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Saudi ‘seeking Pakistan arms for Syrian rebels’

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Well nonetheless we aren't calling the shots and I agree our people don't realise their power but then we have to devise a strategy based on our people and tread a path that ensures their good. Expecting them to understand mere business and monetary benefits isn't plausible in my opinion.

I disagree. We need to proceed with Pakistan's national interests in mind. Half of our population doesn't know how to write lassi, how do we expect them to understand the world of geopolitics?. We need to develop a gigantic arms industry and sell them to anyone with money through shady deals as long as they are not engaged in combat against Pakistan.
I disagree. We need to proceed with Pakistan's national interests in mind. Half of our population doesn't know how to write lassi, how do we expect them to understand the world of geopolitics?. We need to develop a gigantic arms industry and sell them to anyone with money through shady deals as long as they are not engaged in combat against Pakistan.

Well you have a right to disagree but these shady deals can backfire and cause even more damage to us than benefits. Imagine the public sold out on the perception that Pakistan is supporting the Saudis through weapons?? The public won't bother about wanting to learn how to write "lassi" over their sectarian despisal because for now they believe that terrorists and certain political parties support sectarian violence but this move provides them with the pretext to counter the state who is providing arms for the genocide of their brothers and sisters in faith.
Well you have a right to disagree but these shady deals can backfire and cause even more damage to us than benefits. Imagine the public sold out on the perception that Pakistan is supporting the Saudis through weapons?? The public won't bother about wanting to learn how to write "lassi" over their sectarian despisal because for now they believe that terrorists and certain political parties support sectarian violence but this move provides them with the pretext to counter the state who is providing arms for the genocide of their brothers and sisters in faith.
Evry one sells weapons to Syria in some way.
That the Saudi's openly admit seeking weapons from Pakistan can only mean one thing in this case.
Pakistan made a choice and i'm sure thats what bothers you.
Well you have a right to disagree but these shady deals can backfire and cause even more damage to us than benefits. Imagine the public sold out on the perception that Pakistan is supporting the Saudis through weapons?? The public won't bother about wanting to learn how to write "lassi" over their sectarian despisal because for now they believe that terrorists and certain political parties support sectarian violence but this move provides them with the pretext to counter the state who is providing arms for the genocide of their brothers and sisters in faith.

Shady deals don't backfire. If we don't sell NORINCO will. People have short memories, they will go out beat the chests and calm down.

Evry one sells weapons to Syria in some way.
That the Saudi's openly admit seeking weapons from Pakistan can only mean one thing in this case.
Pakistan made a choice and i'm sure thats what bothers you.

Nawaz Sharif did.
Jordan will be providing facilities to store the weapons before they are delivered to rebels
  • AFP
  • February 23, 2014
Dubai: Saudi Arabia is in talks with Pakistan to provide anti-aircraft and anti-tank rockets to Syrian rebels to try to tip the balance in the war to overthrow President Bashar Al Assad, a Saudi source said on Sunday.

The United States has long opposed arming the rebels with such weapons, fearing they might end up in the hands of extremists, but Syrian opposition figures say the failure of Geneva peace talks seems to have led Washington to soften its opposition.

Pakistan makes its own version of Chinese shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles, known as Anza, and anti-tank rockets — both of which Riyadh is trying to get for the rebels, said the source, who is close to Saudi decision-makers, requesting anonymity.

The source pointed to a visit to Riyadh earlier this month by Pakistan’s army chief of staff, General Raheel Sharif, who met Crown Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz.

Prince Salman himself last week led a large delegation to Pakistan, shortly after Saudi’s chief diplomat Prince Saud Al Faisal visited the kingdom’s key ally.

Jordan will be providing facilities to store the weapons before they are delivered to rebels within Syria, the same source said.

AFP could not obtain confirmation from officials in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Jordan.

The head of the Syrian opposition, Ahmad Jarba, promised during a flying visit to northern Syria last week that “powerful arms will be arriving soon.”

Rebels have long said that anti-aircraft and anti-tank rockets would help tip the balance in the battle against Al Assad’s forces, which enjoy air superiority.

The nearly-three-year conflict in Syria has torn the country apart, killing more than 140,000 people, including some 50,000 civilians, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Saudi ‘seeking Pakistan arms for Syrian rebels’ | GulfNews.com

@al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @Aeronaut @Devil Soul @WebMaster

NATO should provide that.
Shady deals don't backfire. If we don't sell NORINCO will. People have short memories, they will go out beat the chests and calm down.

Nawaz Sharif did.
Lets hope he made the right choice(which i doubt).
He could have kept it a secret,makes you think.
This news coming out in open means that Nawaz Sharif has already made his mind. FSA will soon get the Anti-Tank and Anti-Aircraft guns made in Pakistan.

From a pure business POV, a very good decision. Will certainly help pakistani arms industry. What will it mean in terms of geo-politics, we will have to wait and see.
This news coming out in open means that Nawaz Sharif has already made his mind. FSA will soon get the Anti-Tank and Anti-Aircraft guns made in Pakistan.

From a pure business POV, a very good decision. Will certainly help pakistani arms industry. What will it mean in terms of geo-politics, we will have to wait and see.

Everyone is naked here.

Lets hope he made the right choice(which i doubt).
He could have kept it a secret,makes you think.

Would have been better if he had Zipped his mouth.
It says Jordan will be storing those weapons. Could this mean there had been a trade with Pakistan ? The second hand F-16s we recently purchased ?
It says Jordan will be storing those weapons. Could this mean there had been a trade with Pakistan ? The second hand F-16s we recently purchased ?

Those are the F-16s US owed us. Lets wait for more details before speculation.
Pakistan will NOT sell weapons to any group who might use the said weapons to kill Muslims, in Syria or elsewhere. :yes4: There is NO military solution in Syria.
Evry one sells weapons to Syria in some way.
That the Saudi's openly admit seeking weapons from Pakistan can only mean one thing in this case.
Pakistan made a choice and i'm sure thats what bothers you.

You aren't a Pakistani and If you were I am sure it would have bothered you as well considering how things function here.

Shady deals don't backfire. If we don't sell NORINCO will. People have short memories, they will go out beat the chests and calm down.

Nawaz Sharif did.

I hope it stays within their beating their chests and cursing the government though I am afraid it might not.
Why Saudi Arabia seeks military hardware from America, which is not only NOT a Muslim majority country, but one that is largely heathen by now, is totally beyond me. :yes4: How about a deal? Saudi Arabia stop buying weapons from the west, and Pakistan will supply weapons to the FSA for free. How's that sound?
You aren't a Pakistani and If you were I am sure it would have bothered you as well considering how things function here.

I hope it stays within their beating their chests and cursing the government though I am afraid it might not.
It would have for sure,somethings if done are better kept a secret.
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