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Saudi prince to build hotel in Tel Aviv

Please go and learn how Israel came into existence first.

wat does the coming of existence of israel have to do with kashmir. the zionist came and occupied the land that was muslim.
in case of kashmir the indian army came and occupied by the supposed mandate given to them by the princly ruler of kashmr at that point in time

no need to get offended just giving my 2 cents
PRINCE TALAL is a first line prince and he is the owner of HILTON HOTEL'S franchise in Saudia...his hotels are just opposite KAABA & MADINA MOSQUE..his hotel in front of KAABA was ordered to be destroyed into half by the than KING SHAH FAHAD as it breached the rules and entered sacred land..he's an investor...they have realised Israel is a reality now and Saudia & Pakistan have indirectly accepted it and Turkey and Egypt have directly accepted it...but Israel has very unstable tourism due to suicide bombings..the sheikhs are now in a hobby of building tall buildings excluding this one it can be clearly seen in Saudia & Dubai apart from it don't forget it is one of the hints of the day of Judgement.."the arabs who used to breed sheep will build tall sky scrappers."
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