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Saudi Prince spends $136,000 on a Bottle of Champange.

With the poverty in this world this kind of behaviour does seem a bit over the top. Yes he is entitled to spend his money as he sees fit. But sad that as a human he could be so extravagant with so much poverty around. Maybe the guy does good works and charity as well?
bin laden's name........fine but which bin of laden,huh????i think after Pakophobia,Kashmirphobia,Saeed's phobia.ISI phobia another phobia is in india and its now bin ladin phobia.We can do something with above mentioned phobias but not any thing with bin laden phobia b/c he was or is whatever Saudi citizen although his nationality was cancelled but still his soil was Saudi so.its up to to Saudi brothers.And it would be very very.......... humble request to my Saudi brothers to cure his phobia b/c whatever you r neighbour of Pakistan and in Islam neighbours have lots of rights.:agree:

Some people have "Bin" phobia which actually only means "son of" when used in names.

I know a person his name was Ahmed bin Abdullah he had a factory named after "Bin Abdullah + (name of the product)" in Dubai and had good business mainly in US and Europe. After 9-11 his business with that part of the world went really down and the reason was that his business partners started to relate his company with Bin Ladin due to the "bin" in the company name, he thought of a way around to the issue and changed the Bin to Ben which resulted in the name becoming Ben Abdullah + (name of the product), but the loss was already done and he had to close down his factory.

P.S. Names mentioned above are fictional due to privacy reason.
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