S Arabia regularly.

U sir do have a point but i dont agree with u completly.
Saudis might have reached out to the indians but the ground realities tell other wise.
As of last couple of years, specifically after the north yemen fiasco. saudis have gradually phased out most of their western instructors and replaced them with Pakistani servicemen and women. the biggest example of which is the establishment of a mountain warfare school in khamis for the Saudis, manned by PA instructors.
So the Pak armend forces have as of last couple of years increased its footprint in saudi arabia.
The saudis did want a Pak Div. but due to the commitments of PA due to the war on terror, we could not spare any.

Bahrain is on the face of the earth after ALLAH, due to Paks help.
It was thanks to PA, which recruited officers and men from its reserve of retired men and shifted them within days. And it is they who brought order back to Bahrian.

UAE, Qatar and Oman have a large percentage of officer and men from Pakistan in all three services and in police, that also includes personal on deputation. More over all khaleeji nations have a large no. of retired armed force personal as advisers as well.

So unlike undia we dont like to advertise but it certainly does not mean that we are not in the know or not in control
EVEN IF Saudia is planning to reach out to India, one thing I am damn sure about is that it won't be at the cost of Pakistan!

It absolutely doesn't make any sense to loose the support of Pakistan and cozy up with the infidel (kidding) :rofl:
funny if indian thinks saudi arabia will discuss any political issue with them before doing it with pakistan in the first place.

Its not indians, the article states the pakistanis are alarmed. Why should indians be worried about saudi having close ties with pakistan or not? We definitely wish good ties with Saudi because of the economic relationship and because saudi is an important player and I'm sure saudis also have the same view of india. They also are courting us to convince us to scale down ties with Iran.

What would be funny is, if saudi thinks they can use india like they can pakistan. But i'm sure they don't. Because unlike pampered saudi citizens like you, saudi leadership can't be stupid.

And I guarantee you indian diplomats are not stupid, we are sons of chanakya :)
Its not about Saudi ditching Pakistan for india or anything like betraying or leaving Pakistan . For Saudi like any other country their own interests are more important than any relationship. Iran has always perceived by them as an anti-saudi country that works against their interests . For that matter they are trying everything to isolate iran form the rest of the world also being a country under heavy influence of US they are working on the same line. India being an importer of iran oil and having decent relationship with iran is not beard by them as a result they are making some fancy moves to tilt india's stance in their favor . Specially in the time US is getting pro-india and vice versa , Saudi being a pro-US regime its the most suitable time for them with a big yes from US

Also the report mentions that saudi has assured india for no oil shortages that means saudi is also assuring india for oil supplies which will again benefit saudi. India leaving oil imports form iran and importing oil form saudi both cases will favor saudi . The whole western world wants to cut off iran from the rest of the world and saudi being historically anti-iranian have found out a perfect time in it to play her card and take off all her frustration. They want iran economically down because thats when they will be able to cut-off the iranian influence in the region and will emerge more dominant in the region .

So its basically a diplomatic war for dominance .

As far as Saudi relations with Pakistan are concerned . atleast we have better of them due to our nuclear capability. Remember Iran nuclear potential is the most feared thing by Saudi and to counter that the only other muslim country is Pakistan we have long military co-operation with saudi and they know for them to be under the nuclear umbrella against iran and possible future threats they need to be good with Pakistan.

Its just a diplomatic step from Saudi to take the advantage of critical time
Its not about Saudi ditching Pakistan for india or anything like betraying or leaving Pakistan . For Saudi like any other country their own interests are more important than any relationship. Iran has always perceived by them as an anti-saudi country that works against their interests . For that matter they are trying everything to isolate iran form the rest of the world also being a country under heavy influence of US they are working on the same line. India being an importer of iran oil and having decent relationship with iran is not beard by them as a result they are making some fancy moves to tilt india's stance in their favor . Specially in the time US is getting pro-india and vice versa , Saudi being a pro-US regime its the most suitable time for them with a big yes from US

Also the report mentions that saudi has assured india for no oil shortages that means saudi is also assuring india for oil supplies which will again benefit saudi. India leaving oil imports form iran and importing oil form saudi both cases will favor saudi . The whole western world wants to cut off iran from the rest of the world and saudi being historically anti-iranian have found out a perfect time in it to play her card and take off all her frustration. They want iran economically down because thats when they will be able to cut-off the iranian influence in the region and will emerge more dominant in the region .

So its basically a diplomatic war for dominance .

As far as Saudi relations with Pakistan are concerned . atleast we have better of them due to our nuclear capability. Remember Iran nuclear potential is the most feared thing by Saudi and to counter that the only other muslim country is Pakistan we have long military co-operation with saudi and they know for them to be under the umbrella against iran they need to be good with Pakistan.

Its just a diplomatic step from Saudi to take the advantage of critical time

Why would the Saudis rely on Pakistani Nuclear Weapons?

Saudis have USA and NATO to give them a nuclear umbrella from Iran.

And you really think Pakistan will start a war with Iran over the Saudis?

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