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'Saudi threatened to send back Pakistanis, reemploy Bangladeshis instead' Turkish President Erdogan

I hope India send some diplomats to GCC to present a compelling offers to provide more work force to replace Pakistanis in the gulf.
Didnt the Sangh folks announce "isolating Pak" movement since 2016? They were in power since 2014. Dont you think they have been such failures in this aspect to have not been able to convince GCC to replace Pakistanis with the superior, vedic genes, supa powa citizens
I am not sure how many opportunities Israel can provide to the Indians. If there are opportunities those should not be missed either. The more the better.
If only you knew what they call you... or what they think of you... a polytheist... if only you knew...
Let alone giving you guys jobs in their country...

As long as you guys stay far from them and follow their orders for a particular objective and do Biz in each others home... they will be ok with you...
Didnt the Sangh folks announce "isolating Pak" movement since 2016? They were in power since 2014. Dont you think they have been such failures in this aspect to have not been able to convince GCC to replace Pakistanis with the superior, vedic genes, supa powa citizens

I am pretty sure India has been trying but it also depends on what actions/counter actions that Pakistan is taking.

If only you knew what they call you... or what they think of you... a polytheist... if only you knew...
Let alone giving you guys jobs in their country...

As long as you guys stay far from them and follow their orders for a particular objective and do Biz in each others home... they will be ok with you...

Many Indians are poor and live in worse conditions. Small compromises to work in GCC could go a long way in improving their lives. Most of the Indians are realists and hard working.

Pride does not feed stomachs.
I had hoped Indians too were given a chance to replace Pakistani work force in the gulf.

First look at your internal Chaos, to send more workers you need to have a country, the situation in India, if everyone start taking up arms against the Union and demand independence, there wont be any India to send its labor to GCC .
I am pretty sure India has been trying but it also depends on what actions/counter actions that Pakistan is taking.

Many Indians are poor and live in worse conditions. Small compromises to work in GCC could go a long way in improving their lives. Most of the Indians are realists and hard working.

Pride does not feed stomachs.

Spoke about Israel... not GCC
First look at your internal Chaos, to send more workers you need to have a country, the situation in India, if everyone start taking up arms against the Union and demand independence, there wont be any India to send its labor to GCC .

True and fully agree. Peace and stability are necessary and important.

Spoke about Israel... not GCC

It does not matter which country it is. Be it GCC, Israel, China etc.. Indians are willing to make compromises to support their families back home.
'Saudi threatened to send back Pakistanis, reemploy Bangladeshis instead'
bong rikshaw builders to replace Pakistan engineers in Saudi defence industry? bong riot police trained for oppressing garment sweatshop workers to take over from Pakistani soldiers too?

did the NATO's lying mouthpiece erdogan elaborate on the mechanism for all this abrupt change?

that there trojan horse was trying to split Pakistan away from China/GCC and failed miserably, now is resorting to lying!
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That opportunity has gone since Pakistan did not attend and you clearly missed the memo.
However, the Saudi threat proves how vulnerable Pakistan is with only a $3 billion loan from it and labors working there only because the Pakistan economy has been shattered. Saudi should have been sympathetic to the Pakistani position because Turkey in Europe is the only Muslim-majority country that has been acquiring and learning technologies from other European countries. This could have helped the Pakistani economy. SA is not capable to do so, it survives on easy oil money.
The ordinary people of Pakistan DO NOT want to leave their families and go to work in Middle East or some other countries. But due the Corrupt Ruling Establishment of Pakistan, there are minimum job opportunities in Pakistan. Due to this, these ordinary people are left with no choice but to move and work overseas. If there were good opportunities in Pakistan, then people would not be in such a shameful situation that Pakistan's people have to beg for jobs from these fat, incompetent Arabs.

I keep on saying this again and again, that it is the corrupt Ruling Junta in Pakistan which has destroyed Pakistan and its people, they have enslaved people and given them to the Arabs as slave Labour. And till these blood sucking basta.rds are not hang via their balls, this country will never prosper and will always remain in the state of war and destruction.
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bong rikshaw builders to replace Pakistan engineers in Saudi defence industry? bong riot police trained for oppressing garment sweatshop workers to take over from Pakistani soldiers too?

did the NATO's lying mouthpiece erdogan elaborate on the mechanism of all this abrupt change?

that there trojan horse was trying to prise apart Pakistan from China/GCC and failed miserably, now is resorting to lying!

Idiot 4 million Pakistani Engineers are not working in defense industry of Saudi Arabia. Don’t forget Bangladesh is more literate than your illiterate people. Just would like to remind you that most of the Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia are piss poor labors.
Saudi state news agency SPA also reported that on a call with Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad, Saudi King Salman reaffirmed that such issues should be discussed through the OIC.
However, OIC remains an Arab Club where delegates come, sit, sip tea/coffee, and gossip without addressing major problems that the Muslim countries have been facing. OIC remains inactive on the issue of Rohingya.
Idiot 4 million Pakistani Engineers are not working in defense industry of Saudi Arabia. Don’t forget Bangladesh is more literate than your illiterate people. Just would like to remind you that most of the Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia are piss poor labors.
okay bong, thanks for clarifying!

I just realised that bongland has no shortage of fighter pilots hence it follows that you'd have an engineering corps too.

send em some of these too:

bd airforce.jpg
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