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Saudi women refused entry to France for refusing to take off burkas


Feb 25, 2012
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The women were turned away at passport control in Charles de Gaulle airport on Monday for flouting France's controversial law banning anyone from hiding their faces in public.

A police official from the SGP-FO police union confirmed: "They refused to take their veils off, so they were turned away."

The Saudi nationals arrived at the Paris airport on a Qatar Airways flight from Doha at 2.30pm on Monday. The police official confirmed they had returned to Doha on Monday evening.

Nicolas Sarkozy's government instigated the law in April 2011 after the former French President described the burka as a "sign of debasement" whilst his immigration minister Eric Besson referred to it as "a walking coffin".

At the time, Sarkozy argued the ban was part of an effort to make France a more tolerant, inclusive society whilst preventing criminals from disguising their faces from security staff and CCTV.
However, Islamic rights campaigners have branded the ban "unconstitutional", saying that it persecutes moderate Muslims.

Women face a fine of up to 150 euros or enforced citizenship training if caught breaking the ban, whilst men who force women to wear the niqab or burka face a fine of 30,000 euros.

According to France's interior ministry, approximately 300 women were caught breaking the law during its first year in practice, however senior police officers have admitted that it is "unenforceable", and that "burka-chasing" is not high on police priority lists.

Similar bans have since been passed in Belgium and Holland and whilst there are no immediate plans to introduce one in Britain, the idea has been suggested by a number of politicians, including Conservative backbenchers.

Leaders of al-Qaeda's North African network have vowed to seek revenge if the law is ever enforced in France.

They wrote on an Islamic extremist website: "We will seek dreadful revenge on France by all means at our disposal, for the honour of our daughters and sisters."

Saudi women refused entry to France for refusing to take off burkas - Telegraph

Good Work by France. Even India should Ban this Crap.
I am on the opinion women should be free to wear what they want how they want... This rule is no different than the rule of forcing it.

At least KSA no longer forces it but France is doing the opposite.

Sarkosy was becoming unpopular and started to appease racists by laws like this. Its only a very small number of people who wear a burkha what is the big deal
Sarkosy was becoming unpopular and started to appease racists by laws like this. Its only a very small number of people who wear a burkha what is the big deal

Well French are world wide known for their snobbishness. However I am very against stereotyping but this law is just as bad as enforcing it. Making France no better than Taliban.

good,never ever let her inside France...

Thats why your country is worse and placed on number 20 in that G20 Canada thread for women.
Well French are world wide known for their snobbishness. However I am very against stereotyping but this law is just as bad as enforcing it. Making France no better than Taliban.

Funny Thing It is the Saudis themselves who are Supporting the Taliban. :lol:

Sooner or later Taliban will win and the crusader backed,heroin dealing, corrupt "government" will lose...
Well French are world wide known for their snobbishness. However I am very against stereotyping but this law is just as bad as enforcing it. Making France no better than Taliban.

No yaar I have a lot of time for them. They are normally known for tolerance romance and independent of America. It is just this Sarkosy toad that moved them to right wing and closer Americans. Have you noticed they have already started talking of moving out of Afghanistan

Funny Thing It is the Saudis themselves who are Supporting the Taliban. :lol:

Well so what? we all make mistakes?? Was it not a Tamil who killed Ghandi and Indians were helping Tamils??
good,never ever let her inside France...

Every person has a right to her choice - as long as it doesn't hinder or disrespect on anyone else. Is it because she is a Muslim or the fact she is a woman that you hold such views? Have a think events like this are sensationalized in the west to highlight and give ammunition to the "Anti Islamic Army". Tolerate others beliefs and religion and be respected yourselves.
Okay to Indians what about Ninjas??? Ninjas need to cover their face too this is how they make a living. Why do ninjas have to suffer just to take a jab at Muslims??
Okay to Indians what about Ninjas??? Ninjas need to cover their face too this is how they make a living. Why do ninjas have to suffer just to take a jab at Muslims??

Im sorry .. Did you say Ninja's? Like the medieval assassins? Am I missing something or are Ninja's a good thing in 2012? I think its safe to assume that if I see a ninja anywhere, Ima shoot em..
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